3. Finding Out You're Pregnant

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Namjoon 💖

Recently I haven't been feeling too well. Namjoon and I have been trying so hard to have a baby. I haven't actually taken a pregnancy test yet as I've been busy with stuff but I will do. Namjoon is going to be in the studio late night so I will be home alone tonight. Don't know what time he'll be getting back but I know I will be late. I arrive home from work around 6:30pm. I park up outside our house and walk into our house. When I get in I start to feel sick so I go to the bathroom. I bend down by the toilet and wait a few minutes till I throw up. I decide to take a pregnancy test. I always keep some in the cabinet. I have since Namjoon and I started trying. I sit on the toilet and pee on the stick and wait a few minutes for it to come back. I close my eyes and wait anxiously. A minute later the test comes back with a positive results. Ahhhhh I'm pregnant. I'm so happy and I can't wait to tell Namjoon soon. I'm going to tell him in a very special way and I can't wait to

Hoseok 💜

I am still on tour with Hoseok and the boys. We have been on and off plans for the last few weeks. I'm having a great time with them but I've been feeling extra exhausted recently. We are in the US atm, maybe it's just exhausting due to travelling but I heard in the very early stages of pregnancy you can get tiredness so maybe I'm pregnant. I wouldn't want to worry Hoseok with anything when he's so busy. The boys have a show tonight in New Jersey. I let early as I wasn't feeling well. Hoseok didn't question me too much. He just wanted me to rest and get well for tonight. I'm laid on the bed in the hotel room. I went and bought a pregnancy test the other day but I've held back from taking it. I lay on the bed and close my eyes but I can't relax much. So I decided to get up and go into the bathroom. I feel a bit light headed so I decide to take the pregnancy test. I sit on the toilet and pee on the stick, I sit and wait for the test to come back. A few minutes later the test comes back with a positive result for pregnancy. Yay! I'm pregnant. Can't wait to tell Hoseok. He'll be so happy. I'm going to save the pregnancy test to show him

Jin 💙

Jin and I have been trying for a second baby for a while. So far I have not hit pregnant but something tells me I might be. I haven't been feeling well for the last week. When I was pregnant with Jiyeon, in the early stages I experienced similar symptoms like sickness, dizziness, cramping etc. So yes I could be pregnant but I haven't taken a test yet. Jin is out and Jiyeon is at pre school atm so I'm currently hanging out with my younger brother Seungkwan of Seventeen. I have a famous husband and a famous brother too. We are sat on the couch talking right now. I start to feel sick so I run off to the bathroom. "Sorry" I say. "It's okay" Seungkwan said following me into the bathroom. He wants outside as I throw up in the toilet a bit. "Are you okay, Y/ N?" he asks. "Yeah I will be" I reply. "You're not pregnant. Are you? I know you and Jin have been trying to have a second baby" Seungkwan said. "Yeah I think so. I'm going to take a test" I reply. I take the test and call Seungkwan into the bathroom while we wait for the results. He stands by me. "Yesss it's positive. I'm pregnant. I'm so happy. Jin will be so happy when I tell him" I exclaim. "Awe I'm so happy for both of you. I'm so happy to be an uncle again. I love being an uncle" Seungkwan said putting his arms around me and hugging me. I'm pregnant with our second child and I can't wait to tell Jin and Jiyeon

Taehyung 🧡

It's been about a month since Taehyung and I got married and married life has been going well so far. We are so glad we made the decision to get married. Lately I haven't been feeling well. I've been feeling really sick, constipation, severe fatigue and haemorrhoids. Taehyung had unprotected intercourse on our wedding night and something could tell me I'm pregnant. I don't want to worry Tae with anything as he's so busy. So I'm going to the doctors this morning to find out if I'm actually pregnant. My appointment is at 10am so I arrive there a bit before and check in. I wait anxiously in the waiting room to be called in. Soon my name flashes up on the screen and I go into room 5. The doctor greets me and she asks me questions about how I'm feeling and then she takes a pregnancy test. "Congratulations, Miss Y/ L/ N. You are pregnant" she said. "Oh Thank you. I thought I was" I reply. I walk out of the doctors with mixed feelings. Will Taehyung be happy or will be think it's too soon to start a family. Just a month after we got married. I think he'll be happy anyway as he wanted to start a family with me. I'll tell him soon but not just yet

Jimin ❤️

Jimin is still in his long extended break. We have been trying for a baby for more than two months. So far nothing has happened. Jimin's break will be coming to an end pretty soon but the boys only have a few shows before they have another break. Can't wait till we start a family for real. I am out at the supermarket doing some shopping right now. Jimin is hanging out and catching up with a few of his friends. I walk down aisle picking things up and placing them in the cart. I decide to go down the feminine card aisle. I just realised that I'm a few days late on my period so I pick up a pregnancy test you know just in case I'm pregnant as Jimin and I have been trying a lot lately to get pregnant. I finish shopping then pay and decide to go to the bathroom in the supermarket to take the test. I could do it at home but I just wanna do it here. I sit on the toilet and take the test and wait for it to back. I wait a few minutes and it comes back with a positive result. I'm pregnant. Yay! I feel really happy. Can't wait to tell Jimin sometime soon. I know he'll be happy as we've been talking about starting a family and trying hard

Jungkook 💚

Jungkook and I have been having a lot of sex recently as we want to have a baby together. It would be great to have a baby together as we both like kids and I think it will bring us closer together. We both agreed between us that we wanted a baby and it might finally be happening. Jungkook has currently on tour again so we've been apart for the last few weeks. Kookie and I don't like being apart. I am hanging out with my best friend today at the mall. I love catching up with her. We have been shopping around for a while now we are stopping for something to eat. I have felt a little off my food today so I'm not going to get much. I get something light and me and my best friend sit down and eat. "Don't you feel that hungry, Y/ N. It's not like you to be off your food" she asked. "Ummm no not really. I'm loosing my appetite a little" I reply. "Could you be pregnant?" she asks. "Yeah maybe. Jungkook and I have been trying for a baby recently" I reply. So we finish eating and then carry on shopping. I feel a little sick later so my best friend goes with me to the pharmacy and I get a test. She waits with me while I take the test in the bathroom and it came back with a positive result. Yay! I'm pregnant. Can't wait to tell Kookie

Yoongi 💛

Yoongi and I have been trying very hard for a baby recently. Nothing has happened and it's been a few months. I suppose we will give it more time. We hope to get pregnant soon and carry a healthy and happy baby as we've had two miscarriages. Hope that doesn't happen again as it's really devastating for us as a couple. Yoongi is in the garage tidying up. I've been telling him to do it for ages but he's never got round to it. I'm taking a shower and getting sorted upstairs. I get out of the shower and all of a sudden start to go a little nauseous and dizzy. I kneel down by the toilet and throw up a little. Then a lot so I decided to take a pregnancy test. With both my pregnancies before I had similar symptoms so I take the test. I wait a few minutes till the results come back. I close my eyes and it comes back with a positive result. I'm pregnant but I don't wanna get my hopes up just yet. I am going to tell Yoongi though and I know he'll be happy

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