36. He Changes A Diaper

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Namjoon 💖


So far I have been a very hands on dad and I have been changing lots of Namjae's diapers. I love helping out Y/ N and doing things for her and our son. They both mean the world to me. Don't know what I'd be without them. Y/ N has fallen asleep on the couch and I'm cuddling with baby Namjae. She fed him not so long ago so he might need a change soon. I love cuddling by son. He's so cuddle able and adorable. Namjae starts fussing a bit as I'm holding him. I realise that he needs a change so I quietly go out of the room trying not to disturb Y/ N and lay him on the changing table in his room. He starts crying so I take off his onesie and take off his dirty diaper and clean him up before putting a clean one on him. Namjae was much happier when I had changed him. Y/ N walks into the room and yawns. "Did we disturb you, baby?" I say. "No it's fine. I was awake" she replies. "Namjae needed a change" I say. "Awe" she said. I kiss her on the forehead before we go back into the lounge

Hoseok 💜

It's been a few days since we brought baby Chaeyoung home from the hospital. Everything is going very well so far. I've been trying to get Hoseok to change a diaper since we brought her home but he hasn't yet. I've changed everything single one. I don't really mind but I would like Hoseok to learn. He should remember from the prenatal classes we took together. Anyway Chaeyoung is sleeping right now and Hoseok and I are just waking up for the day. We are laid in each other's arms before we wake up. "Hobi, you need to change a diaper soon" I say. "I know I do. You always keep on reminding me" he replies. "Hmmmm I know I do" I laugh. Soon Chaeyoung wakes up and starts crying. "I think that's your cue" I say. "Okay if I must" he replies. Hoseok reluctantly gets out of bed and picks up Chaeyoung from her crib and takes her into her room and starts changing her. I follow after him. Hoseok looks nervous like he doesn't know what he's doing. "Am I doing it right?" he asks as he's cleaning Chaeyoung's bottom. "Yeah you are" I reply. He finishes changing her and it all goes well. "See You did it. You just changed your daughters first diaper" I say. "Yeah I did. Don't know what I was scared of" Hoseok replies. "See I told you" I reply. "You did. Sorry if I was kicking up a fuss" he said. "It's fine" I laugh giving him a kiss. So Hoseok channel his first diaper this morning

Jin 💙

A few days ago we brought Jinhwan home from the hospital. Everything has been going very good so far. We love being a family of four. Jin is an amazing dad to our two kids and a husband. I wouldn't want anyone better. Jin is such a hands on dad. He changes all of Jinhwan's diapers so it gives me a break. I change a few too. Jin has had to go to the studio today but he'll be home soon and we can't wait to see him. Me and the kids are at home and we miss him so much. I am sat at the couch feeding Jinhwan while Jiyeon watches TV. Jin text me not so long ago to tell me he's on his way. Soon I was done feeding Jinhwan and the door. "Hey, mi familia. I'm home" he said. "Hey, honey. It's so good to have you home" I say. "It's so good to be home" Jin said. "Hey, daddy" Jiyeon said. "Hey, baby" Jin said. Jinhwan starts crying. I think he needs a diaper change. "I'll change him. I've missed my little guy" Jin said. "Okay if you don't mind" I reply. "No not at all" I reply. I hand Jinhwan to Jin and he takes him into his room and changes him. Jin is an expert at changing diapers and he likes doing it. He comes back a few minutes later with a fresh Jinhwan. "There we go. He's all fresh, clean and happier" Jin said. "Great. Thank you, Jinnie" I say. "No problem, honey" he smiles giving me a kiss. Jin is the best father and husband in the world

Taehyung 🧡


Things have been kinda hectic since we brought the triplets home from the hospital. Me and Y/ N have been none stop and running around all over the place taking care of our newborn babies. My mom did stay for a few days but she's gone home now to carry on with her own life but we are really grateful for her staying and helping out with the babies. Me and Y/ N figured that we want to be independent and take care of our own babies. We love being parents to Daehyun, Minseo and Hwayoung. We love them all so much and we are very proud parents. If we need my mom we know she's on hand whenever we need her. She's been a great help. Anyway me and Y/ N are at home with the triplets right now. The girls are sleeping but Daehyun is awake. They all sleep and feed at different times. It can get confusing sometimes. Y/ N is always tired but she can rest whenever she wants. "Are you okay, honey?" I ask. "Yeah I'll be fine" she replies. Y/ N is holding Daehyun is her arms. "Baby, I think Daehyun needs a diaper change. Would you mind doing it?" she asks. "Of course not" I smile. "Thanks" Y/ N said. "Come on, baby boy. Let's get you changed" I say taking Daehyun into the nursery. The girls are asleep in there. I go in quietly trying not to disturb them. I lay him down on the changing table and start changing him. At first I wasn't keep on changing diapers but I've gotten used to it now. It's not too bad. I like to change my babies now. When Daehyun was changed I take him back into the lounge to Y/ N

Jimin ❤️

Y/ N and I brought Jisoo and Jihyo home a few days ago. So far everything is going very well. We are both pretty tired being parents to twins but it's definitely worth it as we love our baby girls so much. They are beautiful, amazing and gorgeous. Y/ N is currently sleeping as she's tired so I'm looking after both of the twins. It's what I love to do as a husband and father. I have them both cradled in my arms and I'm holding them. They both have thief eyes opens and we looking at me. "You two are truly gorgeous. Aren't you?" I say. Both the girls look at me. Then Jihyo does a big fart. "Ohhhh was that you, Park Jihyo" I say. I take her into the nursery and change her. I place Jisoo in her Moses basket while I go and change Jihyo as she needs changing. I lay her down on the changing table and start changing her. She's not crying. She just needs changing. As I'm changing Jihyo, I hear Jisoo crying from the world. I wipe her and put her a clean diaper on and put her clothes back on and go into the lounge where Jisoo is. "Coming, baby girl" I say. I place Jihyo in her Moses basket and pick up Jisoo and realise that she needs a change too so I take her into the nursery and change her too. She must have noticed that her sister was being changed. Awww bless. Y/ N didn't wake up till later

Jungkook 💚

We brought little Jayden home from the hospital a few days ago. He's setting into life at home well. Well we think he is as he seems to be enjoying home life with mommy and daddy even though he's a newborn and probably has no idea where he is. Jungkook is a good dad but he hasn't changed a single one of Jayden's diapers yet. I've been trying to get him to but he won't do it. He's freaked out a couple of times when I've been changing Jayden. Tbh I just think he's being a wuss. He's a dad and dads have to learn how to change their baby's diapers. I want Jungkook to learn. Right now we are laying in bed waiting to wake up. Jayden is awake and we are cradling him in our arms. We are actually in no rush to get up. We are just enjoying family time in bed together. We didn't have the best of nights last night as Jayden was being a bit restless but that happens sometimes. "He's so cute. I love him so much. Just like I love you" Jungkook said. "Awwww, Kookie. He is and you're so cute too" I smile. As we are cuddling Jayden, I realise that he needs a diaper change. "He's done a stinky. Why don't you do it?" I say. "No. Why do I have to?" he moans. "Jungkook, he's your baby too. Come on you. Have to learn to change him" I reply. "Errrrr okay I suppose I could try" he rolls his eyes. Jungkook takes Jayden and we go through to his room and he lays him down on the changing mat. "You're not asking me for help. You can do it yourself" I reply. So he starts undressing Jayden and takes off his dirty diaper and wipes round his area with cotton wool and warm water. It's more gentle on the skin than wipes. He manages to do that then he puts Jayden a clean diaper on. The job was done. "See You did it. You just changed your first diaper" I say. "Yeah I did" Jungkook smiles. We both feel proud that Jungkook just changed his first ever diaper

Yoongi 💛


I am sat with Youngsoo on the couch while Y/ N takes her evening shower. It will soon be time to get him ready for bed as it's around 8pm. I love spending time with my little boy and cuddling him and making funny faces at him even though he doesn't seem to react. Youngsoo is laid on the couch next to me but I'm watching him. At least he hasn't learnt to roll yet. He starts to get tired and fall asleep so I pick him up and carry him into the kitchen and warm up some milk for him. Y/ N has been expressing milk like mad for me to feed Youngsoo. When his bottle was made up I go into the nursery and sit on the chair and feed him. When I was nearly done feeding Youngsoo, Y/ N comes out of the bathroom. "Hey" she says. "Hey, honey" I say. "You just fed him to save me a job. Awe" she said. "Yes I did. Now I'm going to change him now" I say. "Okay I'll wait" Y/ N replies. I lay Youngsoo down on his changing table and start changing him. I've definitely got used to changing smelly diapers now. It's almost become normal to me I think. A few minutes later he was all changed and ready to be put bed. It takes me and Y/ N a few minutes to put Youngsoo to sleep. "Thank you for looking after him while I showered" she said. "No problem. You know I would do it anytime" I smile. Y/ N smiles and I kiss her

A/N: I know some parts are longer than others

It's Namjoon's birthday today. Happy birthday to my baby. Loml 💜❤️❤️❤️❤️💖

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