4. Telling Him

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Namjoon 💖

Yesterday I found out I'm pregnant so I'm going to tell Namjoon tonight. I didn't get a chance last night as he was in the studio till late and he didn't get home till late and he was exhausted and just wanted to go to bed so I didn't get a chance but I'm going to tell him tonight and I can't wait. I have bought a baby onesie and I'm going to wrap it up and give it to Namjoon. He'll be able to guess I'm pregnant straight away. Eeekkk I'm so excited to tell him tonight. I get the onesie wrapped up in tissue paper. Namjoon should be home soon, that's if he's not late running. He texts me to tell me he'll be home soon. I get the onesie ready and put it in the lounge to give to Namjoon when he's home. I sit on the couch and check something on my phone. Soon the front door opens and he walks in with a smile on his face like he usually does. "I'm home, jagiya" Namjoon said. "Hey, honey. In here" I say. "I've missed you so much today" he said. "I've missed you so much too" I smile. Namjoon smiles and kisses me. "I have a surprise for you" I say. "Ohhh really but it's not my birthday or Christmas" he replies. I go over to the coffee table and grabbed the gift wrapped onesie. I give it to Namjoon and he opens it. "Ah a baby onesie. Do you think it will fit me?" he said. "No silly" I laugh. "Is this your way of telling me your pregnant?" Namjoon asks. "Yes I'm pregnant" I reply. "OMG, baby. That's amazing news. I'm so freaking happy" Namjoon said. "Me too, baby. I knew you would be" I reply. "We're gonna be parents" he smiles. We kiss and cuddle for a long time feeling overjoyed

Hoseok 💜

I am still in the US with Hoseok and the boys. I am having a great time. It's the day after I found out I was pregnant. I haven't told Hoseok yet as the boys had a show last night. I felt better so I came to watch but I didn't tell him I wasn't feeling well. I will today. I have kept the pregnancy test so I can show Hoseok and reveal to him that I'm pregnant. Can't wait to. I just need to find the right moment to. We are in Philadelphia today for a show tonight. Hoseok and I are getting up for the day. I can't really wait any longer to tell him the news so I think I'm going to tell him before we have breakfast. I wake up to his arms around me. "Morning, jagiya" he smiles. "Morning, jagi" I reply. Hoseok smiles and we kiss and cuddle in bed for a while. "Babe, hang on a second I need to go and get something" I say. "Okay" she replies. I go into the closet in the room and go into my case and get the pregnancy test I have saved. I grab it and put it behind my back. "What have you got there?" Hoseok asks. I walk over to him and hand him the pregnancy test. "Ahhhhh you're pregnant" he screams. "Yes I am. I found out yesterday but I didn't tell you as you were busy" I reply. "Yessss I can't believe it. We are having a baby. I'm so happy. I'm going to be a daddy" Hoseok screams pulling me onto him on the bed. He kisses me for a while. "All that trying has paid off and we are going to be parents" he said. "We are. I couldn't wait to tell you any longer" I reply. "I'm glad you did. You know I wanted to know" Hoseok said rubbing his nose on mine. I'm so happy I told him and we are both so happy to find out we are becoming parents. We won't tell the boys just yet

Jin 💙


Lately Y/ N and I have been trying for another baby. So far she hasn't got pregnant or to my knowledge she hasn't. We would love to have another baby soon and a little sibling for Jiyeon. She can't wait to be a big sister and me and Y/ N can't wait to be parents again. I am about to leave home from the studio for the night. I always can't wait to go home and see my girls. I always miss them so much. I leave the studio and an Uber is waiting outside for me. I get in and text Y/ N to tell her I'm on my way home to her and Jiyeon. Soon I arrive home to our beautiful house. I get dropped off outside and walk in. I open the door and something was strange. The lounge was in darkness and Y/ N and Jiyeon were no where to be seen. I notice that there are balloons scattered all over the floor. Then all of a sudden the light comes in and both my girls were stood in the middle of the room. "Surprise!" they exclaim. "Hey. What's this?" I ask. "Why don't you look on, Jiyeon's too?" Y/ N said. "Hey, daddy" Jiyeon says. "Hey, sweetie" I say. I bend down to her level and he top reads 'Daddy, I'm going to be big sister'. My face lights up and I look at Y/ N. "Honey, are you pregnant?" I ask. "Yes I am" she smiles. "Yes that's wonderful news. I'm so happy I can't believe it" I say. "Me and Jiyeon wanted to surprise you in a special way" she said. I hug and kiss Y/ N and then Jiyeon. "I'm going to be a big sister, daddy" she said. I'm so happy that me and Y/ N are having another baby. We can't believe it. Jiyeon is so happy to be a big sister too. We cannot wait for baby number two

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