The Truth About Confidence.

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If you don't have it you can't fake it. . and if you have it, it doesn't mean your showing it.

It maybe I just suck at it. My experiences in theater told me so. I'm good at sitting their and reading from the script. Very good at it actually but if it comes time to get on stage and really act out the scene I'm given, I shrink.

I stutter. I take unnessary breaths and I can not get the words out.

all the while the whole class is watching me and probably wondering how the hell I got into the Studio class. The top theater class of high school.

1) I remember lines well, can read them to you good.

2) I'm good at ideas

3) I'm good with directing.

that's it. I have no amazing acting skills.

Honestly I think I'm in here because she needed a black kid to feel racial balanced and I'm the only one who actually came back after the beginners class.


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