My Pickle-less life.

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I don't know if its a compliment that I'm eighteen and haven't seen a guy's Woohoo in person or a shame that I can't even call it what it obviously is.

Now, I don't count the time during summer break that my big sister mad my "play" boyfriend flash us in the movie room of the boys and girls club. What a role model she is huh? If only you could see her now. You know, back on my first day of freshman year and her last year as a senior she gave me some advice.

She said, "Kyree, your a highschool student now. More importantly, your in school with me (not technically because freshman had their own building/center on the campus. really we justs shared the cafeteria at breakfast but that's beside the point.) and I have a reputation to hold. (Yes she was one of the popular kids and I was her estranged little sister.) so I'll say this once so you can't say I never gave you any advice."

Me: "Ohkayy?"

Her: "Don't drop your panties at the front door."

It took me all year to understand what she meant. And can I give her a round of applause for her because She went above and beyond to teach me - a young girl starting high school- a life lesson/warning. I can't say that much for any of the other older girls I've meet in my school life.

Now, I might have taken her advice too literally because I'm the senior now- She got a baby and so does like four of my friends. . . AND I STILL HAVEN'T SEEN A GUY'S DICK UP FRONT.

Not that I'd know what to do when I saw it. Haha porn doesn't tell you that much.  I am dying laughing right now.

*Wipes away imaginary tear from eye*

So I figured if I don't see one at the end of my freshman year in college. . . I'm trying out girls.

-and the scariest part of that sentence above is I am so fucking serious. Because they seem to be attracted to me for some reason. Like, they know I haven't got the "D" yet.



Word Of Mouth/Advice From RokkNinjaWhere stories live. Discover now