𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 8

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"It's kinda weird, don't you think?" I continue sipping on my drink through the straw, quirking a brow at the blonde across from me. "There hasn't been too much...action happening."

"Explain what you mean by action," I request.

"The gang hasn't come around for a few days and even when they did come last week, they were in and out of here in the blink of an eye," Tyler replies. "You must be enjoying this, though."

It has been pretty normal around here as of late. Since my shift last week when I met Jimin, I had been scheduled three different times at night and none of the club members showed up. During those nights, I was glad they were uneventful but I definitely wasn't as happy as Dan. The man was practically glowing. Guess it gets annoying having to deal with the gang causing trouble in his pub so frequently.

"I haven't even seen them outside of work. Sometimes when I'm out doing shopping or whatever, I hear the motorcycles but I never actually see them ride by," I say.

"Or maybe you're going crazy. Starting to miss those fucked up guys already, I see?" Tyler laughs, although it doesn't sound very genuine.

Miriam appears out of nowhere, now dressed in casual clothes as opposed to her work uniform, and plops down in the seat to my left. "Alright! I'm done work now so what did I miss?"

"Dan isn't gonna kick us out, is he? I've heard that sometimes he tells you to leave because, according to him, employees staying after work scares away business."

"He's always given me a pass and he'll probably be chill with you since you're fairly new and haven't done anything to piss him off," Miriam shrugs. Then she turns to Tyler with a teasing smirk. "Ty, on the other hand, might be asked to 'leave the facility because he is disturbing the other customers'."

"Fuck off," Tyler grumbles, throwing a fry at the dark-haired girl who is cackling like a witch. "It was a one-time thing. He hasn't kicked me out since."

"What was he doing?" I ask, intrigued while also scared of what I might hear.

"Eating my freakin' burger in peace before he came along," Tyler complains, throwing his hands up in the air.

"He also kept talking to me every time I came around. Even though Dan supposedly did it for the customers, I think it was also his way of telling Tyler not to distract me while I'm at work--or his colleagues in general," Miriam adds.

"Me, distract you? Are you sure it wasn't the other way around? My beauty is so overwhelming you just couldn't stop coming back for more," the blonde sighs, as if it were inevitable.

"Do you want me to tell Dan you're being disruptive? His office is right over there, I won't need to go far," Miriam threatens.

Tyler opens his mouth to say something but something outside catches his attention. His expression drops and now he looks irked as he sets his arm upright on the table, leaning his face into his palm. Miriam furrows her brows in confusion while Tyler tosses a fry into his mouth, chewing far more harshly than necessary.

"What crawled up your ass and died?" Miriam asks.

"I was pretty happy that we hadn't seen anyone from that stupid gang but it's almost like they knew I was talking about them and now they're here to make me miserable," Tyler mutters.

Miriam and I both turn around at the same time to see two of the members entering the pub. One is Jungkook and the other is one I've seen before but haven't officially met yet. He was the other man that came in with Seokjin and Gary that one time, when Gary had Dan give me my first night shift. The man is definitely older, the streaks of grey in his unruly black hair being a clear indicator. He has a scruffy beard and a noticeably crooked nose. Shades that had previously been covering his eyes are pushed to the top of his head and reveal jade eyes. A small gasp escapes Miriam and the older of the two gang members meets the girl's eyes, breaking out into a big grin.

Scarlet Knives || Jungkook ff || DISCONTINUED Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora