Chapter 15

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Rae's POV
I rolled onto my side, my hand stretching out absentmindedly. My hands stroked the empty side of the bed, where I expected Declan to be. I was slightly disappointed, but got over it quickly. My eyes flickered around the room, seeing a bouquet of yellow roses sitting on my bedside table. I blushed, sitting up to get a better look. They smelled amazing, and there was a small note attached.
-Happy Birthday. Meet you downstairs at ten.
I sighed at the little amount of words he used. The thought was interrupted by the sound of the door opening.
Before I could think, Meghan leapt onto the bed, "Happy eighteenth birthday!"
"Ha, thanks M." I chuckled, accepting the firm hug from her.
"Woah, those are beautiful." Meghan was looking at the roses, as she scooched off the bed.
"Yeah," I sighed, chewing my lip.
"Oooh, what are these?" She gasped, looking to Declan's desk. I frowned, pushing off the bed to see what she was looking at.
I bit my lip as we both stood over my desk. Declan must have had someone by the right attire for today, because there was a pair of brown riding boots on the floor, and forest green riding pants hung over the side of the desk. Along with an black athletic type long sleeve shirt.
"You're going horse riding?" Meghan squealed, clapping her hands over her mouth.
"Yeah, but... the last time i did that I was what? Ten." "That's so romantic!" She sang, admiring the clothes. "When are you going?"
"At ten--"
"That's in fifteen minutes. Hurry up and get changed." She grabbed the clothes, shoving them into my arms.
She pushed me towards the ensuite bathroom, shutting the door firmly. I rolled my eyes, smiling at her as I undressed and changed into the attire. The pants were tight, but comfy. The shirt was warm, and I was thankful seeing how cold it was here in the mornings. Once dresses, I looked into the mirror and pulling my hair up to a ponytail. My wavy hair fell down my neck, and I loosened strands of hair in front of my ears. Pleased with how the clothing looked, I exited the bathroom.
"You look great. He will be impressed." Meghan winked, scanning me up and down. "Now, get down stairs."
"I feel bad leaving you. You came all this way..." I frowned, walking over to the bed and pulling on the boots.
"It's fine. We will celebrate your birthday later. I'm hanging with Markus soon anyways." Meghan blushed slightly.
"He's not your--"
"Oh, no. He isn't my mate, but I enjoy spending time with him. He probably has his own mate anyways." Meghan shrugged, sitting on the edge of the bed.
"Oh, okay. I don't think he does actually. There aren't many females here. Declan always has everyone busy doing jobs around the house, that or training." I sighed, sitting next to her.
"I see." Meghan shrugged, "Well, you should go find Declan. And Have fun. Also, I don't think he would mind helping you with riding, milk it and make it even more romantic." Meghan winked at me, before walking out my room. I rolled my eyes, standing up and following where she went but turned right. In the direction of the stairs.
"Miss Luna." I turned around at that. "If you could follow me, I will take you to the Alpha."
"Oh, alright." I pursed my lips, as I followed a broad man. His voice was deep and he also had a thick Irish accent. I still wasn't use to not hearing american accents. They must have thought it also strange though when they heard me. We walked down the hallways, and came to another long staircase. We descended, then eventually came to a large wooden door. The man opened it for me, to reveal a dimly lit stable. As I stepped through, I noticed the may stalls. Each one containing a large horse. I scanned the room, and my eyes fell on Declan's back as he stood by a tall, broad cream coloured horse. The horse whinnied as I appeared in front of it, and declan turned around to see what it was moving about for.
"Hey," Declan smiled, holding the horses reins stroking its mane to calm it. "This one's yours." He nodded to the horse, and I felt very small compared to it.
"He's beautiful." I gasped, walking up to meet them. I reached my hand up and stroked the horse's snout.
"His names Quill." Declan sighed, watching me.
"Where's yours?" I smiled, meeting his eyes.
Declan handed my the reins to Quill, and gestured for me to follow him. I slowly lead Quill, and he followed graciously down the aisle between the stalls.
He Nodded to a large horse standing outside, tied to a post. It was almost pure white, with a long white mane. It kicked its hoof against the ground, as Delcan walked up to it, tightening the saddle strap.
"Wow." I sighed, meeting Declan.
"This is Solas." Declan gave a small smile, looking over his shoulder at me.
"She's... beautiful." I reached out my free hand to stroke her mane. As I did, I felt Quill's breath on the back of my neck, and looked to see him standing over me.
"Let's get going, before someone comes and need me for something." Declan smirked, unwrapping Solas' reins around the post. He looked at me expectantly, "You know how to get up?"
"Wha-oh yeah." I nodded, stepping around Quill's head, grabbing the saddle with both hands. I slipped my left foot into the stirrup, and hoisted myself up. I comfied myself in the seat, and noticed Declan had done the same.
"Follow me." He smiled, before clicking his tongue on the roof of his mouth, getting Solas to start walking. I nudged my leg in Qills ribs, and he started forward. The wind was cold in the air, and it hit my bare face.
"Don't we need helmets?" I asked, stepping up beside Declan.
"Who did you ride horses with? We don't need helmets." He scoffed, looking over at me.
"I suppose not." I furrowed my brow, looking ahead of me. I had gone riding with my father, who believed in being over safe. We rode away from the castle, and I looked behind me to see we wee on the other side of the castle. We weren't near any forest or roads.
I watched as Delcan kicked his leg, and Solas sped up her pace. I quickly followed as we galloped across a bare field of grass. I felt safe enough on Quill to do so.
My hair flew back, leaning forward as Quill galloped quickly and we were catching up to Delcan. There was something so freeing about riding a horse.
After about fifteen minutes, I watched Declan hold back his reans, causing Solas to slow down. I followed his action, stopping to a slow trot up to Declan. The sound of waves crashing against cliffs filled my ears and I smiled at how calming it was.
I looked out before me, to see we had stopped by cliffs. It was cold, and I slightly shivered from the early morning air.
"Happy Birthday, Rae." Declan sighed, maneuvering Solas so they stood beside us, with him facing me.
I only smiled back, distracted by the water below us. Declan swung one leg over Solas, and planted his feet on the ground. He reached his arms up, grabbing my waist helping me down quickly.
I smiled at him, once my feet hit the earth firmly. He linked our finger together, leading me away from the horses towards the edge of the cliffs. The water was far down, but the temperature dropped.
I wrapped my free arm around my chest, beginning to shiver slightly. Suddenly, Declan let go of my hand, and wrapped his arms around my waist. His body heat radiated on to me, and i immediately warmed.
Bless the little things that come along with mates. I thought with a smile, hugging my arms around his.
We stood like this for sometime, before either of us said anything. "You ready for next Birthday surprise?" Declan mumbled into my hair.
I turned around quickly, Declan keeping his hand around me. "I suppose..." I bit my lip, meeting his beautiful, bright eyes.
"Let's go." He sang, pulling back towards the horses. I climbed back up onto Quills back, and followed Delcan back to the house with a quick pace. I was excited and nervous to know what else he had in store.
We eventually arrived back at the stables, and I hopped off Quill, and lead him back over an open stall that had a gold plate with his name engraved. Declan tied Solas to a post inside, and helped me tie up Quill.
"Alright, c'mon." Declan smiled at, taking my hand and beginning out of the stables. "Did you enjoy riding?"
"Yeah, It was great. It had been too long since I last went." I answered, for once feeling completely and utterly comfortable without using the mate bond as an excuse.
"Well, lets hope you like this equally as much." Declan squeezed my hand firmer, as we continued outside around the grounds. It was slightly warmer out as the sun was now high in the sky. After a few minutes, Declan stopped by a small door in the wall.
"What is this?" My brow furrowed, as he opened the door.
"It's a secret passage to our room." He smirked slightly, reaching his hand out for me to enter the door.
"How many secret passages in this house are there?" I chuckled, beginning up a narrow staircase.
"It was designed for quick escapes. So, there are many. Maybe one day I'll show you all of them." Declan chimed, his hand lightly holding the small of my back as he followed me.
I looked over my shoulder and smiled at Declan. "So, You said yesterday we would get to know each other some more. And I think it's my turn." I sang, as we reached a landing. And a long corridor.
"Ask away." Declan chuckled, walking up beside me keeping his hand on my back.
"Alright, let's see," I pondered thinking what else I wanted to know. "Oh, I know. Which do you prefer, books or movies? And whichever one, what is your favourite?"
"That's two questions," Declan pulled my closer into his side, raising his brow at me.
"You can ask me two next time. Now answer." I laughed, shoving him lightly.
"Okay. I prefer... both, I suppose. My favourite movie would have to be... It's A Wonderful Life, and book... Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy." He nodded, giving a side smile.
"Those are two very different genres." I chuckled, noticing a far off light growing as we approached further down the corridor. ¨But I have to say. Those are two good favourites."
¨Alright, my turn." Declan perked up, looking down at me. "If you could go anywhere in the world, where that place be?"
I was taken back by how passionate he sounded as he spoke. I stayed quiet, thinking of the answer. Before coming here, I had only ever gone a short road trips to nearby packs in America.
"Oh... I would probably have to say... Greece. Somewhere in greece with a beach view, and cliffs you can explore." I sighed, imagining myself in the Crete islands.
"Alright." Was all Declan said, before we reached a small door. He opened it to reveal our walk in closet. I hadn't even noticed there was a door.
I walked away from him and stepped through the closet door, audibly gasping at our room. Declan rushed to my side and we stared at the room. The blankets were in a bunch on the floor, pillow feathers falling to the floor. The drawers to our bedside tables and Delcans desk were open wide.
"Declan..." I held my hands over my mouth, as he pushed past me.
His face was stern, but blank as he must have been mind linking some one. Second later, the two men who usually stood out our room stormed in.
"Alpha-" One man started before Declan lifted his hand for them to stop.
"If you left your post, you will have hell to pay. Someone who wasn't your Luna or I, has been in this room. How did they get in?" He shouted, his fists clenching.
"We never left the door. No one came through the doors." One of the men spoke.
"And no one came through the window." The other said firmly.
"I don't care if you didn't see anyone. I need to know why someone has gone through this room." Declan yelled, reaching his arms out gesturing to the room. "Get someone to clean the mess. I don't want to hear anything till you have answers." He grabbed my hand, pulling me past the men,and exiting through the doors.
I stumbled behind him, at how fast he was walking. He didn't stop until we reached another door, pushing it open angrily. It was another fairly large room, with a walk in closet but no ensuite bathroom. The blankets were white, on a king sized bed.
"There are some changes of clothing in the closet." Declan finally let go of my hand, and ran his hands through his hair.
"Declan," I mumbled, walking over to the closet seeing a few pieces of clothing hanging up on the closet. I grabbed a pair of black legging and a white T-shirt.
"They got into our room." He huffed, beginning to pace across the floor.
"No one got hurt--" I frowned, hugging the clothes to my chest.
"How did they get in?" He met my eyes and I could see anger in his. "Shit." He slammed his hand on the wall, making me jump.
"Please, talk to me." I spoke softly, reaching out my hands to hold his face gently. He stood still and faced me. Staring intensely into my eyes.
"If they got into our room, I don't know if the can get into somewhere else in the castle." His voice was low, and raspy.
"What are you hiding from me?" I frowned slightly, retreating my hands before he grabbed my wrists in his.
"I don't want to tell, you and ruin your birthday." He sighed, wrapping his hands around my own.
I let out a breathy chuckle, "If I'm to be the Luna, I should know. I don't care that it's my birthday-"
"Tomorrow. I'll tell you tomorrow, I promise." He brought my hands to his lip, and kissed them lightly. He smiled at me, and I nodded slowly. "Now, No one will interrupt us unless important. Let's finish your birthday surprises."
I chewed on my lip, thinking of what he could have possibly be worried about. Why did people want to break in? Were they looking for something? Did they find something?
All these thoughts flooded my mind as I disappeared in the closet to change out of my riding clothes. I pulled on my T-shirt, just in time before Declan walked in and pulling on a pair of black jeans. I felt paralyzed staring at his back, as he reached up grabbing a black long sleeve. He turned around, pulling it over his head just in time to see his abs.
"Alright, c'mon." He side smirked, taking my hand and leading me out of the bedroom.
As we walked, a warm delicious smell wafted around in the air. I smiled, inhaling it and closing my eyes in content.
We hurried down a flight of stairs, until we reached a short hallway. The smell thicker, making my stomach rumble.
"What is that?" I chimed, as we turned a corner to reveal a fairly large kitchen.
"That's dinner." Declan chuckled, letting go of my hand and walking over to the counter.
"For my... birthday?" I gasped quietly, hoisting myself up to sit on a large island in the middle of the room.
"It's a special occasion. So it's a special dinner." He chimed, as I watched him grab an assortment of ingredients for something from the cupboards.
"What are we doing in here if dinner is already being prepared?" I smiled, leaning back against my hands.
"Meghan mentioned you enjoy baking. So, I was thinking we could bake some cupcakes." He smiled, turning around to face me and place ingredients beside me.
"Really? I love this." I exclaimed, wrapping my arms around his neck to hug him as he stepped in front of me.
"I'm glad." Declan placed his hands on my hips, as I hugged him. In seconds, I kissed him gently, before pulling away quickly.
"Sorry." I mumbled, retreating my arms. He said nothing, he only kissed me back firmly. His hands wrapping around my back pulling me closer. He kissed me passionately, and I kissed back. My hands on his chest, still sitting on the counter. My legs on either side of him.
We hadn't kissed like this before now, and I had never been happier. The stubborn wall I had put up, melted away as my body lit up with sparks.
He pulled away, placing kisses down my neck. My hands grabbed his back,and in euphoria I let my head fall back. Until I felt his canines retract, and linger over the crook of his neck.
My wolf howled, wanting for him to mark me. I also wanted him to, but I knew I wasn't ready for the next step after that. The next full moon was in two weeks, which means I would go in heat in two weeks. I could be ready by then, and I would be able to handle one or two heats.
"I'm ready..." I mumbled quietly, and Declan pulled away from me to gaze into my eyes.
