Chapter 16

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Rae's POV

I watched Declan from across the island as he focused on the cupcake he was decorating. His brows were furrowed as he spread icing around the top. We were almost finished decorating all the cupcakes, and it was nearing six a clock.
I bit my lip, as a smile tugged on the corner of my lips at how adorable he looked. He moved onto another cupcake, and my eyes flickered to the bowl of icing next to me. I scooped my knife into the icing and aimed it in Declan's direction. I flicked it forward and watched as the icing flew across and landed on Declan's cheek.

His eyes looked up and met my own, his brow raised playfully. I chewed on my lip, as he straightened his back. His jaw twitched slightly, grabbing a dish towel to wipe off the icing.

"Whoops." I pouted sarcastically, shrugging my shoulders.

Declan shook his head slightly, walking around the island slowly. I back up once he reaches the side I stood on, watching him carefully. He used his own knife to scoop up icing, and in a matter of second he rushed forward with his wolf speed and spread the icing on my nose. I gasped quietly, and fell into a fit of laughter. 

"Whoops." Declan smirked placing the knife down and leaning down close to me. I bit my lip nervously, as I stared into Declan's eyes.

They flickered down to my lips, and he moved in closer. His breath fanned my face and I lifted myself onto my toes. He pressed his lips to mine, and his hands held my hips. I smiled into the kiss, before someone cleared their throat. I rushed away from Declan and looked around him to see a older women standing across the island.

Declan rolled his eyes back, before turning to face the women, "Yes Alice?" he sighed, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"I'm here prepare and plate the dinner." She smiled, looking at Declan then me.

"Of course, we'll get out of your hair." I nodded at her, walking around Declan. "Sorry about the mess... Alice?"

"It's no problem. I'll get someone to clean it up. You just get ready, and Happy Birthday Luna." She smiled widely at me. She seemed like a kind and friendly women.

"Thank you, Alice. Dinner smells amazing." Declan linked our fingers together, and lead us out the kitchen. Before we left he grabbed a cupcake, handing it to me then taking one for himself.

I took a bite out of the cupcake and smiled, "This has been the second best birthday ever." I met Declan's eyes, and he raised a brow at me.

"Second best?" I asked sounding taken back.

"My seventh birthday was the best. I spent the day with my parents and... brother," My voice dropped at the mention of him. "We built a blanket fort in our basement and spent the day watching my favorite movies. It was just really fun."

"Well, I'm honoured that this is a close second." Declan squeezed my hand, finishing his cupcake.

I nodded slowly, as we walked back up the stairs, reaching the main floor. There were a bunch of people rushing around, preparing something. "What is happening?" I frowned, looking up at Declan seeing him equally as confused.

"No idea--" He stopped, as his mother walked in looking focused. "What are you doing?" He directed his voice to his mom as we approached her.

"I'm organizing the decorating for dinner. I've also talked with people, and we were thinking the Luna ceremony could happen soon now that you're eighteen." She looked to me as she spoke, and Declan's hand tensed around mine. 
Before Declan could argue, his name was called out.

"Declan we have news on the break in and on the information." Markus came walking quickly down a hallway.

Declan looked from Markus, Laura, and I in turn. He let out a frustrated groan, letting his head fall back. "We," he pointed his finger at Laura. "will talk about this later. I'm sorry, but I have to go. You just relax until dinner." I smiled down at me, placing a kiss on the top of my head. "Alright, what are the news." He let go of my hand and walked to Markus' side guiding him back down the hall. They both walked with determination.

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