32. Labor/ Delivery- Jungkook 💚

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I'm still about a month off my due date so no sign of baby Jayden yet. Jungkook and I can't wait to welcome him into the world. He is going to be our perfect little angel. We can't wait to meet him when he comes into the world whenever that may be. We are all ready to be parents and welcome our baby boy into the world whenever he may make an appearance. Being parents is most the greatest gift life could give you. Jungkook just got back earlier from the studio. He's home with me and we are doing our favourite thing and cuddling on the couch. I am laid on Jungkook and he has his arms around me. "Baby, you can just fall asleep if you want. I wouldn't mind" he said. "Yeah I might do. I'm quite tired" I reply. I close my eyes and fall asleep whilst in Jungkook's arms. Sometime later I start to feel uncomfortable and unwell. I feel a pain in my stomach. I move and Jungkook looks at me as he knows something isn't okay. "Jungkook, I don't feel well. I don't know what's happening" I say. "Baby, you've been laid on me for a while. Maybe you need to get up" he replies. "Okay" I yawn. I get up and have a little walk around but the pain starts to get worse. "I think I'm having contractions. Feels like contractions but could just be trapped wind" I say. "Okay. Stay calm, baby. Everything will be okay" Jungkook said sitting me back down on the couch. I give out a big scream. "Ah oh my gosh" I say. "Is this a sign of labor? But you're not due for another month yet" he said. "It could be" I reply. "I think we better get you to the hospital" Jungkook said. We both started to panic as I seem to have gone into labor a month early. An Uber arrives shortly to take me to the hospital

We arrive at the hospital shortly after. I'm still having contractions and in pain. I don't know what's happening. I love our baby boy is going to be okay. Jungkook wheels me in a wheelchair erratically to the front desk. "My girlfriend is in labor and she's a month early I don't know what to do" Jungkook panics. "Just stay calm, Sir. Someone will be with you soon" the receptionist said. We wait till someone comes and takes us into a room. I am still in pain and having contractions and plus my waters have just broken too. Jungkook wheels me into the room we've been told to go in and lifts me onto the bed until a midwife comes in. They examine me and monitor baby Jayden's heartbeat. "Baby's heartbeat seems low. He could be in trouble" the midwife said. "Oh my gosh. What's gonna happen?" I reply. The doctor comes in and listens to the heartbeat. The look on his face does not look good. "The heartbeat is low and the baby could have an infection so it's best if we perform an emergency c section" he said. "Is he going to to be okay? Is Jayden going to be okay?" I say. "We don't know yet, Miss Y/ L/ N. That's why we need to get him out to see what we're dealing with" the doctor said. "Will I be allowed to be in the operating room with Y/ N. I want to make sure she's okay" Jungkook said. "Yes I don't see why not. You can be there" the doctor replies. They get me prepped and ready for the c section. I am nervous for the c section as I don't really know what to expect. Jungkook gets into sone scrubs and I get taken to the operating room. I get out under a local anaesthetic as they just had to get baby Jayden out they didn't mess about. I was awake during the procedure but obviously I couldn't feel a thing from below my waist as that was anaesthetised. Jungkook sits by my side and holds my hand. "Don't worry, baby" he said. "I will try not to. I will just be glad when this is over and we know what's going on with the baby and we can see him" I reply. "Yes me too" he said. So they begin to open me. Baby Jayden was delivered a few minutes later but he didn't cry at first. "He's not crying" we hear the doctor say. I can't tell what they are going to do next. They try to get him to breathe but it takes a while and me and Jungkook were panicking. Jayden eventually was breathing. They checked him over and he was diagnosed with an infection on his lungs so they had to take him to the NICU

A couple of hours later and we could go in and see baby Jayden in the NICU. We've been worrying since he was born how he is. Finally we get to see our newborn baby boy. I'm sore after the c section so they told me not to walk so Jungkook is wheeling me in a wheelchair. "I can't wait to see our boy. I bet he's going to be so cute" he said. "Me too and I'm sure he is. He's going to be handsome just like his father" I reply. Jungkook smiles. So he wheels me into the NICU unit to see baby Jayden. We get taken to where is he. We get up right close to him. We had to wash our hands before going in so we didn't bring any germs into the NICU. He's rather tiny but adorable of course. He is hooked up to monitors and stuff. "Awwww. Look at him, Kookie. He's absolutely beautiful" I say. "He is. He truly is" he replies. We both looked at baby Jayden and fell in love with him straight away. "Can we touch him?" Jungkook asks the midwife. "Yes" she replies. I place my hand in the incubator and touch Jayden's tiny little hands. "His hands are so tiny and soft" I say. Jungkook smiles. He touches Jayden's hands too. He's so precious and tiny. We spend sometime in the NICU with our precious, newborn son. Later we could hold Jayden and we fell in love with him even more. This is a day we'll never forget for many reasons. One because it was stressful and traumatic but also it's the day our son was born. Jayden may be sick and a month early but hopefully he'll get better soon. He's born just in time for Easter too

Jayden Alexander Jeon 💙Born April 17th @ 11:12pmWeight 6lbs 5oz

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Jayden Alexander Jeon 💙
Born April 17th @ 11:12pm
Weight 6lbs 5oz

A/ N: awww baby Jayden is so adorable. He's here. The last labour delivery part might be tonight

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