Chapter 23

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Rae's POV

For about a week I had been locked in this small room, getting food and water at a scheduled time. I was tired and weak from being torn from Declan's presence and dragged to this place surrounded by Keir's men. I didn't know what to think about this situation. Things had all happened so quickly and everything between Declan and I had been jagged. Lies and more lies were building up and I hoped one person could tell me the truth.

I gave up trying to break the lock and just lay on the small bed wishing I could end this all.

The room was cold and I was still stuck in Panama shorts and a thin t-shirt. It was obvious that Keir wasn't the host type person, but I wondered what he got out of keeping me here. Sure maybe Declan was having a tough time with me so far away, likewise for me, but it wasn't a hundred percent true that Declan was going through shit.

Part of me wanted confirmation that Declan was searching for me, despite the small chance he could find me. I wasn't sure if there was any evidence to where I was with was far from comforting.

The click of the door unlocking compelled me to sit up. It swung open to reveal Melinoe standing in the doorway. I instantly crossed my arms, sitting up straighter trying to not look as pathetic as I felt. I was surprised to see her.
"What are you doing here?" I scowled.

"I don't think it's fair, you being locked up..."
She shrugged slightly, stepping into the room. I noticed two guards standing outside and I wondered why they allowed her to just walk in.

"You're one of the reason I'm here." I huffed, rolling my eyes.

"I...had to say it. Convince him not to do anything stupid." She sighed, folding her arms across her chest.

"He's already locked me up just to torture Keir for... really no reason at all. Everything is in the past but I'm still taking on all the consequences." I narrowed my gaze at her, standing up from the bed.

"Look... there isn't much I can do." Melinoe frowned, looking to the floor momentarily. "I'm just as much a prisoner."

"Sure, getting all cozy with Keir. Such a prisoner."

"It's true. I'm here against my will... but... I have an idea that could help you." She looked at me seriously.

"What...?" I inquired cautiously, wondering if I could actually trust her.

"If you promise to never make contact with Declan, you can stay here." She explained. "As long as Declan never finds you, Keir will be satisfied."

"Hasn't Keir dome enough to make Declan suffer?" I was getting exasperated and there was no way I could agree to never seeing him again. This was late insane.

"Declan's not the person he seems to you. He's done horrible things. Things he would never admit though."

"He's my mate... I can't agree to not make contact." I was getting angry with who this Melinoe thought she was.

"And... Keir's mine." Finally some truth. "And he'll... kill you if you don't agree to this."

"You're all insane. Why does Keir hate him so much. Do tell me what a horrible person Declan is."

"Fine." Melinoe flailed her arms before
speaking again. "Willa, She was my best friend.
One of the nicest person I know... but she fell for Declan, even though she knew they weren't mates. But they were good together. But Declan was Alpha and his mother disagreed, which you know... but Declan didn't care. He was convinced they were meant for each other despite the mates.

"Anyways... he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her and him being a Hybrid... he wanted to change her, make her a Hybrid."
Melinoe was right, the Declan I knew was different. I didn't want to believe he'd change anyone, but...

"She was young and naive... so she didn't fight him. But things didn't go as planned. His mother obviously convinced Keir to... kill her.
I... I couldn't believe he would... because..." her voice was cracking and I could tell she was
welling up. "Willa... She was Keir's step sister.
They were close... and he had gone through so much that it felt like his only option to save her from living an Immortal life or possibly dying tragically in the process. To Keir it was worse than death. Laura took advantage of him, getting him to murder Willa."

"I'm... so sorry." I didn't know what to think anymore. If Declan once was obsessed with having his love of his life living as a Hybrid, does he still think the same way? No one had mentioned it to me before, but then again everyone around me were Hybrids except for Laura who was seemingly mental.

What had I been dragged into?

"Look, I understand you don't want to hear this about your mate... but it's the truth that you deserve to hear." I felt these past weeks had just been filled with only lies and I don't know what to believe.

"It's about time someone told me." I was honestly scared that if I returned to Declan that he would convince me to become a Hybrid. I was equally as young as Willa was when everything went down between them all and when Declan pushed his way to destroy this family's lives.

But I wasn't as Naive as Willa and wouldn't give in... but he was still my mate and I truly believed I loved him.

"Knowing all this, what do you decide?" Melinoe asked.

"If I stay away from him, things won't go well for us... our health."

"I'm a witch in a way. I have powers that can break the bond so you won't have to go through that." I was confused as to why she had everything planned, but it would work...

Did I want that though? To break the mate bond just because of the slight possibility he would change me. If I declined the offer, I would still be prisoner or likely be killed. But this could be another form of death.

"Okay. I'll do it." I nodded and Melinoe smiled with satisfaction. The two guards came into the room grabbing my arms to lead me out behind Melinoe.

"It's only protocol." Melinoe sighed, as we began down hallways until we came to a large open room where Keir was standing along with three others. A boy and a girl, both with dark hair and brown grey eyes and Cora.

"I'm glad you agreed to this Araelia." Keir said a little to nicely. I was I Cong closer to taking my decision back but at least I'd be free...

But this was Declan... I'm sure I loved him.
Despite being mates or not. Everything he had done had showed that he cared for me. But maybe if I went through with this it could prove that I loved him without the bond.

"My names Fallon, and this is Eli." The one girl spoke up looking at me with slightly almost uniticably sad eyes.

I instantly frowned, recognizing their names. "You're Declan's siblings..."

"Yeah..." Elliot nodded, giving a weak smile. I wanted to press for questions before Keir interrupted me by clearing his throat.

"Alright, let get on with it." Melinoe nodded at Keir and rubbed her hands together before placing them on my shoulders. The guards let go of me the minute a flood of numb pain and power flowed through my veins.

I fell to my knees as my whole body weakened, I felt helpless. But this was for the best...

I failed to convince myself of that though. I hadn't even considered if I could get it back.

After a few minutes, Melinoe stepped away and I pushed myself up from the ground.

Melinoe sighed, looking between Keir and I. "It's over. The bond is broken."

A/N Omg! I can't begin to apologize for just how long it was since I've published. My brains been mush when it came to this book and I waited till I had inspiration to finish it off the way I liked. But I'm back! I promise ;) I'll publish the next chapters in about a week time and the next after that, so on and so forth until is COMPLETE! I can't wait!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and just wait until the next :) don't forget to vote! And I would love you to check out my other story!

See you in a week

Alpha Dominance: ✔️ EDITINGHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin