43. Cute Family Time

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Namjoon 💖

Namjoon and I have been going out for daily walks with baby Namjae recently. We have been going most days when the weather has been good. Namjae is nearly two months old now and he's growing so much. We can't believe how much he's growing. He is the perfect little baby. We are about to go out for an afternoon walk now. It's a really nice autumn day. Rather warm actually. Just the perfect time to go out and enjoy the afternoon. I have just changed Namjae so he's all good for a while. Namjoon and I grab the stroller from the car and lift Namjae into it. "Good to go buddy" he said. Namjae is awake atm. Namjoon pushes the stroller as we start walking. "It's a really nice evening. Isn't it, babe?" Namjoon said. "It is" I reply. "A perfect autumn day" he smiles. "Yep" I smile back. "Look at our little man. He's so adorable. Isn't he?" he said. "He sure is. Aren't you, Namjae?" I say. "I still can't believe I'm a dad. It's like the most amazing thing ever" Namjoon said. "It is" I reply. "And the most amazing thing is being your husband of course" he smiles and stops to kiss me. We kiss for a few minutes. Namjae makes a little babbling noise. I guess he doesn't approve of us kissing. Haha. Anyway we had a great afternoon walk this afternoon and just enjoyed having some family time together as a family of three

Hoseok 💜

Hoseok and I absolutely love being parents to our gorgeous little baby girl Chaeyoung. There is nothing more in the world we love than being married and parents to our little girl. We can't wait to possibly add to our family in the future. Hoseok is the best husband to me and father to Chaeyoung in the world. Right now we are laying on our bed and Chaeyoung is laid in the middle of us. I will soon have to get her ready for bed but we just wanted a little cuddle time with her on our bed. "You're so beautiful. Aren't you, baby girl?" Hoseok says to Chaeyoung. "She is. She is so perfect and beautiful and we are such proud parents" I reply. "We definitely are. She's definitely a daddy's girl" Hoseok said. "Yep she definitely is" I reply. He kisses me on the cheek and then picks up Chaeyoung and cuddles her. "That's my girl" he said. "Awe she loves her daddy so much. Don't you, Chaeyoung?" I reply. "I can't believe I'm a daddy to the most beautiful baby girl in the world" Hoseok said. "I know and I'm a mommy to her too" I reply. "Chaeyoung, you're beautiful just like your mommy. That's why I married her because she's the most beautiful woman in this world on the inside and outside" he said holding Chaeyoung up to his face and kissing her. Hobi is the cutest with Chaeyoung. Best daddy in the world. Soon I get Chaeyoung ready for bed as she was getting tired. We had some cute family time with our baby girl tonight

Jin 💙

Jin got back from the studio working on new music with the boys this evening not so long ago. Me and the kids have missed him so much. We always do when he's working. Right now we are all sat on the couch having some family time together before we put the kids to bed. Jiyeon will be going soon as she has school tomorrow. "Daddy, can you read me a story before I go to bed?" she asks Jin. "Of course, sweetheart. I always do" he replies. He hugs Jiyeon. "Mommy, I don't want to go to bed yet" she said. "You'll have to soon but you can stay up a little longer" I smile. "Yay!" Jiyeon cheers. Soon I put Jiyeon to bed and Jin reads her a bedtime story while I feed Jinhwan and get him ready for bed. It takes sometime to do that. "There we are. She's all tucked up in bed" Jin said coming into the nursery. "Great. He's nearly done feeding then I'll change him and get him dressed for bed" I reply. "Ohhhh can I do that" Jin said. "Sure if you want" I reply. A few minutes later and I had finished feeding Jinhwan so Jin changed him and gets his pjs on before bed. We are tired now but we won't go to bed just yet. When Jinhwan was ready we get him to bed and have sometime together ourselves. As we were sat on the couch we hear footsteps coming from the stairs. The door opens and Jiyeon walks in. "I couldn't sleep. I need a drink of milk" she said. "Okay, baby girl. I thought you were tired" Jin replies. "Ummm well" she replies. Jiyeon has a glass of milk and stays up with us for about 10 minutes before we put her back to bed. Awww bless her, she couldn't sleep

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