Chapter 25

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Rae's POV

The food they gave me caused me to gag and I wondered if they wanted me to starve myself.
That seemed the better answer compared to inedible goo they supplied. I was also terrified they'd out something in it. Wether it be poison or something to drug me out in cade Keir felt the need to torture me. And I couldn't risk getting ill or injured. But if I starved myself any longer I would surely make myself sick...

I hadn't had any contact with any of them for a week now. I was beginning to smell. Bad. So was my room and it only compelled me to escape sooner than later.

I knew Declan had no way of finding me, so I wasn't waiting around for someone to save me. Because no one was.

Although I still had no plan set in stone. There was no way I could see getting past the guards. If they saw me escape, I didn't know what Keir would do to me.

I jumped in surprise when the door swing open and two guards entered my room—prison cell. I stood frozen in wait of knowing why they were here.

It was then I noticed a large syringe in one of their hands filled with ofd looking yellow liquid. I backed up immediately when they stepped forward.

"Its nothing harmful." One guard shrugged, approacching me.

"Why should I believe you!" I retorted, hitting the wall.

"You're not in a position to fight us on this, sweetheart." The other scoffed, grabbing both my arms to secure me. I instantly screamed, doing my best to fight him. Squirming my arms out of his hands. But his grip tightened much firmer then expected me seeth in pain. He held me back against his chest, keeping me in place.

My squirming helped nothing and the other guard managed to insert the needle into my upper left arm. I seethed a hiss and moved my body more to get them to let me go. They finally did and I stumbled for balance.

That's when I glanced down at my left wrist as my veins turned the colour of the liquid. I flexed my hand at the strange sensation. My nails suddenly formed into claws, before returning to ny human fingers. I watched my other wrist in confusion when it did the same thing.

My arms felt weak all of a sudden, the colour remaining in my wrists.

I didn't feel any drowsiness or pain... but this was a clear sign I had to go. Tonight.

So I waited, without any interruptions thankfully, until nightfall. Until it was pitch black outside. It was overcast so the moonlight was hidden by thick dark grey clouds.

And my only option was the window.

So I used any strength I had, which wasn't much, to bust through the glass. And after many attempts I made a hole. My hand was now bloodied and I seethed in pain. But I kept going. Using my pillow, I scraped away access glass so as not to cut my skin anymore.

When most was gone, I looked out to see the height of my soon to be jump. I felt dizzy at how high it was. I was never good with heights.

I swallowed my fear and carefully swung my les over the ledge, sitting on the pillow. I clutched the wall to keep me stable.

I didn't think you could break your legs from this height. And I was positive my wolf would assist me. I pressed my lips tight together to muffle a scream that wanted to escape when I pushed myself off the sill.

The cold night air bit my skin as I flew to the ground. My wolf did help when my feet hit the ground but I still crumbled to lay flat on my stomach. Pain shot up my legs but I didn't think anything was broken. I sucked in a deep breath and shakily stood up.

No broken feet.

I assessed the situation and was thankful for the bush hiding me. From where I stood I could see the forest in the distance that seemed farther than when I was in the room. But that was my best option.

So I crouched and crawled the length of the house. Getting a better view of the treeline. But there were so many wolves on patrol. I'd tried not to dwell on that... but I couldn't get caught.
"You got out."

I spun around in surprise and regret, only to find Cora standing behind me. Her eyes were slightly narrowed and she crossed her arms.

I once thought she was a prisoner to Keir, like me. But I was wrong and she was good at playing the innocent card.

"You're trying to escape." She come ted gin and looked past me. "I can help."

"Like I would trust you. You lied to me before."

"I had to... but... you treated me like a real
person. Not just bait. You wanted to help me, so I'm helping you."

Saying I was surprised was an understatement. She helped Keir kidnap me. Why would she want to help me escape.

"Do you want to leave or not!" She snapped quietly "because we have to hurry."

I nodded and she instantly gripped my wrist. She pulled me to be crouched again and lead me around the house. The guards weren't bothering to look our way.

"They're not coming after us." I muttered, looking behind me as we began across the grass. And still they somehow didn't see us...

I tripped over my feet, trying to keep up with Cora as we approached the treeline. She pulled to duck behind a tree, gripping my shoulders.

"I can keep you hidden for a time, but don't stop until you cross the border."

I opened my mouth to speak, before registering what she had said. "Border? Where exactly are we?" I had wanted to assume it was still the UK. Or I hoped it was.



Cora shot a hand over my mouth and narrowed her eyes. "You have to leave now. Quick." She shoved me lightly and I fumbled to stand up. I took one last look at Cora before starting into a sprint through the thick forest. 

I was so far from anywhere I called home and I wasn't sure what my plan was now to get to real safety. But for now, I heeded Cora's advice and didn't stop running.


Declan's POV

The wood split under my fist as I slammed it against the table. The temporary pain that shot up my hand was the distraction I needed from the mess going on inside my head.

"Look, were doing all we can—"

I lifted my eyes to meet Markus's. "Well it's not enough! You should be able to get a trace! So don't stop until you do. Keir isn't this hard to find."

He took a deep breath and nodded. "Yes Alpha."

I tensened my jaw and clenched my fist, storming out of the meeting room. My feet hitting the hardwood echoed down the corridor filling the palpable silence.

My vision went blurry and before I could stop it tears pooled in my eyes. My emotions were haywire and I felt out of control.
Of myself and my wolf.

I went rigid and quickly wiped under my eyes before turning around to see Hayden walking towards me.


"We'll find her."

"I know." I growled with a bitter sadness and crossed my arms. "It's only a matter if we find her before or after Keir has gotten to her."

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