My Life So Far

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Here I am, eighteen, in the process of looking for scholarships and finding a job, while studying for SATs/ACTs and hold up standards for AP classes- which I come to find out after four years, aren't even going to help me graduate with honors). . . All the while No one else is doing what their fucking suppose to. I've got a mother who thinks she's a teenager- throwing bitch fits about a kid who doesn't even live with her anymore (that's me.) and and older sister who's staying with her mother and is to worried about getting her little sister to pay her phone bill to reach friends, instead of asking for Money for new born diapers and shit like that.


I am stressed as it is. I'm seasonal depressed- this being the season for it- and detached from everything a teenager is suppose to be doing. I don't even have a license because I don't have the time to take out of my day and go do the damn driver's test. Friends? Fuck them. They don't care about anyone but themselves. Their fake- at least the ones I know.

All liars. They worse liars then me and that's saying a lot.

This shit is pretty sad and i'm being very petty right now but. . .

Fuck, who has time to deal with all this shit?. My weekends consist of trying to catch up on homework and getting in rest from my lack of sleep of the weekdays.  

It's Sunday!

The only reason i'm able to even type this shit is because I know I've got so much homework I'm giving myself  a five minute break to procrastinate.

My five minutes is up now.

Word Of Mouth/Advice From RokkNinjaWhere stories live. Discover now