Chapter 34: A Very Strange Place PT V

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Chapter 34: A Very Strange Place PT VWritten by: VinylScratch7

"Yang what are you talking about?" Ruby said looking at Yang.

"Im saying we need to find Blake quick before the freak does something stupid" Yang said pulling her sister to help her find their teammate

So the four of you were in team Rwby room, Yang explain on what happen on the night that she went to look for Blake. She explained that Mr Hugo told her to go find Blake at a certain location.

"That explains it..." You whisper

"So The Batman just killed someone, how can you be certain it was him?" Weiss said defending your second life, this was slightly shocking for you.

"Because. I saw him with my eyes. Im certain it was him..." Yang lets go of Ruby and look at Y/N.

"Y/N You believe me right?" She said getting you to answer her.

You sighed "Yang might be right, but we're are not for certain if its this Batman you girls talk about so much and what ive heard you girls work with the guy multiple time correct?" You said getting them to look at each other.

"Y/N Right yang, we've work together with Batman and what we've all seen, he never seen him taking another life" Ruby said.

This got Yang irritated, as soon she could said something, the radio of team RWBY was on and it was on a news radio channel, reporting that another dust shop was striked again.

"Do you think it was the white fang again?" Ruby said

"..." Everyone in the room was quiet.

"Listen girls, i need work to be done. Ill excuse myself and let me know if you find Blake.

You said walking out their room, while Ruby and Yang started to talk to each other on whats the next move, Weiss on the other hand, she stared at you walking out the room and leaving. She sighs and grips her dress tightly worrying about something.


Blake and Sun were in a alley way waiting on your arrival, Blake had her eyes close while waiting patiently for you, until Sun broke the silence.

" theres a schnee dust company cargo ship...hauling a huge amount of dust into port tonight..."

"..." Blake stood silently ignoring at Sun.

"If we do a stake out we're sure to run into the robbers." Sun said.

"What is your objective really?" Blake said looking back at Sun.

"Haha are you always so guarded?" Sun said.

Blake stared at him, getting sun to smirk "Me? Im just doing my darnedest to cheer up... a gloomy girl who had a falling out with her friend" Sun said

Blake didnt say a word towards Sun "If you think thats enough to earn my trust, then youre a happy go lucky fool.." Blake said

"Ouch! Well too bad cuz i totally am!" Sun said " Well whatever though. Have it your way."

He walks pass Blake "You could mope around here with nothing to do...while waiting for the big bad boogeyman to come back and tell us what to do or..."

He stood infront of the faunes "Join me in a all night stakeout."

Blake stood silently and she look up towards the broken moon "Terrible options all around..." She replied.


In another part of town Ruby was walking around hoping to locate Blake. Ruby, Yang and Weiss decide to split up and start looking for Blake hoping to find her faster, before the split up the girls wanted for you to join them but sadly you weren't in your room, so they decided to go without you.

"Sigh...this is terrible" Ruby said looking upwards in the moon. "Im glad to be out here looking but...She wont even answer her phone and i dunno if i should call Batman for help after hearing what Yang said...and worst of all i really dont know where to begin searching." Ruby said getting alittle Stress out.

A glint of light appeared behind Ruby without her noticing "We encounter one another once more...miss...ruby" Penny said.

Getting a "Eek?!" From Ruby...


The two new Friends was sitting in a bench and ruby was explaining everything that happen "I see such are the circumstances concerning towards miss Blake." Blake said.

"To tell you the truth, im suppose to be a leader and i dont know what im suppose to do in this situation, if i did see Blake what am i suppose to say to her?"

"Feels like nothing make sense anymore...i just want to run away." Ruby said looking down.

"You know certain friend back home told me something once, no matter where you go in life theirs always going to be the one person that wants to bring you down, so stay strong and face your problems instead of running away" Penny said looking up and smiling.

"What?" Ruby was slightly confused by that "Um..i dont get it?"

"Facts is that no matter what sort of person she may be...your friendship remains unchanged."

Ruby looks at Penny "Im a incorrect?"

Ruby stood silent "Wow thank penny and i think i should thank that certain friend too"

"Heheh ill let him know you told him that, but he's alittle odd tho" She said remembering something.

"How so?" Ruby said looking at Penny

"Well first starters, he always have to go to the bathroom, but i mean alot"

"I think your friend needs to go towards a doctor..." Ruby said towards Penny.

"Yeah but.... Hes kinda cool sometimes.."

"Do you have a crush on the guy?" Ruby said.

"...what is a crush?" Penny said looking confused towards Ruby.

Ruby shared a laugh towards Penny while she stared at her confused still on the word "crush"

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