Chapter 24

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Rae's POV's

"You shouldn't have done it." Fallon shook her head, crossing her arms as she leaned against the door frame of my room. I met her eyes and swallowed anxiously, noticing the similar features she shared with Declan. Whether I felt the bond or not, I had been close with him that I had surely gotten attached.

"I didn't feel I had an option..." I pursed my lips, clasping my hands together in my lap.
"You're a prisoner whether you feel the mate bond or not." She sighed, sitting next to me on the bed. I glanced at her then to the floor. It was over with and there was nothing more I could do.

"Why are you here? With Keir?" I wondered why Declan never mentioned it before, but clearly it was a sensitive topic.

"It's... a long story. We arrived here a while ago and... we can't exactly leave. Now you're here with us." Her voice was monotonous and bored. They had gone through something and I wanted to know more. I wanted to say that I deserved to, but was I even connected to their family anymore. I didn't know how the magic worked. Could I get the mate bond back?

"Why? Did... Declan do something else?" I cringed, not sure if I wanted to hear about more things that Declan did that I wasn't okay with.

"No, it wasn't really about him. It has to do with Elliot... and me I suppose." Fallon mumbled, shifting on the bed uncomfortably.
"And Declan?" I frowned.

She nodded, clasping her hands in her lap. "He grew... hungry with power. Changing how our pack lived. Changing many of the members to hybrids—"

"He's changed. I swear of it." I said firmly.
"Maybe... but years ago, Elliot and I were unhappy. We soon came to discover that Elliots mate lived in Keir's... so Keir made plans that we could leave out pack and live with here. But it wasn't what he promised. Both packs were terrible and now you're stuck with us as well." Fallon shook her head.

"I've... made a horrible mistake." I mumbled, shaking my head. "I left everything and... everyone."

"Join the club." Fallon smiled sarcastically, just like Declan...

"There's... nothing I can do. What can I do?"

"If I knew, I'd be long gone..."

"What kind of magic is it?"

"Feel free to ask Melinoe." Fallon gestured her hand, her tone oozing with sarcasm.

I chewed my bottom lip and tucked my knees up to my chest. It was dark magic, that was all I could confirm for myself. And if there was anything I knew about it, was it had its price. I had learned mine. I wished I could reverse what I'd done somehow.

How had I been so stupid?

How did I think breaking the bond would help anything? And why could I allow Keir to manipulate me to turn me against Declan? The one thing protecting me no longer existed.

"I don't need to ask Melinoe anything. I need to get the hell out of this pack and far away from Keir." I leapt up from my bed, panic filling me whole.

"What are you talking about?"

"You said it yourself, you're a prisoner. We all are. Keir was behind everything from the start. You shouldn't believe a word he says." I was on the verge of shouting.

"I would watch your mouth. Guards are outside your door—"

Before Fallon could finish the door of my bedroom swing open and a guard appeared, followed by Keir himself. He gestured a quick hand to Fallon for her to leave and she hurried to oblige.

"I freed you from Alpha Declan. I would expect you thank me, not insult me." He watched we with a dangerously blank face. However a hint of pride hid behind his eyes.

"I never should have agreed. I was never a prisoner to him. We were equal and... he loves me. He would never have intentionally hurt me." I crossed my arms and stood as talk as I possibly could.

"You're an ignorant girl if you think that."

"No. I'm not."

Keir unexpectedly began to laugh in a strange amusement, shaking his head slowly. "You just can't stop being a complete pain in my ass, can you?"

I was taken aback slightly.

"But then again, I convinced you to break the bond. Completely ruining any hope Declan had left of being happy. You are so easily persuaded. Cannot believe you trusted me after what I did."

I clenched my jaw, anger boiling inside at how nonchalant  and cocky Keir was being. And how frustrated I was that he was right. I was angry that he had persuaded me.

"But now I have you. And Declan will surely go mad searching for you. He'll know the bond is broken by now. He'll fall apart. All because of you."

A lump formed in throat at his words. Because he was right. Yet again, Keir was right. This maniac had me and I couldn't see a way of escaping.

"Food will be brought up to you. I don't want you to starve. Not yet." He smiled maliciously before turning away and exiting my room.
I flew toward the doorway quickly, but tge door slammed in my face and it clicks to lock. I hit my palms against the wood, resting my forehead on it.

"Dammit. DAMMIT!" I yelled, my voice breaking. I slowly collapsed to the floor and turned my back against the door. I hugged my knees and stared blankly at the wall opposite me.

I'd felt a prisoner at Declan's pack, but this was so much worse.

It was now that I noticed how dark it was outside and there was no light in my room. The only thing allowing me to see was the moon. Beams of blue light shining through the window.

Sitting here, my mind began to wander. To think how happy I was before Keir kidnapped me. Declan was going to tell me about my brother... I wanted to say I knew who he was.

But somehow I felt I shouldn't bother dwelling on that. I didn't see how I would ever see him again.

A pit had opened up within me and I wished I could just disappear. I was regretting every decision I'd made that lead up to this.

I chewed on my bottom lip, staring at the window. I hurried to push myself up to the ground, rushing to stare out the window. I tried pushing it open but there was no budge. I was also apparently three stories up from the ground.

Even if I could open the window, no way would I be able to jump from this height. I didn't have the confidence to do so.

But I had to find a way to escape... it was that... or death.

Hope you enjoyed! More is yet to come Don't forget to vote!

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