𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 27

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The moment I feel myself becoming conscious, I know I'll dread the day that's to come. There's a dull ache in my head and I don't even need to open my eyes to know daylight will feel far too bright, too bright for me to handle today. I want to sleep the day away but I need to get up, need to figure out where I am. My brain is a bit sluggish at the moment but even I can tell I'm not in my own room--the sheets smell a bit like vanilla, a scent I don't wake up to when I'm in my bed.

Reluctantly, I peel my eyes open, grimacing at the feeling of sleep crust in the corners of my eyes and along my lower lash line. With a groan, I wipe the residue away and push myself up onto my hands, surveying the room through blurry vision.

The bed is placed underneath a window that's half covered by blinds. A dresser occupies one corner of the room, a desk in another, a bedside table to my left. There are a few shirts and jackets on the floor or the chair by the desk but other than that, the room is relatively tidy. There's barely anything of sentimental value--no photographs, no books, no small pieces of artwork, not even a poster. If it weren't for the fact there's some evidence of this room being lived in, I would've assumed I was in a hotel room.

Quickly inspecting myself, I notice I'm still wearing the same outfit I had on last night. The only difference is my shoes are missing but I'm guessing whoever brought me here took them off before putting me to bed and left them somewhere close by.

I swing my heavy legs over the side of the bed just as I hear the sound of footsteps approaching the room. I wish I could say I'm surprised when Jungkook appears in the doorframe but honestly, I was somewhat expecting it. Besides, the room is vaguely familiar, probably from the one time I came up here and walked in on Jungkook changing.

"Cool, you're finally awake," he notes, a glass of water in one hand and a capsule of painkillers in the other. "I was gonna leave this stuff for you but I guess I can just give it to you directly, instead."

"Why am I here?" I croak, wincing at the scratchiness evident in my voice. 

"You got drunk last night and I certainly wasn't about to let you travel home on your own," Jungkook answers, walking up next to the bed and holding out the items in his hands for me to take.

"Miriam wasn't around?"

"She disappeared with Kane after his fight and I couldn't find her anywhere. I can only assume she went home sometime throughout the night. Kane was missing, too, so either he went with her or wandered off with some other chick."

"I see," I mumble, taking two pills and washing them down with water.

Part of me feels somewhat disappointed. It would've been nice if Miriam stayed so we could leave together, especially given the type of people hanging around Tranquility last night. At the same time, it's not like she's my designated babysitter--I'm an adult and I'm responsible for myself. For all I know, she could've been just as drunk and in no position to be worrying about me.

I return the painkillers and water to Jungkook, eyeing him skeptically. "You didn't, like, do anything to me last night, did you?"

Jungkook cocks an eyebrow and runs his tongue over his front teeth, shifting his weight to one leg. "First of all, I'm not the type of guy who's gonna take advantage of women when they're drunk, alright? I make sure there's consent before engaging in anything. But to answer your question, no, we didn't do anything together."

"Promise you're telling the truth?"

Jungkook rolls his eyes. "Believe me, even if I was a scumbag, you wouldn't have been much fun. You could barely walk and were clinging to me to keep your nonexistent balance. Plus, you weren't even capable of speaking properly. So...not exactly the most attractive gal present last night."

Scarlet Knives || Jungkook ff || DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now