𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘦𝘳 17

317 17 1

Jungkook's suggestion about trying out Tranquility's food planted itself in my mind, roots reaching the deepest crevices. No matter how hard I tried, I wasn't able to stop thinking about it and it remained as an ever-present parasite. Despite being very intrigued, I wasn't about to allow myself to give in so easily. I had seen him four times in the past week and I didn't want to seem needy or obsessed. So I waited until Monday before deciding to drop by the diner.

The parking lot is empty and I begin to wonder if Jungkook lied about Tranquility's so-called popularity. The first time I came here it was as desolate as it is now. Maybe everyone just walks here? Probably unlikely but you never know. I gingerly climb the stairs to the porch, staring at the entrance doors as a sense of disquiet swirled around in my gut. Pushing down my uncertainties, I inhale deeply before pulling the doors open and enter.

There are tables spread out around the room strategically. Off to my right, is a small hostess stand. To my left in the corner, there's a bar occupied with coffee machines, utensils, napkins, sauces, and an assortment of other items. A large, glass cabinet stands behind it pressed against the wall, shelves full of a variety of booze and liqueurs. In the far left corner, there's a hallway with a sign hanging from the ceiling indicating that the washrooms are ahead. The wall furthest from me, opposite to the side of the room I stand on, has a large, rectangular, window-like hole of some sort that allows one to look through into the kitchen. If this place was bustling with customers, I'd probably be able to see the cooks and other kitchen staff running around back there.

There is one other person in the room--a woman. She sits on top of one of the tables, so I assume she's not here to eat. She's got long, ombré hair that reaches just past her breasts, going from a dark brown copper to a golden bronze near her tips which actually looks quite natural. Her chocolate eyes are accentuated by eyeshadow and winged eyeliner, her lips glossy and pink. She has a yellow flannel top on with the ends tied into a knot just above her navel, allowing a tiny pouch of fat on her lower belly to be exposed. Black, booty shorts are all that cover her lower half. It seems like her legs take up most of her body and I can't help but feel a twinge of envy when noticing how thick her thighs are.

She appears to be bemused by my presence but offers a smile anyways, albeit unsure. "Erm, can I help you?"

"Tell them we're closed!" a vaguely familiar voice shouts from the kitchen.

The brunette smiles apologetically with an expression that reads you heard the man. "Sorry, Tranquility isn't opened Mondays."

"Oh, I'm a, um, friend of Jungkook's." I don't really think our relationship meets the requirements of a friendship but I'm gonna roll with it for now. "He told me I should come by and try some of this place's food?"

"She says she's a friend of Jungkook's!" she relays to the person in the kitchen.

"Send her upstairs with the other one!"

The other one? What the fuck is going on? Just before I can open my mouth to try and clear up the misunderstanding, the other woman steps in for me. "Not that kind, you prick! She's here to try some of your cooking."

"A girl who JK isn't planning on sleeping with? Who the fu--" Seokjin appears in the space in the wall, eyes enlarging when they land on me, "--oh shit, Nicole! Wait, since when were you and Kook close?"

"Ah, we've been talking a bit recently," I reply, scratching my neck sheepishly.

"Well come in! I'll make you whatever you'd like but just give me a second to finish what I was doing."

The brunette hops off the table and turns to me with a friendly gaze. "I'm Delilah, Delilah Moran. It's nice to meetcha. C'mon, let's get you comfortable." She motions for me to follow her and she brings me closer to the center of the room. "Would you rather sit closer to the kitchen so you can watch Seokjin or somewhere else? Or maybe you don't want to sit at all?"

Scarlet Knives || Jungkook ff || DISCONTINUED Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin