Chapter 1

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*science is the absolute worst*

*shut up Meghan. I'm trying to focus. And that's hard when someone is whining inside my head*

I turned around and glared at Meghan who was slouched over onto her desk. She was the typical prissy blonde, but my best friend. Pack members didn't consider her to be very strong. As her best friend, I thought she was. not nearly as strong as me, but strong.

*I just hate science*

*so do I but-*

*oh shut up. The both of you.* Avery turned around quickly and nudged me in the ribs. *You're going to get in troub-*

"Miss Oaklyn!" My teacher spoke with warning. "Finish taking notes class. Once you're finished you are dismissed."

*Thank heaven* I sighed deeply beginning to pack up my bag.

*you aren't finished the notes yet* Avery warned, looking at me in the corner of his eye.

*So what. I can't stand another minute in this classroom. It's finally the end of the day, and my wolf is eager to be outside*

*You're shifting mid day?* Avery smirked.

*of course* I raised my brow looking at him.

*I'm coming* I heard Meghan shift back her chair, and she was now standing beside me.

"Have you three finished?" Mr Crate asked.

"Yes sir. I have an appointment to get to. I have to leave. Now." I smiled innocently.

*Appointment? Really* Avery groaned, crossing his arms.

*shut up, asshole. You coming or what? I smiled, walking into the hallway.

I heard Avery scoff, but I heard his footsteps behind me soon after.

"Race ya!" I exclaimed running down the concrete hallways of the school. School usually came easy to me, but I would way rather be training all day. My father agreed that I should train but my mother always had the final say. Which means I was stuck at school.

I shot through the door and leapt off the few steps feeling the cold air of winter hit my face as I rushed past the cars in the parking lot.

*you better hope there are no humans around* I heard Avery growl.

I stopped abruptly skidding against the asphalt.

*No one will see me, so piss off* I growled, turning around to see Meghan and Avery's wolves.

Avery's was a somewhat large grey wolf with dark grey almost black markings on his face. His fur was matted but soft.

Meghan was much smaller than him, with sandy thick fur. Her beautiful chocolate brown eyes glowed in the sunlight as she gave me a wolfish grin.

*As much as I would love to run with you guys, I should probably get home*

*can we come over?*

*Yeah, just invite yourself over Avery* Meghan tilted her head towards him.

*No, its fine. You guys can come* I smirked nodding my head in the direction of the forest. *I need support around my family*

I shut my eyes tight as I shifted my bones into my beautiful --  if I do say so myself -- pitch black wolf. I shook my head as the cold air tickled my ears. My fur was warm and I stood tall over the others. Though I was small, being an Alpha meant I was a strong wolf.

*Ready?* Avery asked and his wolf seemed to smirk with excitement.

However many times we shifted and ran free, It never became tiring and I never got accustomed to it.

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