Chapter 25: Fear PT 5

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Chapter 25: Fear PT 5
Written by: VinylScratch7

Blake and Yourself arrived at Beacon in the middle of the night and exited the bullhead, the two of you went quickly towards the cave, but blake was confuse when you mention 'your cave' she kept following you.

Afterwords the two of you entered the dorms and went towards your room, Blake was surprise by this and sightly confuse by it, she entered your room to only find a plain normal room.

"Y/N when you mean cave" You interrupted her by pressing a secret button hidden under you table opening an secret passage.

You walk towards the entrance with Blake shock and following you behind. The door of the cave gets shut behind her getting her spook and notice the stairs heading down.

As she arrived the main hall of the cave she was amazed by it, the spacing and the technology that was in it, She notice you taking off your helmet and kept getting back to work.

She notice that you started to grab some scraps and started to build something "All right Blake listen up, were going to stop this mad man tonight before anymore people gets hurts, what do we know so far." You said without taking your eyes off the device your building.

"Well Professor is using some kind of gas to kill his victim that is-"

"Fear Toxin, it reveals your greatest fear to come back to life and haunt you, you heart accelerate and it become real in your head." You said.

"So that what happen over there, you were reliving you Fear.." She Said getting you to stop and remember that trauma that happened. "So what was it.."

"I build a device that counters that toxin" You said avoiding the conversation.

You gave her the device and instructed her on how to use it, you slowly walk away from her and place your mask back on. "We're going back to his Apartment. There might be more clues that we missed." You said getting Blake to nod.


The two of you were back in  Crane Burnt apartment and Blake and yourself were looking around for anything to help out the investigation.

"Batman i think i found something" Blake said getting you to look at her and quickly went towards her.

"What you got?" You asked looking at her holding a piece of old burnt news paper article

"Too Many CHEM Cos?" You read.

"Professor Crane predecessor– the other professor that fell to his death trap is from the Atlas Academy." Blake said.

"But What does it mean...?" You question yourself.

"We better go back to Beacon.." You said heading your way towards the bullhead.


Arriving in Beacon you notice the signal lighting up in the sky, knowing that Ozpin might of got something interesting.


Miss goodwitch was looking up in the sky at the logo while she was next to the signal, she was waiting for you until she notice you appearing from the dark.

"Miss Goodwitch" You said getting her to look at you.

She didnt say anything, she only pulls out another straw and showed it to you. "A Single stalk of Straw just like the first one"

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