11. Starting To Show

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Namjoon 💖

Namjoon and I are cuddling on our bed in our room tonight before we fall asleep like he usually do at night. We love cuddling and just generally being together. I love Namjoon so much. He's the best husband in the world and he's going to be the best father in the world to our baby. I think I'm starting to show a little. I notice a little baby bump when I've been getting ready. Namjoon has his arms around me and is cuddling me and holding me close. "I still can't believe we are having a baby. It's a dream come, Y/ N" he said. "I know, Joonie. It's definitely a dream come true. Can't believe we are having a baby" I reply. "Babe, I can tell you're starting to show. You have a cute and perfect little baby bump" Namjoon said. "Awww thank you, jagiya. I've noticed that actually. Namjoon, you're the sweetest I love you" I reply. "You're the sweetest too, Y/ N and I love you too" he smiles. He pulls me in and kisses me. We spend a long time cuddling together

Hoseok 💜

I have just finished my evening shower. Hoseok is laid on our bed on his phone. I always like having a nice hot shower in an evening after a long day and it also freshens me up too. I have just finish in the shower so I get out and grab my towel and get dried off. As I was getting dried off I notice something. I notice that i am starting to show a bit. I look and admire it in the mirror for a few minutes. "Hoseok, come in" I say. "What is it, babe? Are you okay?" he replies. "Yes I'm fine but look I'm starting to show. I've got a little baby bump there" I say pointing to my stomach. "Awwww. That's amazing, babe. Look how cute it is. That's my baby in there" Hoseok smiles. "I know it is. That's our little baby boy or girl" I say. "It is" I reply. Hoseok smiles and places his hand on my bump and kisses me. A minute later he bends down and kisses my little bump. Awww my heart melts because it was such a cute moment. I finished getting dried then I get dressed and join Hoseok on our bed and we cuddle for a while till we fall asleep

Jin 💙

I have just put Jiyeon to bed for the evening. She is all tucked up in bed sleeping. Jin and I can have sometime together before we go to bed. I've been feeling pretty tired today as I've been working extra hours lately and I guess it's all part of my pregnancy too. I'm about 11 weeks on. Jin and I are sat on the couch together cuddling. It's what we like to do best in the evening. "Jagiya, you're so beautiful. I love you so much" he said. "You're so handsome, Jinnie. I love you so much too. They don't call you Mr Worldwide Handsome for no reason" I reply. Jin smiles and places his arms around me and places his hand on my stomach too. "Babe, I can feel a little baby bump. You're starting to show" he said. "Awwww, Jin. Yeah I am" I say lifting up my top. "Look. You've got a little bump. I remember with Jiyeon. Both little bumps are so cute" Jin said. "Thank you. You're so cute" I reply. "Baby, I love you so much" he smiles kissing. Jin is the cutest husband in the world. He's just so adorable and we can't wait to welcome baby number two

Taehyung 🧡

I am starting to show quite a lot now. I have a nice little baby bump. Bigger than usual in this stage as I'm having triplets but I can't complain as me and Taehyung can't wait to welcome them into the world. I am about 12 weeks on in my pregnancy but triplets usually come about 7-10 weeks early so me and Tae have got to be prepared. Me and Taehyung are at home atm just chilling and relaxing together. "Babe, I still can't believe we are having triplets. It's like so crazy and surreal but in a good way of course" he said coming over to me in the kitchen. "I know me too, Tae Tae. I think we are ready for this next chapter in our lives. Becoming parents to triplets" I reply. "Yes we sure are" he replies. "Yep" I reply. "Can I just say you always look perfect but you look just a little extra perfect as you are carrying my babies in there" Taehyung said. "Awww, Tae. You're so cute. I love you" I reply. "You're so cute too, Y/ N. I love you too. So much" he replies. He puts his arms around me and touches my bump. "My three little babies are in there and I couldn't be happier I got you pregnant on our wedding night" Tae said. "Tae!" I say. He smiles and kisses my neck

Jimin ❤️

I am about 10 weeks on in my pregnancy with twins. Jimin and I really can't wait to have twins. Everything about it is amazing. We thought we were just having one baby but we are having two babies which is amazing. My pregnancy is progressing well and I can notice a baby bump. Jimin and I are at the park having a nice afternoon together just strolling around together. Luckily it's a pretty quiet park so Jimin won't get mobbed by fans who recognise him. We are walking through the park slowly together enjoying the nice afternoon and just being together. Jimin holds my hand as we walk together. Aster sometime we decide to get an ice creak from the ice cream place there. We love ice cream. We get our favourite flavours. I get strawberry and Jimin gets cookies n cream. We then find somewhere to sit on a bench. "I love these times with you, Y/ N" he said. "Oh, ChimChim. Me too. They are the best" I reply. "Awwww you are too, ChimChim" I reply. "You've got an amazing little baby bump. I can't believe you're having my babies. I couldn't me happier. You make me the happiest guy in the world" Jimin said. "You make me the happiest girl in the world too" I reply. He leans over and places his hand on my bump and kisses me lips. "I still can't believe we are having twins. It's so great. I've actually always wanted to know what it's like to have twins" Jimin said. "Yeah me too and it's happening to us" I reply. "Sure is" I reply. He smiles and kisses me again. Jimin and I had a great afternoon in the park spending time together. It was somewhat special

Jungkook 💚


Y/ N is doing really well in her pregnancy. I'm really proud of her that she's carrying my child. Wow! I'm so proud of her. I can't believe she's mine. I love her and I can't believe I'm starting a family with her. I never thought I'd be the first to have a kid at 22. Y/ N is over at my place. Well it's actually our place now as she's living with me since we are having a baby together. Can't wait to be parents. I am laid on the bed in our room. Y/ N is in the bathroom getting herself ready for the day. I always when on the bed when she's in the shower or getting ready. A few minutes later she walks into the bedroom in her sweatpants and her sports bra. She looks so amazing like always. I notice that she's starting to show a bit. "Baby, come here" I say. "Course" Y/ N replies. "You look so beautiful" I say. "Thanks. You do too" she replies. "I know" I laugh. "Stop" she said. Y/ N sits to me at the end of the bed and I kiss her. "Look, babe. You're starting to show. You've got a little baby bump" I say. "Oh yeah. I do" she replies. "It's beautiful just like our baby and you" I smile. "Awe, Kookie. You're so cute" Y/ N said. We spend some time kissing and cuddling on the bed for a while

Yoongi 💛

I am arriving back from work for the evening and the week too. Can't wait to get home and see Yoongi for a whole weekend. I've missed him so much. It's around 7:30pm and I'm on my way home as I was working late as I work in a hospital and work late shifts sometimes. Yoongi should already be home. I set off and arrive home to our apartment around 30 minutes later. I park up in the parking lot of our apartment block and walk in. I open the door of our apartment and walk in and Yoongi is there laid out on the couch. "Hey, baby" he said. "Hey, jagi" I reply. I go over to him and give him a kiss. "How was your day?" Yoongi asks. "It was alright but glad to be home now" I reply. A minute later I go into our bedroom and Yoongi follows me in. He sits on the bed and we talk as I get changed. He can't take his eyes off me when I'm getting dressed. Haha. He makes me laugh. "Is that a baby bump I see?" he asks. I look in the mirror and reply "Hmmm yeah I think it is" I reply. "Babe, you're starting to show" Yoongi said. "Yep I am by the looks of it" I reply. "Awww that's amazing and that's my little baby in there" he smiles. I smile and he kisses me and touches my tiny bump too. Yay! I'm starting to show a bit which is great

A/ N: think this is of my favourite parts so far. Made it really cute. Haha

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