23. Picking A Name

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Namjoon 💖

Namjoon and I have been thinking about names that we could use for our son. We are definitely going for something Korean of course. Namjoon kinda wants to use something similar to his name. I think that would be pretty cute. If it was up to him he would name our son after him. Kim Namjoon Jr. I would agree if he wanted to do that. Namjoon and I we laid in bed cuddling, waiting to fall asleep. We always do that before we go to bed. "Babe, do you have anymore names in mind for our baby boy" he asks. "Ummmm no not really. Can't think just now" I reply. "No problem because I kinda have one in mind. It's similar to my name" Namjoon said. "So what is it?" I reply. "Namjae" he replies. "Aye I kinda like that. Namjae sounds very cute. Just like Namjoon" I reply. "Great. I'm glad you like that name because I love it. He's going to be my mini me" Namjoon said. "I love it too. And he is" I reply. Namjoon smiles and kisses me. Me and Namjoon are happy we decided on a name for our little boy. Can't wait to meet little Namjae


Hoseok 💜

Hoseok and I have been considering names for our daughter. We gave three particular ones we like. Hyuna, Haewon and Chaeyoung. They are all beautiful names for a baby girl but I said I would leave it to Hoseok to decide on the final name. I think I like Chaeyoung the best so far. But like I said I really want Hoseok to decide on the name for our daughter. We are sat on the couch cuddling right now so I think it's the right time to bring it up. "Hobi, So what name do you think for the baby? So far we like Hyuna, Haewon and Chaeyoung" I say. He hesitates for a moment. "Ummm I love all those names but I think I like Chaeyoung the best" Hoseok replies. "Me too. I think I like Chaeyoung the best too" I reply. "I love it. It sounds so pretty and so cute and so innocent too" he replies. "Yes it does. It's the perfect name for our perfect little girl" I reply. "It definitely is. She's so perfect and beautiful just like her mother" Hoseok said. "Thank you and just like her father too" I reply. "Awe, baby. You're so cute" he said. I blush and Hoseok gives me a big kiss. So we've finally decided on a name for our daughter. Jung Chaeyoung. It's just perfect for her


Jin 💙

Recently Jin and I have been talking about names that we could use for our baby boy. When I was pregnant with Jiyeon we actually had a list of boy names we liked too. On the list was Hajoon, Daesung, Jinhwan and Jaehyuk. We really liked all those names but that was a few years ago so we might have changed our minds now. We've still got time to decided on a name. Our son won't be here for a few months yet. We would like to decide on a name before he's born of course. Jin and I are doing our usual evening thing and spending time together as we've put Jiyeon to bed. I'm tired and almost falling asleep on his shoulder right now. "You're tired, babe. You should get to bed" Jin says. "Yeah I will soon. Don't worry" I reply. Soon Jin carries me to bed and tucks me in. "Jagiya, I know you're trying to get off to sleep but I was just thinking about names for our son. I remember the names we had in mind years ago" he said. "Yeah me too" I reply. "I really think the name Jinhwan would be the perfect name for our boy. I really like it and it kinda goes with my name too" Jin said. "Yeah I like that too so let's go with it" I reply. "Yeah it's a great name. Now I'll let you sleep" he said. "Yeah Goodnight, jagi" I reply. "Goodnight too, jagiya" he replies. So I think Jin and I have decided on a name for our son. Jinhwan


Taehyung 🧡

Taehyung and I haven't really discussed names for our triplets yet as we don't know the genders yet. It would be good to decide on names before if they are born so we have names for both boys and girls. I would like to if Tae wants to. I think it's best if we at least have names in mind. I am sat at the table looking at names on the internet. So far I have found a few that I like. I call Tae into the dinging room. "Tae, come here" I say. "What's up, sweetie?" he replies. "I'm looking at names for the babies" I say. "Oh right. Are you? But we don't know the genders yet" Taehyung said. "I know but I would like to decide on names in advance" I reply. "Okay sure" he replies. "Any you like?" I say. Taehyung suds next to me and looks at the lists. "For boys I like Daehyun, Dohyun and Joowon. Girls I like Hwayoung, Minseo and Miyoung" Tae said. "Yeah I like all those but I also like Soyoung for a girl and Byungchul" I reply. "Yep we'll keep all those in mind but my main choices would be Daehyun and Minseo" he says. "Yes I love those names too" I reply. So Tae and I have compiled a list of names for our triplets. We have top names for boys and girls

Names are still a secret but can you guess the genders now?

