Chapter 3: Go Beyond (Yellow Rose)

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Chapter 3: Go Beyond (Yellow Rose)

Written by: VinylScratch7

The Night hits the streets and you were storming rooftop to rooftop getting closer to your destination, the suit is helping you jump higher and move faster towards your location and this will be your first mission of becoming the icon and letting the criminal know that something far worst is lurking around their playground.

You touch down a building and your destination was right in front in front of you, you adjust your vision on your visor and looked over more than a hundred people in the club. Some of them could be mobsters and civilians.

The sound of your coms came on, "Master Y/N, please do tell what's so special about this club?" Thancred said while looking over his point of view in the caves with the laptop, Cindy made sure to stay connected from afar while you were at work and everything that you will see, they can also see.

"The club acts as the center of Junior's organization, and Melanie and Miltia Malachite appear to have a higher rank than the other henchmen in the club," you said while scoping out the area.

"I can count there over fifty guards in this building," you said scanning over the building and detecting firearms and weaponry.

"I'm sorry sir, but who are this Melanie and Militia?" Thancred asks.

"Melanie and Militia are bodyguards of Junior's, as they can be seen with him at the bar. The henchmen are spread out across the club, keeping an eye on the attendees. but I won't be worrying about them since they're not here tonight" You said.

"I see so what will our special guest be informing you?" Thancred ask.

"I need some answers on who runs the whole operation on the white fang, not only there on the move but some rumors are flying around saying that there might be working with a Human," you said.

"Human you say, I thought the White Fang aren't allowed to work with us Human," he said.

"I thought so too and I think our little friend will tell us about it," You said while noticing Junior in the coms. "I'm going to work"

As you were about to move you notice an unusual event that was happening at the front door.

"Is something the matter, sir?" Thancred said.


You jump towards the building and made a perfect landing on the roof and sneak away from the guard. As he was walking along his path you took this opportunity and moved towards the entrance door, Successfully entering the building.

"So I said that chick was crazy and..." you notice guards were coming your way and took this opportunity to jump up towards the pipes and successfully hide your presence.

"Thancred locate me the power room from this building," you said

As Thancred locates the blueprint you left out and notices the power room very close to him. "Is on the far side of the building."

You heard Thancred and started to move, as you were moving you notice a bodyguard who isn't planning to move off his post.

"This is perfect to test out this knock-out gas."

You reach over your utility belt and pulled out some pelts that are knocked out gas, as you throw them towards the guard, he notices the pelts and was confused about this and looks around at where they came from. The sound of the pelts was made making a small smoke and successfully knocking out the gas.

You quickly went towards the hallway and notice the power room.


I stood towards the bartender and look at him with a smile, "Strawberry Sunrise. No ice. Oh, and one of those little umbrellas."

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