Chapter Thirty-Five

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A/N: Hey all. So, I know this update is a bit short. But, I wanted to write some cute Stelena after reading my TL on twitter and finding out that the TVD episode once again was a total shit fest! Anyways, this update is all Stefan and Elena. I will be getting back to Datherine and Klaroline in the next chapter. :)

Enjoy & Thanks so much for all the love you guys shower me with in regards to this story.

Must Love Dogs Chapter Thirty-Five

"Daniel." Stefan said, leaning against the kitchen counter and playing around with the toothpick in his mouth. Elena sat on the couch, her legs resting on the arm rest across from her as she flipped the baby book in her hands over and rested it against her stomach.

"Frank." She said flatly, hearing Stefan nearly choke on the toothpick. "That sounds like a mobsters name. I am not naming my son, Frank. He'll get his ass kicked out on the playground."

"Fine, how about.." Her voice trailed off as he watched her tap her fingernails against the hard cover of the book. "Sebastian." Elena simply stated, watching as Stefan rolled his eyes, slipping off his shoes and making his way to the couch Elena was laying on. He sat on the edge of the coffee table again, snatching the book away from her and flipping through a few more pages for himself until he spoke. "Sebastian sounds like something he can name his pet crab whenever we decide to get him one."

"Stefan! It's a cute name." Elena argued, rolling her eyes back at him and leaning back into the couch cushions. It had been a long day, and now and an even longer night. It was a little past 10:30 and Elena could hardly wait for this debate about baby names to be finished, they had been going at if for the last two hours. Elena turned her head slightly, staring at Stefan who was too engrossed into the baby names book which Bonnie had given them as a house warming gift and early baby shower present.

"Benjamin." Stefan suddenly blurted out, smiling at the name and turning to look Elena over as her eyebrows lifted. "What do you think about that name?" He asked as his hand slide off the page and he proudly grinned at her.

"Isn't that a clocks name in London or something? Klaus, would know. He'd probably also laugh if we named our son, Benjamin." Elena commented, shaking her head as she thought about Klaus and Caroline. She missed them, truthfully, she missed them all terribly and couldn't wait to have the baby so that they could move back to Florida, the place she had been the happiest.

"Fine. We'll have everyone call him Ben for short. But, his birth certificate will say Benjamin Salvatore." Elena sighed out deeply, reaching out her hand towards Stefan until he grabbed on to it and stroked the top of her hand.

"Okay. So, Ben Salvatore it is." Elena confirmed with a small smile, locking her eyes on to Stefan's green gaze and inhaling sharply as she added. "I've missed you so much." She watched him lean in towards her, kissing her cheek as he whispered into her ear. "I've missed you too."

Elena pulled back, securing her eyes on to him as she licked her lips and formed a serious facial expression. "You know the one thing we haven't done in our new place is christen it yet." Elena said with a mischievous stare as her nails racked across the back of Stefan's neck, the simple gesture sending goosebumps down his spine.

"Elena, a little reminder, babe. You are 7 months pregnant. Remember how we got into this whole thing to begin with?" Stefan asked her smirking, running his finger over her cheek while she blushed at the memory of them being together in his office and in the Porsche.

"Yeah. But, we could easily recreate all of that. You know, sex is perfectly fine when you're in the last stages of pregnancy." She argued. Not even really sure if that was true or not. But she was surely pretty damn desperate. Stefan noticed as she tried pushing herself up from the couch so that she could get closer to him. He stood up, brushing off his pants as he extended out his hands and helped her to her feet.

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