Live Above The Influence and Laugh At People.

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Sounds cruel to laugh at someone who doesn't (live above the influence) but I've tried it and its actually enjoyable.

Now, I don't mean for you to be dying with laughter while someone is dying of an overdose. That's some evil type of shit.

I'm just saying "For Fuck sake, relax will ya?!"

You can't control everything that happens around you. You bests get use to it, mista. I realized first hand you don't have to be holding a beer or/and any drug to have fun. And its a good thing not to. People are evil things now a days. I'd rather be sober and be able to help a person who isn't if it comes down to it. Anit-Bully over here, thats who I am. Plus I've seen some stuff that freaked me out.

My best friend got high at a party once and claimed her fingers were trolls. She drove pass my house five times, making circles. She was freaking out, I was freaking out! I made her stay at my place because she lived far out in the country part of my town and I did not want anything to happen to her when I could have stopped it. . .

That type of stuff you don't relax about! 

Other then that. . . If one of your home boys gets wasted and tries to sneak a kiss on you. You can laugh at his lame attempts. Its okay. Ha- and when he tries to impress you by dancing and falls over. . .

That ever happen to you?


So yeah.  Do like the title to Gym Class Heroes' song and "Live A Little"

p.s -Its one of my favorite songs from them by the way. Great for hell whole called TrackPractice.

Word Of Mouth/Advice From RokkNinjaKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat