Chapter 37: Under the Hat PT II

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Chapter 37: Under the Hat PT II
Written By: VinylScratch7

The night draped itself over the room, where Team RWBY had gathered after a long, tiring day. They had just finished their task of cleaning the cafeteria, a job that, while exhausting, had been filled with laughter and friendly banter. Yang smile was infectious, and Weiss playful pointing at Ruby's sister Weiss only added to the cheerful atmosphere. In the midst of it all, Blake observed her friends with a thoughtful gaze.

"That's rich, Weiss, considering you're the one who started it," Ruby quipped, drawing a sharp but playful rebuke from Wife's mother.

"Non-nonsense! it began with Yang's foolishness. " Weiss declared, pointing at Yang, who responded with hearty laughter.

"Sure, whatever you say. The main thing is we all had fun," Ruby concluded, her voice ringing with mirth.

While laughter filled the room, Blake's mind wandered. She felt an unsettling void. Yang, another key part of their team, was notably absent. This absence stirred a mix of concern and curiosity in Blake. Compelled by an unspoken need, she rose from her bed and quietly made her way toward the door.

Yang noticed her departure first. "Hey, Blake, where are you going?" she called out, drawing the room's attention to Blake.

Blake paused, her hand hesitating on the doorknob. She glanced back at her friends, her expression unreadable. "I'm just taking a walk," she said softly, then stepped out, leaving the room behind her.

The team exchanged looks, a silent understanding passing between them. They decided to respect Blake's need for solitude. While they were left in a state of wonder, they recognized that sometimes, one needed to seek out their own answers.

Blake's footsteps echoed softly in the empty hallway as she approached YN's dorm room. The weight of her thoughts seemed to slow her steps. Reaching the door, memories flooded back — YN revealing himself as Batman, a secret kept too long, and the ensuing week of silence between them.

With a hesitant hand, she knocked thrice. The door creaked open, revealing Thancred, Y/N's butler, his presence as calming as always.

"Hello there, Master Belladonna. How can I help you?" Thancred greeted her with his ever-present smile.

Blake, normally so composed, found herself grappling for words. "Is Y/N there?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper, fingers nervously intertwining.

Without a word, Thancred's warm smile deepened as he gestured for her to enter. Blake cast a quick glance down the hallway before stepping into the room, the door closing and locking behind her. The room was empty, but Thancred led her to the closet, revealing a hidden pin pad. His fingers danced across the keys, unveiling a secret entrance.

Nervous yet compelled, Blake stepped forward into the passage as the door locked behind her. The closet's narrow gap widened into a vast, expansive cavern. The stark contrast from the confined space to the enormity of the cave left her in awe.

Ahead, a flickering light beckoned. As she moved closer, the silhouette of YN's technological arsenal came into view. Gadgets, tools, screens — all a testament to his other life. With each step, her amazement grew, but so did her apprehension.

Then, a sound caught her attention — the distinct clicking of a keyboard. Taking a deep breath to steady her nerves, Blake moved towards the source. Her heart raced with a mix of fear and anticipation, unsure of what she might find or what words they might exchange after their strained silence.

As she drew nearer, the clicking grew louder, guiding her through the technological labyrinth. Blake knew this confrontation was inevitable, a necessary step to understand YN, his secrets, and perhaps, to bridge the gap that had formed between them.

Beyond RemnantOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora