𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 23

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I snatch up the small plastic bag sitting in the passenger's seat before hopping out of my car. The parking lot is almost empty, as per usual, and I can't help but wonder if Tranquility is ever actually open.

Coming here on my day off wasn't part of my plan originally. I used up the last of my painkillers during my period a week ago so I was just gonna pick up some more from the pharmacy and then chill at home. But, given my current whereabouts, that obviously didn't end up happening.


I turn around to see Delilah standing behind me. She waves awkwardly, offering a courteous smile.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Hi, uh, I'm glad I ran into you here. This is gonna be pretty sudden so I completely understand if you can't, but I was wondering if you could do me a favour," she says, playing with the drawstrings of her sweatpants.

"Depends," I reply, arching a skeptical eyebrow. "Are you gonna have me murder someone?"

The brunette laughs and shakes her head. "Nothing of the sort. Um, Jungkook's arm has been bugging him the past couple of nights so he asked me to get him something to help him sleep. I've already bought the medication but I just got a text from one of the girls I work with and they need me to come to the studio as soon as possible. Do you think you could drop the stuff off at Tranquility's for me? The only reason I ask is because it's in the complete opposite direction of my work."

Delilah has a hopeful glint in her eyes and she keeps glancing over at a clock on the wall. Briefly, I put myself in her place and realize how desperate I'd be for someone to help me, too. Maybe there's an emergency at her work.

Besides, it's not like I'm in a hurry right now.

"I guess I could do it."

Delilah heaves out a sigh of relief and clasps my hand between both of hers. "Thank you, thank you. I owe you one."

"Hello?" I call out as I cautiously enter the diner.

The place is deserted. Well, those are my initial thoughts until a head pokes out from the window looking into the kitchen. It belongs to a woman and she looks quite surprised to see me. They must be closed.

"Sorry, Tranquility isn't open." Just as I thought.

She walks out of the kitchen while wiping her hands on her shirt. Upon closer inspection, she seems to be a bit older, maybe around Natalie's age. Her black hair is tied into a bun on the top of her head and I notice a few silver strands. Unlike Natalie, she has a kind gaze and her aura is very calming, almost motherly.

"Actually I'm here to give Ju- um, Kook something," I explain while holding up the bag in my hand.

"Oh! I'm not entirely sure where he is but I know a bunch of the guys are hanging out in the back. Maybe check there first," the woman suggests. She holds out her hand. "I'm Jen, by the way. Usually I've got my name tag on but I just took it off a few minutes ago."

"Ah, I'm Nicole. Nice to meet you," I introduce myself, accepting the handshake.

"If he's not outside, I'm sure the other guys will be able to point you in the right direction."

"Right. Thank you."

I exit through the doors I just entered and walk around to the right side of the diner, strolling along the path leading to the backyard. The sound of voices gets louder as I round the corner. I find Seokjin, Yoongi, Jimin and Kane all sitting in chairs placed in a circle.

Scarlet Knives || Jungkook ff || DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now