I pat him on the back to indicate my presence.

"I got this." I tell him as he turns his attention to me.

He nods to me and then turns back to glare at Jaden once more before walking away.

He waits for me to come outside, but I just lean in my doorframe.

"Yes?" I ask.

"I tried to call you, but you didn't answer. Justin was telling me you were asleep so I decided to come see for myself."

"Well I was asleep. I just woke up; but you can ask anyone here since you probably don't believe me."

Jaden sighs.

"I didn't mean it like that."

"Yeah you did and don't expect an it's okay because it's not okay. You always get jealous and then lash out and I'm tired of going back and forth with you. "

"I'm tired of it too." Jaden interjects.

"Good.. I think we need a break. I just need to step away from the constant fighting for a little while.. And I think you need time to think about whether or not you want to be in a relationship with me because I'm beyond tired of this."


"Jaden what? And don't tell me that bullshit excuse, 'I get jealous because I care.' Because I get jealous too, and even though I'm jealous you don't see me acting irrational."

"But I realize that now."

"Now's a little too late." I mutter while letting out a humorless laugh.

But he either disregards or didn't hear my comment.

"After I went home I actually comprehended what I said to you and how I reacted and if I could take it all back I would."

"That's a step in the right direction, but I don't know. You always say that, but then a couple weeks later we're back to how we were before and it's a never ending cycle that I don't wanna be in."


"Jaden I honestly don't have time for this right now. I have to take a shower so I can take Peyton somewhere."I sigh while turning to walk further into my house.

"You got your drivers license?"

"Yeah. I was waiting to tell you in person so I could show you, but you decided you'd rather'd fight." I shrug purposely trying to make him feel worse.

"But I'll talk to you later, I guess."

"Stella-" Jaden starts, but I was already closing the door and I didn't feel like dragging out the conversation anymore.

"That was the calmest break up I've ever seen." Brandon steps out from the corner.

"We didn't break up. We're just.. Taking a break."

"Still." He pushes himself off of the wall.

"I'm sorry I didn't entertain you." I roll my eyes and Brandon laughs.

"So are you and Peyton really going somewhere or was that an excuse?"

"No, Brandon it wasn't an excuse. I'm going taking her on a spa date."


"You don't wanna come?" I ask him jokingly while walking upstairs.

"Nah I'm alright." He says and I laugh.

I start walking upstairs and then I remember my cereal.

I run to the kitchen to find my cereal's already soggy.

"Man." I groan.

"Let me make you something." Justin says as he walks into the kitchen and sees the frown on my face.

"What do you have in mind?" I ask him.

"I was gonna make an omelette and wrap it in some tortilla bread."

"That works, I guess."

"Don't get all high maintenance on me." Justin tells me jokingly.

"Getting into spas for free and shit." He gives me a look and I laugh.

"Shut up, I'm not high maintenance."

"Whatever you say Stella Sierra Smock."

"You know what, move. I'm gonna make us breakfast." I push him out of the way and open the fridge door.

"No, no you don't have t-"

"No! You wanna talk so I'll do it."

He grins and leans on the kitchen counter.

"Come on future Psychiatrist, you should know a little but about reverse psychology." He winks.

"I hate you." I glare at him.

"I love you too." He wraps his arm around my neck while smiling down to me.

"I didn't say that." I say while peeling Justin's arm off of me.

"Now come on, I have to leave in an hour and a half." I tell Justin.

So Justin chops the bell peppers, onions, and tomatoes while I cut up bologna.

Afterwards I whisk up the eggs while Justin sautés the veggies on the skillet. I add the bologna up with the veggies and then add seasonings to the eggs.

Lastly I add the eggs to the skillet while Justin lightly toasts the tortilla bread in a pan.

After the eggs are done Justin cuts them into four even sections and place them into the tortilla bread and add crushed red pepper to it.

We call everyone into the dinning room and we all eat and talk for like half an hour before Peyton and I went upstairs to get ready..


"What should I wear?" Peyton asks me.

"Something casual."

"Are we indoors or outdoors?"

"Indoors." I say while pulling on my dark gray sweater over a loose gray tank-top. Next I pull on my black shorts and my knee high socks.

"So are you gonna tell me where we're going."

"Nope." I smile while pulling on a brown vest.

"Stella c'mon!" She whines.

"I already told you, wait until we get there!" I tell Peyton while putting on my microphone necklace.

She just sighs while putting on her tan ankle boots.

"Well I'm ready." She gets up from her bed and dusts herself off.

Peyton's wearing what looks like a black and red cute casual dress, but is really a black tank-top tucked into a scarlet skirt.

"Ok." I sit at the edge of my bed and put on my gray booties.

"Let's go then."

I quickly put my hair into a curly messy bun on top of my hair and grab my big black purse as I head downstairs.

I find Brandon and Justin playing on the Playstation again.

"Okay, so who's gonna drop me and Pey off?" I ask them.

"Here." Justin throws me his keys.

I look at the keys in my hand and the back up to him.

I decide not to question it.

"Okay. Bye guys!" I grin.

Justin has NEVER let me drive his car without him in the passenger seat, so this is huge!

I sit in the drivers seat and hug the steering wheel.

"Uh... Stella?" Peyton asks.

"Oh yeah, right!" I snap back to reality, put the key in the car, put my sunglasses on and carefully start driving to the spa.

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