13. Babysitting For A Friend/Relative

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Namjoon 💖

Tonight Namjoon and I are babysitting for my best friends one year little boy Jinseo. He's so cute and I love looking after him. It's good practice for when our own baby comes along. I would say that Namjoon and I are both naturally gifted with children but it wouldn't hurt to have some more practice. My best friend left about an hour ago so me and Namjoon are at her place looking after Jinseo right now. "Jinseo, uncle Joonie wants to play with you" Namjoon said. Jinseo walks over to Namjoon and he picks him up. He sits him on his lap and tickles him and you know the usual things you do with kids. I can tell that Jinseo was enjoying it as he was laughing a lot. "Jinseo, uncle Namjoon likes you a lot" I say. "I do. He's a sweet little kid" he replies. I watch Namjoon play with Jinseo for a while and it was so cute to see. He's going to be an amazing father to our baby and we can't wait till he or she is born

Hoseok 💜

Hoseok and I are babysitting for our nieces who are 3 and 5 while my brother is at a business dinner. He is a widower and we look after the girls whenever he needs to us. It's hard for him as he lost his wife only a year ago. Anyway he's out of the girls are over at our place and they are stopping the night at our place. We have made up the spare room for them to sleep in. I walk into the lounge from our bedroom and both the girls and giving Hoseok a make over. Not that he needs one. They are painting his nails and styling his hair. Haha bless them. They are so funny. "Look aunt Y/ N. We've made uncle Hoseok beautiful" said the oldest Eunmi. "Yeah that's great girls" I say. "No it's not" Hoseok laughs. "Come on, uncle Hoseok. You love it" said the youngest Haeun. I laugh. "Actually I don't really mind it, girls. We said you can do whatever you want" he said. "See I told you, uncle Hobi" Eunmi says. They carry on giving him make over and I watched feeling amused. We love looking after our nieces even though sometimes they dress Hoseok up like a girl but he does love it because he loves his nieces. He would feel like a bad uncle if he didn't go along with it. Anyway we had a great night babysitting the girls tonight

Jin 💙

Today Jiyeon is hanging out with her cousin Mihee. She's my nice. My sisters daughter. She is the same age as Jiyeon, 3 years old. They both get on really well. They are over at our place playing in the backyard. Jin and I are outside watching them while they play together. They are playing princesses or something. "Who wants some cookies and juice, girls?" Jin asks. "Me" Mihee said. "Me, daddy please" Jiyeon exclaims. Jin goes into the kitchen and gets the girls some cookies and juice. They love cookies and juice. One of their favourite things. He comes back a few minutes later. "Come and get your cookies and juice, girls" Jin said. The girls grab their cookies and juice and they start eating them. "Thank you, daddy" Jiyeon said. "Thank you, uncle Jinnie" Mihee said. They have a couple more cookies before they carry on playing together in the backyard. "I think there's enough cookies left for us, hun" Jin said. "Yeah. Why not?" I reply taking a cookie out of the pack and taking a bite. We have a cookie each and also some juice and we carry on watching the girls play together. They really had a fun afternoon together

Taehyung 🧡

Tonight Taehyung and I are babysitting for my stepsisters baby boy Beomseok. He's only about 6 weeks old and we are looking after him for the first time tonight. My stepsister wanted to go out for the night with her friends so me and Taehyung volunteered to babysit for Beomseok god the night. Neither of us have really looked after a newborn before so we don't really know what to expect but we volunteered as we want to get done practice in for when our own babies come. My stepsister left not so long ago and Beomseok is asleep. He'll probably wake up soon as babies tend to sleep for a couple of hours at a time. Tae and I are sat on the couch keeping our eye on him. "Babies look so cute when they are sleeping" Taehyung says. "Yep they do" I reply. "Can't wait till our own arrive" he smiles. Soon Beomseok wakes up and cries. "He's probably hungry or needs changing" I say. "I'll go and see" he replies. Taehyung goes over to Beomseok's bassinet and picks him up. He tries to shhhhh him but he couldn't stop crying. "Does he need feeding or changing?" he asks. "I don't know. I'll try feeding him first" I say. I make Beomseok up a bottle and feed him. He seems to settle but he cries a little after so I change him and he was okay afterwards. Taehyung and I had a good night babysitting baby Beomseok. We feel a little more ready for our own babies now

