And This Is Why. . . My Window Is Forever Closed

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I live the struggle, kay?

And I am the only person in my house who doesn't have a freaking ceiling fan in my room. even if I did, I probably would never turn it on while I sleep because I'll wake up with my throat feeling like a dessert. . .

I have a window, though and I'm terrified to open it while I sleep because. .  . well the screen came off when we snuck my sister in the house - it was to surprise someone, not everybody is a delinquent, you bastard-and I get this vision that if I do so open the window. . . that I'm gonna wake up to some bug. . .

Chilling on my face.

A big ass bug, just sitting on my fucking face eating a bag of chips I left out by my bed. That's how I see it.

-And that is why I'll never open my window at night.

That and the fact that our closet neighbor who lives right across the street as been to Arkham Asylum dozens of times. He's like on some Joker crazy shit. He burned the side of his house and graffiti-ed the other half. And he sits out side on the curb in his wheel chair every other day and waits for one of my family members to come outside so he can harass us to annoyance.

I did one day, and it was when my hair was colored pink and he said I was a ugly cheerleader. Then my aunt came out in her XXL white onsie and he told her she was built like a bad dream.

I laughed so hard it gave me nightmares that night.

So pretty much bugs and the Joker across the pavement are my reasons for burning in hell in my room at night.

Word Of Mouth/Advice From RokkNinjaWhere stories live. Discover now