Chapter 17

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A/N I'm back!!! Writing has been slow for me, just because I have one other book on the go, and planning for another. Also, at the end of January I have exams which means studying. so in the next few weeks I may be down to publishing only once a week. I'll do my best to be on time.

I hope you enjoy this chapter though. Its shorter this time, and I hope to make the next one slightly longer. 

Rae's POV

"It's just us. You can talk to me." I sighed, kneeling down in front of Cora was sitting on her bed with her legs swung over the side.

"What ever I tell you, you will go and tell the man." Cora muttered, looking into my eyes with a serious glare.

"Do you mean the Apha--Declan? He only wants to help you." I smiled up at her, hoping to falter her firm stare.

"No. I was warned to stay away from him. If I tell you anything, he will use it against us." Cora hissed, slamming her hands on the bed on either side of her.

My brow knit at her words, "Who is the us you are speaking of?" I asked quietly, making Cora's eyes widen with concern.

She shook her head, "I cannot say."

"Did they send you?" I asked, lifting myself up from the ground. "Is the Alpha, who Declan fights against, the one who sent you? For information on us?" I spoke quickly and to the point.

"If I tell you anything, he will harm me." Cora mumbled, covering her face in her hands. I could see her trembling ever so slightly.

"The Alpha?" I frowned, stepping away from the bed as Cora nodded her head slightly.

I walked towards the door, taking one last look at Cora. she was so young to be dealing with all of this, yet again, I was as well. Sure I was going to be a Luna, but I wasn't ready to be dealing with Alpha rivalry.

I stepped into the hall, and shut the door behind me. I turned to the guard but Hayden was standing in front of me in their place.

"Hey." He smiled, his hand shoved into his pockets.

"Oh hi." It had been awhile since we talked and something about him made me feel safer. "There was supposed to be someone guarding the door."

"He should be back soon, I was helping him out. How did it go?" Hayden asked, leaning against the door. A small smile tugged on the corner of his lip as he raised his brow in question.

"Not great, but I got her to talk a little bit. I'm sure Declan could decipher them." I smiled back. A strange warmth filling inside of me as we talked.

"We... should talk. Somewhere private." Hayden stepped closer to me, holding my arms.

I furrowed my brow, inching away, "about what?"

Before he could speak, my name was called from down the hall.

"Araelia," I whipped my head around to see Declan walking towards Hayden and I. He always had perfect timing when it came to Hayden and I meeting. "Glad to see you're done talking with the gi--Cora. The pack members are waiting for you." Once he reached me, he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me lightly back down the hall.

I glanced back at Hayden, wanting to carry on speaking with him. I never got the chance, Declan always happened to interrupt us.

"Bye... I suppose." I gave a weak wave at Hayden, as I walked down the hall with Declan.

He removed his arm from my waist, and hung it over my shoulder keeping me close next to him.

"If you dislike or distrust Hayden, why do you keep him as Gamma?" I mumbled, looking up.

Declan sighed loudly, hanging his head back. "He joined are pack when he was young. Around... the age of fourteen or so. He worked his way up and I owe him as much to have him as my Gamma. There's just something about how he came to us and the way he is with you." He glanced at me, leaning over and kissing the top of my head making a smile grow on my lips. "I just feel safer being around if you ever need to talk to him."

I nodded slowly, carrying down the hall till we reached a wide hallway to a set of double doors into the meeting hall.

I paused, causing Declan to stop. I remembered what Cora had said to me.

The Alpha would harm her.


"I... I don't think I can repeat what she told me. I promised what she said would be in confidence." I muttered, slipping out of Declan's arm.

"We have to report to the rest of council—"

"She said someone would hurt her if she spilled the truth." I bowed my head hugging my arms around my stomach.

"The Alpha? The one I... know?" Declan whispered, stepping closer to me and holding my arms.

"I... I don't know. She... she also mentioned how if you ever found out about why she's here, you would harm her." I stared at Declan with pursed lips.

"If she puts the pack or you in danger, then of course I'll harm her." He growled, placing his hands on his hips.

"She's just an innocent girl-"

"She's distracting you from the fact she works for Alpha K--" Declan stopped, before he mentioned the name.

I took a deep exasperated sigh in. "I'm not going into that room."

"I've been contemplating this for a while, but I think we need to send Cora away. She's clearly all better and no longer injured in some way." Declan growled, taking a step away from me. "She doesn't belong to this pack."

"She has nowhere else to go-"

"What kind of Luna are you? She has her own pack in England. If you can't protect this pack, then how can I trust you to be a good Luna?" Declan hissed, flailing his arms out beside him.

I pursed my lips, taken aback.

He was right.

I nodded slowly, walking hastily past him. I jogged slightly down the hallway, realizing my room was half across the castle. Plus Declan would know I would go their, but not like I could hide from him. I didn't want to hide from him though.

I carried on taking turns at corners though I didn't know where they lead. I just carried on.

After a few minutes, I came to a dead end stairs case that went down a floor to a door. I looked around, beginning quickly down the steps.

Once I reached the door, I tapped my knuckles against the dark wood.

No answer came and I tried the handle. It twisted open, and I pushed open the door to reveal a large open room. I fumbled my hands on the wall looking for a light switch. I finally found it and flicked it on to reveal a room filled with gym and training equipment. A slightly shredded punching bag hung in one corner over a large black mat. Across was a weight rack, beside a bench press.

There were scratches and dents all along the steel like walls and down to the floor as well. I stepped into the room, walking to the center observing every aspect.

I furrowed my brow, turning to look at everything when I caught Declan standing in the corner of my eye.

Like I said, I couldn't run or hide from him.

"I wished you would never see this room. I must have forgot to lock it." He sighed, bowing his head and shoving his hands in his pockets. 

Hope you enjoyed and don't forget to vote!

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