Chapter 26

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Rae's POV

I did as Cora said and didn't stop running. At least not until I was miles away from wherever Keir and his pack was inhabiting. But I felt myself tiring and weakening. Which lead yo me slowing down.

"C'mon Rae. You can do it." I said to myself, trying to be motivational. My feet were sore and my muscles were aching painfully. It had been hours and the sun was beginning to rise. I figured I shouldn't shift because Its easier to track. But I knew my wolf would have more strength in wolf form.

I did my best to clear my mind, picturing my wolf. Then all of a sudden my bones began to ache, but not shift. I convulsed in pain and collapsed to the cold dirt. My veins glowed gold again and I watched in confusion, it spread down my arms and legs.

I flexed my fingers, watching my skin slowly return to its normal tone. My muscles ached, however it was like my wolf had retreated and I could barely feel her.

I gulped nervously and cautiously pushed myself back up on my feet. I stood fine, but I wouldn't be trying shifting again. My nerves were still throbbing from the pain.

Looking around anxiously, I tried to listen for signs of civilization. And to my relief I could hear a distant sound of cars driving. It pushed me to carry on. Stumbling forward over the uneven ground.

Once I emerged from the treeline, the blinding headlights of vehicles whizzing past on the highway hit me. I covered my eyes from the brightness, fumbling backwards and falling on my ass again. In that moment I was able to look down at myself realizing the state I was in.
Dirt covered my legs and my clothes were absolutely rank.

I was positive I looked utterly insane sitting here at the side of a highway. But I was near actual people, which meant there was a chance of getting home. Finding help was the problem though. And for some reason I couldn't shift, which created even more issues.

I took a deep breath in and steadied myself back on my blistering feet. My first option was to follow the highway until I came to a road stop, or seven-eleven. And as I walked I tried to ignore the fact anyone driving last was judging me. A homeless looking druggy.

I was positive I walked for hours, my entire body on the verge of collapse. I would have given up, considering how dark it was if it wasn't for the lights of the buildings in the distance.

Relief flooded over me and a glimmer of hope flickered within me. So I pushed forward until I was off the highway. I was hesitant to not go into the convenience store, that must have been Candian because I didn't recognize the name, due to the state I was in. I also didn't know I could possibly ask for help. I could tell anyone about my situation and I had no money to use a pay phone.

So I stayed away from the door and sat down on a curb around the side of a store. I just hoped no smokers decided to join me.

"I'll be right back, Sirena." A kind, strong voice called as a car door opened. The man was dressed in a tux, the bow tie untied and draped over his shoulders.

"I just want to get home, Ollie. I want to be home!" A sweet and hurried person called after him, also getting out of the car. "You fill up and I'll get some snacks. Want anything?" She snipped at the guy.

"You know those... rich people short bread things?"

"Millionaire short bread?"

"Yeah, thanks hun."

"Don't hun me, Oliver!" The lady shook her head and got out of the car. She wore a fancy gold dress with sequins all over, tassels at the bottom, and high heels clicked after her as she walked towards the gas station door.

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