42. Date Night

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(A/ N: just a warning that Jungkook's part contains a bit of smut)

Namjoon 💖

Tonight me and Namjoon are going out for a date night. We are going out for a nice romantic dinner. It will be the first time we've been away from baby Namjae since he was born which was 6 weeks ago. Namjoon's mom is looking after Namjae while we go out tonight. Can't wait to have a nice and romantic meal together tonight but we will miss our little boy a lot. We are getting ready now to go out. His mom is already here. Namjoon walks into the bathroom as I'm getting ready. "You look beautiful already, babe" he said putting his arms around me and kissing my neck. "Thank you. You already look so handsome, my Joonie" I reply. Soon we were ready. "Mom, we're off" Namjoon said. "Have a wonderful time both of you" Namjoon's mom said. "We will. Thanks" he replies. "We will miss you baby boy but you'll be just fine with grandma" I reply. "He will" she replies. Namjoon and I get in the car and drive to the restaurant and arrive soon after. It's a beautiful and romantic restaurant. We sit at a candle lit table. "This is so perfect" Namjoon said. "It is. We got engaged in a place like this. Remember" I say. "Of course I do" he smiles. Soon we order what we want to eat. "I miss little Namjae already and we haven't even been gone an hour" I say. "I know me too, honey. I miss his adorable little face" Namjoon replies. Namjoon and I had a lovely meal tonight. We walk out of the restaurant holding hands and share a kiss outside in the dark. We loved our time together tonight

Hoseok 💜

Hoseok and I are going out tonight to see a movie. We are going to see the new Mulan movie. We haven't really been out much together since baby Chaeyoung was born and that's been over a month now so we are looking forward to getting out and spending some social time together. We can't wait actually. We used to love going to the movies together back before we became parents. My sister is watching Chaeyoung tonight while we are out. We'll be gone about two and a half hours in total. We are about to leave now. I have been expressing milk so my sister can feed Chaeyoung while we are out. Hoseok picks Chaeyoung up and kisses her just before we leave. "Bye Bye, baby girl. Mommy and daddy will be back soon" he said. I smile. We leave for the cinema in a cab which was waiting outside for us. Soon we arrive at the cinema and join the line for the tickets. "Can't wait to see this movie with you, my love" Hoseok said putting his arms around me and smiling. "Me too" I smile. "I miss our beautiful baby girl already" he said. "Awwww me too" I smile. So we get the tickets then we get some drinks and popcorn before going into the screen and finding our seats. We sit down and wait for the movie to start. We ate our popcorn and sipped our drinks. Hoseok kept on touching my hand and kissing me a bit throughout the movie. Awwww I love a little PDA. A couple of hours later and the movie had finished and we both really enjoyed it. "That was really good. I loved our little date, jagiya" Hoseok said as we leave the cinema. "Me too. It was awesome to have a little good together. Now I can't wait to get back to our baby girl" I reply. "Me too" he smiles kissing me on the cheek. So Hoseok and I had a great time at the movies tonight. We can't wait to get back to our little angel Chaeyoung

Jin 💙

Me and Jin are going out for a little night out together. We can't wait to spend a little time together just the two of us. Me and Jin are going to the park as it's a nice evening. We are leaving soon and having a couple of hours out together. We will be sad to leave the kids for a couple of hours but they are in the best care of my mom who is looking after them. "How are you doing, babe?" Jin asks walking into our walk in closet. "I'm good. I'll be ready soon" I reply. Soon we were ready so we walk into the lounge to say bye. "Mommy and daddy I don't want you to go" Jiyeon said looking sad. "We won't be gone long, sweetie" I reply. "We won't. I'll be back to read you a bedtime story" Jin said. Jiyeon smiles. "You're parents need a little time together. You can spend sometime with your granny and your brother" my mom said. So we leave and arrive at the park soon and start walking around together. Jin and I hold hands and smile as we walk. Really brings back memories of old times. After a while of walking we sit on the grass and cuddle. "I remember doing this back when we were dating" Jin said. "Awe. Me too, Seokjin. I remember it like it was yesterday" I reply. "I love you, baby. Now we are married with two beautiful children. I couldn't ask for anything better" Jin smiles leaning into kiss me. We spend a while laying in the grass together before finishing off our date in the park with another walk and an ice cream. Jin gives me a piggyback on our way back to the car. We had an amazing time in the park tonight. Definitely brought back old and happy memories

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