Jimin ❤️

My 11 year twin cousin boys Junghoon and Junghwan are over at our place for the day. My aunt is out working and she needed someone to watch the boys for the day so Jimin and I volunteered. My cousins are okay. They're just typical pre teen kids who laze around and play games all day. I don't mind looking after them. Sometimes they annoy Jimin as they are always playing game and they don't interact with us. Junghoon and Junghwan are playing games in the lounge atm. Me and Jimin are just hanging round and leaving them to get on with it. "Right, boys how about we have a talk? It's not good to be on those things all the time" Jimin said. "Why? I was just beating him" Junghwan said. "I hate you, Jimin. You're always trying to ruin our fun" Junghoon said. "I don't care if I'm ruining your fun. Me and Y/ N are the adults and we tell you what to do" Jimin said. "You're not our parents. Duhhhh" Junghoon said. "We are for today" I reply. Jimin takes away the gaming controls from them and turn off the TV. "Let's play a game. A different kind of game" Jimin said. "Ugh but that sucks" Junghwan says. "It doesn't. Jimin knows best" I say. "So you guys texting any girls? You can tell me" Jimin asks. "Eewwww know. Girls stink" Junghwan said. "Hope you're twins are not girls because we won't be playing with them" Junghoon said. "That's not very nice. Me and Jimin wouldn't mind what the gender of the twins are" I reply. The twins calm down and stop being bratty and we end up having a good time with them

Jungkook 💚

Jungkook's little cousins are over for the evening as his older cousin and her partner are out for the evening and needed someone to look after them so me and Jungkook volunteered. My cousins are 3 and 7 and they are called Jangmi and Chanwoo and they are adorable I love them. They are over at our place and we are waiting for Jungkook to get back which could be anytime soon. The kids are sat watching TV and I'm watching with them. "When will Jungkook be home?" Chanwoo asks. "Soon. Don't worry" I reply. Soon Jungkook arrives home. The kids always look forward to see him. "Guys, I'm home" he said. "Hey, Kookie" Jangmi said. "Hi" Chanwoo said. "Hey, babe" Jungkook said. The kids pounce on him and give in a hug. "How are my favourite kids?" he asks. "Fine" Jangmi replies. "Good" Chanwoo replies. "How was your day, honey?" I asks. "It was good" he replies. "So what do you wanna do, guys?" Jungkook asks the kids. "Ummmm just hanging out with you I guess" Chanwoo replies. "Yep that's good with me and Y/ N too of course" he replies. Both the kids agree to hangout with us both. We just hangout with them, play games, watch TV with them and have dinner with them. We had a fun night with Jungkook's cousins babysitting them

Yoongi 💛

Me and Yoongi are looking after one of BTS's crew members 4 year old son Dongwook. His parents are out for dinner tonight and needed someone to look after Dongwook so me and Yoongi volunteered to look after him. He's a nice little kid. We've met him before and babysat for him on the road. We are at their house right now babysitting for Dongwook. "Dongwook, are you hungry?" Yoongi asks. "Yep" he replies. "Would you like chicken nuggets?" he asks. "Yeah" he replies. "Okay coming right up" Yoongi says. Yoongi goes into the kitchen to make Dongwook some chicken nuggets. "Babe, are you hungry too?" he asks. "Hmmm Yeah I am" I reply. "I'll get our noodles on" he said. "Thanks" I reply. Yoongi cooks in the kitchen while I sit with Dongwook in the lounge as he watches TV. Soon the food was done and we all sit at the kitchen table and eat. "Are they good, Dongwook?" Yoongi asks. "Yep" Dongwook said with his mouth full. "Is it good too, babe?" Yoongi said. "Yeah it is. Thanks" I reply. We all eat dinner and then chill for a while before we needed to put Dongwook to bed. Yoongi watched Power Rangers with him as that's his favourite show. We had a good time

A/ N: nearly at 500 reads. Hopefully be there soon. Also can I just say it would be nice to get a few comments every now and then. Only had a few during this book. Just saying that's all

Next chapter is finding out the gender. Any predictions for the genders of the babies? Will be tomorrow or the day after as I'm out all day tomorrow so it depends if I can get it up

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