28. Labor/ Delivery- Hoseok 💜

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I am a few days off my due date and me and Hoseok can't wait wait to be parents to our baby girl Chaeyoung. We have been waiting for our arrival for a long time. We gave everything packed and ready for her but hopefully she'll stay in there till her due date but if she comes early we will be prepared. Today is February 18th, Hoseok's birthday and we are having a celebration for him tonight. My due date isn't till the 23rd, another five days. I have planned this birthday celebration for Hoseok for months even though it's really close to my due date but that doesn't matter as he still deserves to have a great birthday. The best birthday. I know it will be the best birthday for him as he's about to become a father in the next few days. Hopefully. Hoseok and I are getting ready for his birthday celebration tonight. It's at a fancy hotel. The boys will be there of course and Hoseok's family and friends. It should be great and we both can't wait for it. I am doing my hair and makeup in the bathroom. It's taking me longer as I don't feel like I've got the energy with me being a few days off my due date. "Do you need any help, jagiya?" Hoseok asks. "Hmmm Yeah maybe. I could do with a hand on my hair" I reply. "No problem. I'm always here to help you, my love" he replies kissing my neck. I hand Hoseok my curling irons and he starts curling my hair. He knows what he's doing as he's done it before. When my hair was done Hoseok helps me get into my dress before getting ready himself. When we were ready we get in a cab which was waiting outside our house to take us to the venue. "How are you feeling, babe?" Hoseok asks. "Fine actually" I reply. "You shouldn't have gone to all this trouble for my birthday. It's not like a special one or anything but I'm very grateful that you care about me so much" he said. "Of course I should have, Hobi. You still deserve to have any amazing birthday, my love" I reply. "It's the best birthday ever as I'm about to become a father. I didn't really need anything else because I've got you and you're carrying my baby girl" Hoseok said. "Hobi, you're the best" I reply. "No you're the best, Y/ N" he said kissing me. We arrive at the hotel soon for the party

It's about an hour and a half or so into the party. Hoseok has been really enjoying himself so far. So have I. In the last while I haven't been feeling too well. I take a seat on one of the tables and rest for sometime as my feet were hurting and I was getting backache too. Hoseok is talking to the boys. I sip on some water to keep me hydrated and so that I will feel better soon. My sister comes to check on me and makes sure I'm okay. After sometime I feel the urge to pee so I get up and my sister goes with me to make sure I'm okay. As I'm on my way to the bathroom. My waters break. Damn it was a gush of water. It feels like I've just peed myself. "I think you've gone into labor" my sister says. "Yes I think I have. I really didn't want it to happen now on Hoseok's birthday" I reply. I then feel a contraction come on. I clench my tummy. My sister takes me to Hoseok. "Y/ N's waters have broken. She's going into labor" she said. "Oh my gosh. Really the baby is coming" Hoseok panics. "I'm so sorry, Hoseok that this has happened on your birthday" I say. "Sweetie, don't be sorry. I'm going to be a daddy soon. The boys call an ambulance and it takes me and Hoseok to the hospital. I really didn't want to go into labor on his special day but I guess it can't be helped. Baby Chaeyoung wants to make an appearance on her daddy's birthday. When we get to the hospital I get taken into the maternity unit and examined by a midwife. She checks my cervix and the baby's heartbeat too. "You're about 6cm dilated so it still could be a while" she said. Hoseok sits with me and gets me something to drink. "I didn't think this would happen tonight. Not on your birthday. I'm so sorry, Hobi" I say. "Honey, don't apologise. I am about to witness the greatest moment of my life and I couldn't be happier. I'm so excited. Our little girl is coming" Hoseok smiles. I smile and he kisses my hand. My labor goes on till the morning. 7am of the next morning and baby Chaeyoung still hasn't made an appearance. So she wasn't born on Hoseok's birthday. When I was almost fully dilated the midwives came in to monitor me and stay with me till I was ready to push

A couple of hours later and our beautiful baby girl Chaeyoung came into the world. The labor wasn't too bad although I was rather exhausted after it. It was definitely worth it as our gorgeous baby girl was born. Chaeyoung was born about half an hour ago and Hoseok and I are sat cradling and cuddling her. He is sat on the bed next to me as we cradle her. "She is just so precious and perfect. I'm so in love with her already" Hoseok said. "She is. She's our perfect little angel" I reply. "Babe, you did amazingly well. I'm so proud of you, my love" he says kissing my cheek. Hoseok holds Chaeyoung for a while. "I can't believe I'm a dad. This is the most incredible and amazing feeling in the world" he said getting emotional. Hoseok was crying and I've never seen him cry like that before but it was such a heartwarming and touching moment. A little later around noon me and Hoseok decide to FaceTime the boys in the hospital to show them our newborn daughter and to tell them everything went well. "Hey, guys" he said. "Hey" Taehyung says. "Hey, you two" Namjoon said. "We would like you to meet someone. This is our daughter Chaeyoung" Hoseok said posting his phone to me and Chaeyoung. "Awwww she's so adorable. Congratulations to you both" Jin said. "She's beautiful, guys" Jungkook said. We both smile. We talk to the boys for a little while. It feels amazing to be parents to our beautiful little girl

 It feels amazing to be parents to our beautiful little girl

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Jung Chaeyoung 💗
Born February 19th @ 9:05am
Weight 6lbs 5oz

A/ N: another precious and adorable baby. I'm also really proud of this one. Also don't forget to read, vote and comment if you want. I've already got a lot of reads for my last few parts but of course more would be nice

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