His canines still showing, "Are you sure?"
I nodded, and in seconds I felt his teeth bare and dig into my skin. I bit on my lower lip in agony and pleasure at the same time.
I few moments later, Declan pulled away, and I felt a small amount blood trickle down my neck. My hand shot up to my neck to feel a soft scar forming.
I met Declan's eyes, and I felt tingles shoot up along my skin. His hands stayed tight around me, as he smiled.
"Let's make the cupcakes now." I chuckled, loosening my arms around his shoulders. But he quickly pressed his lips to mine before stepping back and grabbing measuring cups.
I couldn't help the warmth creeping up my neck, and pushed off the counter to stand beside Declan. My hand absentmindedly going to the knew mark on my neck. It felt large in the crook on my skin, and I couldn't help but smile thinking about it.
I tapped my fingers on the counter, as Delcan began to measure the flour, along with the other drys.
He dropped the sugar, then walked over to the fridge. "Darn. there's no milk here. I;m going to get some from the basement pantry, do you mind staying here?"
"Go ahead. I can start on the tray and wrappers." I smiled at him, and before he left he kissed my lightly. This was nice. I was happy I finally felt at home with him. I watched him disappear behind a door, before turning to the cupcake tray on the stove top.
I sorted out silver foil wrappers into two pans, the room was quiet until someone cleared their throat, making me jump.
I whipped around to see Declan's mother--Laura standing by the doorway. I stood there awkwardly, before she spoke, "I was looking for the cook." was all she said, her expression unreadable.
"I--when we came down here, the kitchen was empty." I mumbled, pressing my palms against the counter, leaning my back against it.
"We?" She raised a brow looking at me.
"Uh... Declan and I." I bit my lip nervously, wishing he hadn't left me alone.
"Ah, I see. Well, if you see the chef let her know I was looking for her. I need to go over the dinner menu." Laura glared at me slightly, but it was interrupted by Declan walking into the kitchen from the stairs, holding a carton of milk.
"Hi mom." He smiled, looking between us in turn.
"Your mom was looking for the chef to check the menu." I forced a smile, watching Laura.
"Uh... why?" He frowned, Passing me the milk. I placed it the fridge quickly, then turned back to face them.
"I wanted to change a few things. I thought of something else for the appetizer." She said plainly, and I watched Declan as his jaw twitched.
"I chose the menu specifically for Rae. As its her birthday." He growled quietly, folding his arms.
"I'm aware, but there other guests at this dinner--" Laura hissed, before Declan lifted his hand for her to stop.
"Don't disrespect your Alpha. This is no longer your house, find father and help set up." He growled, surely using his Alpha voice.
Laura's jaw tensed, before she turned around and walked back upstairs slowly, her back straight. Declan stormed towards the the fridge, and grabbed the milk again. He poured it angrily into the sugar and butter mix, his jaw still tensed. He grabbed a whisk, beginning to stir the mixture at an extremely fast pace.
"Can you pour in the dry mixture?" Declan looked at me for a few seconds, then back at the batter.
I slowly poured as he continued to stir, keeping my eyes on his. "Are you--"
"I can tell my mother is being hard on you, and I don't want her to ruin your birthday." Declan sighed, letting the whisk rest on the side of the bowl and looking down at me.
"It's already been amazing. I won't let one person ruin that." I sighed, placing my hand on his bicep.
He nodded in response, grabbing the batter and talking it by the stove, next to the trays. We were both silent, as Declan divided the batter in each wrapper, before popping the trays in one of the ovens. There were three, which I thought was excessive but a large pack like this, it was probably necessary.
After shutting the oven door, her leaned back against the counter. "We can decorate them when they're done." He gave a weak smile, obviously still distracted by the break in and his mother.
"She said... there are other guests. Who... uh, are coming?" I mumbled, folding my arms across my stomach.
"Some pack members that I can introduce you to, Avery, Meghan, and Markus. Along with my family." He gave a small smile, reaching out his hand, rubbing my arm warmly,
"Your siblings?" I asked, a smile tugging on the corner of my lips.
"Possibly." He sighed, pulling me lightly into his side, wrapping his arm around my back.
I hugged my arms around his torso, burying my face in his chest. We stood like that for what felt like hours, but was only about twenty minutes because we were interrupted by the beeping of the oven timer to tell us the cupcakes were ready.
"What about icing?" I asked, as Declan pulled the cupcakes out and placing them on the stove top.
"I had someone make it, ready for us." He smiled, opening the fridge grabbing two bowls, one with pale pink icing and the other with baby blue. "Let's get decorating." He smiled genuinely. I couldn't help but beam back, at how excited he seemed.
I loved the way he softened at the thought of baking. We would have to do it more often.

A/N Hope you enjoyed this chapter, don't forget to vote!

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