Chapter 12

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My hands grasped the window sill of the main entrance hall, as I watched a a silver SUV drive up to the steps of the castle. I Smiled from ear to ear pushing away and running outside. I hurried down the stone stairs to meet the vehicle, as the passenger door swung open.

"Oh my-- Rae!" Meghan's soft voice filled my ears, and she ran around the vehicle greeting me with a firm hug. We continued to squeal like twelve year old girls at a Justin Bieber concert. My eyes glanced away from Meghan and I saw Avery standing behind her. I pulled away from the hug and hugged Avery.

"I am so glad you guys are here!" I exclaimed, pulling Meghan into the hug.

"Oh. my. A castle!" Meghan screamed, as we all pulled away. I only laughed and gestured for the two to follow me. "You are living like a queen."

"Not exactly. But it's... its fine." I sighed, thinking of the past week I'd had.

"Fine? This is beyond amazing!" Meghan shrieked, as we ascended the stairs to the large front door. Two guards opened them for us and we entered the castle. Meghan was speechless as she gawked at the interior.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned o see Avery looking at me with a concerned look.

"We can talk later, if you'd like?" He sighed, giving a kind smile. "I'm sure Meghan will be otherwise occupied still in awe of the place." i chuckled at Avery's comment and nodded at his question.

"I'd love to." I smiled, though it quickly fell as I noticed Declan standing in the shadows by the main staircase.

"You have to give a tour. How big is this place?" Meghan gazed at our surroundings. She always had a taste for the high life.

"Its... big. That's all I know." I smiled. Relieved that my two best friends were finally here. I was no longer alone accompanied by total strangers.

It had been two day since we found the mysterious girl in the woods, and she showed no sign of waking up anytime soon. Declan had become a tad more distant because of meetings and other Alpha duties. I had tried to become closer, though he wasn't showing any attempts of trying himself. Though, his or another pack members eyes were constantly on me, with the worry that whoever poisoned me would come back. Now that Meghan and Avery were here, the stakes were higher.

"We're taking there bags up. Would they like to follow us to their rooms?" A pack member asked me, gesturing to Avery and Meghan.

I looked between the two, and they nodded in reply. "Lead the way."

Two pack members ascended the stairs and Avery and Meghan followed, with me behind them. One foot stepped up, until I felt a hand take my own.

I glanced over my shoulder to see Declan walking t fall in step with me.

"Your friends will want to get settled. Come spend some time with me." Declan said shortly, tugging me gently to a stop.

"I'm not leaving them to just get settled." I rolled my eyes, slipping my hand away.

"Their fine. I don't have anymore meetings for the rest of the day." He sighed, turning me around and grabbed my waist. My hands were placed on my chest, and I leaned onto him. My eye line was even with him as I stood on the first step.

"If you wanted to spend time with me," I smiled, leaning my face closer to Declan's "Then don't be an ass, and abandon me. Also, as your luna I expect to be at meetings. I thought it was honored title." I hissed slightly, pushing him away before rushing up the stairs. I smirked, looking over my shoulder at the scowling Declan.

I lifted my head, proud that I could finally feel comfortable to speak back to him. He was a stubborn ass and he would have to get used to not getting his way. He was supposedly possessive over me when it came to Haydem, but I was spending more time with Hayden than I was with Declan.

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