And This Is Why. . . I'm Never Having Kids

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Over population

High living costs


The end of the world

Diapers and shit

All of the above are reasons I will more then likely never have a mini me running around.

I'm not that selfish enough to bring a kid into this crappy world. Everything is corrupt these days. Have you guys seen those Disney Conspiracy videos. I'm guilty of not going to church often but- Damn! That scared the Jesus into me. I actually wanted to read my Bible from cover to cover.

Seriously, some Nickelodeon shows were made for 14+ ages. Haha. . . No wonder I laugh so hard at their jokes! They were meant for me and I'm freaking 18!

Anyway,  I feel like if I wanted the responsibility of raising another human being, I would adopt. There are so many children who don't have the opportunity to achieve much and actually grow in their youth because their in the system. The system is corrupt. No lie. I would love to be that person who helps create a better world for a child who started with nothing.

Most would want their own blood first but I'm okay with adopting instead of having my own. Of course, I'm going to need then to be potty trained because- and don't judge me- I can barley deal with my own shit.

I've got 19 cousins and a nephew. I'm the fourth oldest of the grandkids and I've took apart in the smell and changing of all the younger ones asses. My nose has had it with that crap. (Drum line)

That's all I ask- A kid who know how to flush. . . and isn't already staring down at me from where he/she stands. . .

Long story short, I told my family that I'd get my vagina removed when ever I got the chance.

Word Of Mouth/Advice From RokkNinjaWhere stories live. Discover now