Why I'm not looking for Love... yet.

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Todays relationships kill me. I'm lost at how two can just automatically start "Dating" or be in a relationship , not knowing key things about one another.

Call me unothodox but for me to be with a guy.... their has to be a firendship status. No I'm not talking about being friends on facebook or following eachothers twitters and Ig/snapchats. I mean a true friendship! To be able to say, "Hey, we've been friends for a while." or "I feel like I know you."

-Because to me, you can't run if you haven't learned to crawl yet. That's why I feel like so many people's relationships fail.

We broke up. She/He wasn't the person I thought they were.

Well, duh. Cause you don't know em'. You have to be able to sit there with the person and talk to them with out all the romancing and love first. -because what happens when that goes out the window? Answer: you end the relationship.

I want to be able to say we were friends first. Rather its a 3 month friendship or three year friendship- it a very important time and it sets up the bond to keep any other 'ships' sailing strong through it all.

Through a friendship you can learn so much about a person. What they like or don't like... their future plans or goals... they're life style- if your ok with all of those.

Even family. Ask any of my friends -those that are left-  and they'll tell you about my family. Even if they haven't yet meet some, they know about them. Its a true friendship because I can sit with them and tell them about an event I had with family and they can comment and say stuff like,

Wow, I can't believe your grandma did that. she normally wouldn't

Ha, you cousin's a true character (they're funny)

You always messing with her. Lol you need to quit playing!

Things like that work out well for relationships because when it does come time to meet the folks, they will have already met them and had they're own bonds with family because of past friendship or they'll be prepared for the first meeting.

Maybe its just my character, my personality that does this though. Every guy that I've ever liked, they've been my friend and not just some guys who I seen at a party and thought was cute.

I just want to say that the guy I eventually date will be someone who I truely commuinicate with. That if we ever get married... I would have married my best friend.

That the ultimate relationship goal.

Strive for that. Not this weak shit today's world had placed in your head.

Word Of Mouth/Advice From RokkNinjaWhere stories live. Discover now