Jimin ❤️

Jimin and I have been pretty undecided on names for our twins. It's pretty hard deciding on names that we'll stick with. I want to go with names that begins with the same letter. I think that would be cute. Jimin isn't that sure but we'll both decide between us I guess. No rush I guess even though we would like to decide on the girls names before they are born. I'm at home and Jimin is out shopping. I am waiting for him to get home. He should be home soon but I'm missing him. I always miss him. I am watching Grey's Anatomy on TV. It's one of my favourite shows. I have a cup of of herbal tea in my hand. I rest my hand on my bump. Soon the door opens and Jimin arrives home. "Hey, I'm home" he says. "Hey, baby" I say. Jimin sits on the couch and kisses me. "Babe, I was just thinking about names for our babies. I know we've been talking about it but we haven't found names we've really liked yet" he said. "Yeah I know but we will soon" I reply. "I was thinking about what you said about choosing names that begin with the same letter and I think that would be really nice but on one condition we use my initial J" Jimin said. "Sure. What do you like?" I reply. "Well I really like Jisoo and Jihyo. Those names really go together" Jimin replies. "Yes I was actually thinking of those names too" I reply. "Yes so let's go with Jisoo and Jihyo then" he said. "Perfect names for perfect little girls" I reply. "Yep definitely" he smiles. Jimin smiles and kisses me. So we finally decided on names for our girls and they are perfect ones


Jungkook 💚

Jungkook are torn between choosing a Korean name for our son or an American name. I think we generally prefer American names between us since I'm originally from America. Jungkook said he doesn't mind what name we go for. He's good with either a Korean name or an American name. I think I have to agree we him. We do both like the name Jayden but I don't think we've completely decided on the name for our son yet. We've been struggling on middle names too. We still don't know weather to go for a Korean or American one. Jungkook and I are chilling on the couch after we've both had a long day. It always makes me feel better when Jungkook is around. Awwww he's so cute and the best boyfriend ever. "Honey, I know you're tired but there's something we need to talk about and confirm" Jungkook said. "Okay, Kookie" I reply. "Well you both know we like the name Jayden for our son" he said. "Yep I know" I reply. "Well I really think we should call him that. I love it. It will sound so cool Jayden Jeon" he said. "Yes I love that, Kookie" I reply. "So his name is Jayden?" he said. "Yes it is. We also should pick a middle name too" I say. "Yeah okay. Hmmm Korean or American" Jungkook said. "Either. I don't mind" I reply. "How about Alexander? I like that one. Jayden Alexander Jeon" he says. "Yes I was actually thinking the same believe it or it" I reply. "So happy we've finally decided on a name for our boy" Jungkook smiles. Jayden is the perfect name for our son. We love it


Yoongi 💛

Yoongi and I have been having trouble on deciding on a name for our son. We didn't realise it would be so difficult to pick a name but it's proving to be. We just haven't found a name that we really like yet. We want to take our time choosing the right name. We don't want to make a mistake by choosing the wrong name for our son as it will be his name for the rest of his life. Anyway we've still got time to decide. Yoongi is having a shower and I'm laying in bed waiting for him to be done. I'm tired and I'm kinda falling asleep already. Soon Yoongi comes out with his boxers on after his shower. He smiles and gets in bed next to me.  "Hey, how was your shower?" I say. "It was good but I've had a little eureka moment regarding names for our son" he said. "Ohhhh really. What is it? What name have you thought of?" I reply. Yoongi looks at me and hesitates for a moment. "Well I was thinking in the shower. I know we've gone through loads of names. This one came to mind. How about we call him Youngsoo" he said. "Yes I really really like that. Great thinking, jagi" I smile. "So will we call him Youngsoo. Min Youngsoo" Yoongi said. "Yes that's perfect. It was worrying me that we weren't gonna find the right name for him" I reply. "Well we did now" he smiles leaning into kiss me. Yoongi had just the right name in mind for our son. Min Youngsoo. Can't wait to meet him


So there we have it the names? Which one is your favourite of you have one?

Do like Korean names? Yes I do. They are really nice. I wouldn't use any irl. Only if I married a Korean man. Preferably Namjoon but it's not gonna happen

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