Chapter 3

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"Rae, Rae wake up." I fluttered my eyes open and was startled back to see my mom standing over me. My room was dark and the blinds tight shut over my windows.

"Wha—what happened? Declan? Is he alright." I sat up as my wolf blurted the worried words out of my mouth.

"He's fine. Still sleeping, which is why I'm waking you," my mom whispered, sitting on the bed.

"Just tell me. And... what time is it?" I asked slowly reaching across my queen size bed for my phone. As I did I grabbed my pair of glasses and slipped them over my eyes.

It read 8:23.

"Cole, he's here picking you up for school. You didn't tell him you didn't need a ride." My mom sighed keeping a cool head.

That made one of us.

"Oh crap. Oh dear goodness." I tucked my knee's up to my chest. "Shit. What do I do?"

"If Declan sees Cole's hands around you... he'll... well lets just say mates don't take these things very well."

"Yes I understand that. Why can't you just tell Cole I'm...  sick." I huffed.

"You can't miss school and if he sees you at school he will ask questions." My mom sighed, looking pleased. "You will just have to break up with him now."

"I... I can't do that." I mumbled, before I heard a faint knock on the door upstairs. She looked so happy. She really disliked Cole and she was glad to be rid of him.

"You have to and you will. You have a mate now, and that is who you will be with."

I had never heard my mother so stern.

"I—I know that. But..." I began turning away from facing my mom. "You cannot blame me for being a little scared."

"I know you are honey, but it gets better. Now please tell Cole to go before Declan wakes. I would rather not have a fight break out or a dead body."

"Hardy har." I smirked sarcastically. She gave me knowing look as she got up from my bed before leaving my room.

"Please just sort this out." She sighed closing the door behind her.

Shit. I mumbled, slowly crawling out of my bed. I grabbed a pair of black high waisted jeans and a grey long sleeve and quickly pulled each on. My glasses fell onto the bed as I grabbed my bag. I waved it off, and headed out my room hoping that I could hurry up the situation.

I quietly walked up the stairs so not to wake the still sleeping Declan, and soon enough my hands were around the door handle. I slowly unlocked it then swung it open to reveal a smiling Cole.

"Hey babe." He chimed pulling me into a warm hug. It felt so strange and awkward. I hated this. Not the feeling that I no longer get any connection towards Cole, but that I was hugging someone other than Declan. Even though I had only ever held Declan's hand.

"Hi Cole." I mumbled, pulling away. "We have some time before school, could we... Uh, talk."

"Sure, is everything okay babe?" My wolf screamed in anger every time he called me that. She really hated the fact it wasn't Declan.

"Just know, I really wish I didn't have to do this," I mumbled folding my hands in my lap as I sat down on a small stone bench on our front porch.

"Babe, whats wrong? Please... I don't want to—"

"We have to... break up. I'm sorry." I furrowed as I argued with me wolf.

I wanted to stay with Cole, but my wolf was only pleading for Declan.

Alpha Dominance: ✔️ EDITINGHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin