41. The Boys Meeting The Baby

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Namjoon 💖

Namjoon and I are heading to the BTS house with baby Namjae. The boys are going to meet him god the first time today. We decided to bring our little man over to their place today for a couple of hours. Namjae's uncles cannot wait to meet him for the first time today. We are in the car on our way. "Can't wait to introduce our little man to the boys" Namjoon said. "I know. Me too, babe" I smile. Soon we arrive at the BTS house and park up outside and get Namjae pot of the back and his changing bag. He is asleep now. We knock on the door and Jungkook answers the door. "Hey, guys. Come in" he said. "Hey" we say. We go into the lounge where the other guys are. "We're here" Namjoon said. "Let's see him. Let's see Namjae" Jin said. He peaks and looks at Namjae sleeping. "Awwww. He's adorable" Jin said. "He really is" Yoongi said. Namjae was waking up so I lifted him out of his car seat. He yawned as I did so. "Who wants to hold him?" I ask. "Me" all the guys way apart from Taehyung. "Tae, you can hold him first" I say. "Really. Thanks" he replies. I pass Namjae to Tae to hold. "We can't believe we are uncles" Jimin said. "We are. The best uncles in the world" Hoseok said. All the boys had a turn at holding Namjae and really enjoyed it. They had a great time meeting him today

Hoseok 💜

The boys have been dying to meet baby Chaeyoung since the day she was born. Well kinda before that. Since she was in my belly. They are over at our place right now seeing us and meeting our baby girl for the first time. She is so precious and beautiful and me and Hoseok think she is the most beautiful creation on earth. We are all sat in the lounge and Jimin is the one holding Chaeyoung right now. "She's so beautiful, guys. She brings a tear to my eyes" he said. "Thank you, man. I have the two most beautiful girls in the work" Hoseok said. "You definitely are a lucky man, Hobi" Namjoon said. "I am. I tell my wife that everyday" Hoseok said. I blush and smile. Next Jungkook holds Chaeyoung. "Hey, baby girl. I'm your uncle Kookie. That's what you'll call me" he said. "You'll call me uncle Tae Tae" Taehyung said. "And you'll call me uncle Jonnie" Namjoon said. "Me uncle Jinnie" Jin said. "Ohhh she'll call me uncle ChimChim" Jimin said. "And me just uncle Yoongi I guess" Yoongi laughs. Then we all laugh. They are the sweetest uncles ever are the boys. Next Jin has a hold. Chaeyoung was closing her beautiful eyes as she was being held by Jin. All the boys held her for a long time and she was so good. That's our precious baby girl. We love her so much and her uncles love her already

Jin 💙

The boys are hanging out at our place as they really wanted to meet baby Jinhwan for the first time. They also love hanging out and spending time with Jiyeon too so they came for both reasons. Jiyeon loves being with her uncles. We love having the boys over. They are so trouble at all. I have prepared some snacks and drinks for the boys as I know they'll be hungry. "Snacks are on the kitchen table if you want any" I say. The boys help themselves a few minutes later. Namjoon is sat on the couch cradling Jinhwan. "I love babies. They are so sweet. Can't wait to have one of my own one day" he said. "You'll be a great dad one day, Namjoon" I reply. "But not as great as Jin" he said. Anyway the boys continue to hangout at our place with us and the kids. Yoongi is reading a story to Jiyeon right now. I go off into the nursery to feed Jinhwan privately. When I come back the boys were talking to Jin about fatherhood. "So, Seokjin. What's the best thing about being a dad?" Taehyung asks. "Everything. It's the most amazing thing ever and being a husband to Y/ N. Trust me you'll know what it's like someday" Jin replies. I smile. Jin is just the best husband and father to our children in the world. It was great having the boys over today

Taehyung 🧡

The boys are coming over to our place to meet the triplets for the first time. Since they were born they have been patiently waiting to meet them. The babies were in the hospital for a while and the boys were kind and considerate and wanted to wait to meet them till they were strong enough. They can't wait to meet them today. They will be here soon. Taehyung and I are getting ourselves and the babies ready. We have fed them and now we are changing them before the boys arrive. Can't wait to see them. This will be the first time they see our house too. Soon there is a knock on the door. Tae opens the door and the guys walk in. "Hey, guys" Jimin exclaims. "Hey" Tae said. "Where are those beautiful babies of yours? I can't wait to see them" Hoseok says. "Right this way, boys" Taehyung said. The boys walk into the lounge and greet me. They have come with gifts for the babies. "Awwww look at them. They're adorable" Namjoon said. "Can I hold one of them? I want a cuddle" Jungkook says. "Of course" I reply. The boys sit down and we let them hold the babies. Jungkook holds Minseo, Yoongi holds Daehyun and Jin holds Hwayoung. "They are adorable. Congratulations. Can't believe you have triplets" Jin said. "Thank you and I know it's crazy but me and Tae are so happy to be parents to these three little bundles of joy" I reply. "We are" Taehyung said kissing me. The guys loved meeting the babies for the first time today and brought some lovely gifts for them which we were grateful for

Jimin ❤️


The boys have been wanting to meet our twin girls for a while. Now they are finally going to meet them as Y/ N is coming down to the studio with Jisoo and Jihyo so the boys can meet them for the first time. They can't wait to meet their nieces for the first time. They are going to be the best uncles in the world to my baby girls. Y/ N and the girls are due to arrive soon so I cant wait to see them and the boys can't too. We are finishing up in the studio so they'll be here soon. "Guys, my girls will be here soon" I say. "Can't wait to meet them" Yoongi said. "Yeah we can't wait to meet them" Namjoon said. Soon Y/ N arrives at the studio with the girls. "Here are my baby girls" I say. "They have missed their daddy" Y/ N said. "Guys, how beautiful are my baby girls" I say. "So beautiful. Aren't they gorgeous?" Taehyung said. "They are. Jisoo, Jihyo meet your uncles" I say. Jin holds Jihyo and Hoseok holds Jisoo. "They're so adorable. I love them already" Hoseok says. "Awwww their so beautiful and adorable" Jin said. "I'm so glad you finally get to meet them. You all can be their godfathers we decided" I say. "Ohhhh can we. Can't wait to be a godfather" Jungkook said. All the boys had a turn in holding the girls and loved meeting them tonight. Can't wait to make them all their godfathers

Jungkook 💚

Jungkook and I decided to go over to the BTS house today with baby Jayden. All the boys haven't met him yet. Namjoon and Taehyung paid him a visit in the hospital when he was born which was nice of them both. The other boys haven't met baby Jayden before so we decided to go over to their place today with him so Jin, Hoseok, Jungkook, Jimin and Yoongi can meet him. We are there night now and Namjoon is holding Jayden and he's being really good for him. "I can't believe how well he's doing. From the way he was in the hospital. You wouldn't believe he was the same baby" Namjoon said. "He definitely is doing so better. That's my boy" Jungkook said. "We are so proud to be parents to such a wonderful little boy. Aren't we, Kookie?" I say. "Yes we certainly are" he replies kissing my hand and smiling. So we continue to hangout at the boys place with baby Jayden. They were all cooing over him. Well I'm not surprised as he's such a sweet baby boy. Our sweet baby boy. "I haven't held Jayden yet. Can I?" Hoseok asks. "Yes of course you can, Hoseok" I reply. Jin hands Jayden to Hoseok to hold. Can't believe we nearly missed him out. It was great for the other boys to meet Jayden today. It's important he's close with all his uncles

Yoongi 💛

The boys have been over at our place most of the day today. They wanted to come over so they can see Youngsoo. They have only briefly met him once so they wanted to meet him again. It's great to have them over again. Yoongi is a great father to Youngsoo and the boys are great uncles. "I can't believe you have a baby, Yoongi. You're a daddy" Jimin said. "I know I am. I can't believe it. It's like the most amazing thing ever" Yoongi replies. "It's great to be uncles to this little guy" Jungkook said. "I'm sure it is, guys. It's great to be parents to him" I reply. "He's a chubby little thing" Hoseok said. "Hey. Watch it. My son is not chubby. He's just cute" Yoongi said. "Sorry" Hoseok replies. So the boys continue hanging out at our place and taking it in turns holding baby Youngsoo. He was enjoying being held and cuddled by all his uncles. He didn't mind them being there. He was a very good little boy and we are very proud of him. Youngsoo starts crying as Taehyung is holding him. "Hey, what's the matter little guy?" he said. "I think he needs feeding, Tae. It's time" I say. I get Youngsoo from Taehyung and take him into the nursery and feed him. Anyway it was a great day with having the boys over

A/ N: I'm really proud of this book so far. I'm doing PRETTYMUCH next if you're wondering. Looking forward to starting it

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