Chapter 2: Go Beyond (Black Rose)

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Chapter 2: Go Beyond (Black Rose)

Written by: Raikiry

The Sound of someone doing push-ups was heard echoing through the cave, it's been a month and a half since your return and you told Cindy about your little project, As for Thancred he was getting curious and curious about you on what were you planning to do.

Coughing, Thancred grabs your attention while you stop doing push-ups.

You got up from the floor and look at your butler. "Yes Thancred?"

"Master L/N it's been a month and a half and you still didn't tell me about your project," He said.

He said while you sigh and look at some bamboo stick that was next to you. You turn your head and look at Thancred. "I'll tell you what, if you can beat me in a sparring match ill tell you everything," You said while throwing the stick towards him.

"Master this is hardly necessary, you know you don't have an aura to fight and better yet a semblance," He said while looking at the stick.

It was true you were born without an aura and Semblance, but that didn't stop you "True, but let us do a sparing match come on" You said.

Thancred sighs "If you say so" he takes off his jacket and prepares himself.

As he looks toward you, he notices there wasn't a hint of opening somehow he was trying to read you but your expression was emotionless. He quickly dashes towards you to attack but suddenly he found himself unarmed and on the floor. Confused about what just happened Thancred looked towards you, a smile crept on your face and you held your hand.

"How did you?" Thancred question.

"Tell me Thancred does the people of remnant feel safe." You said while looking at him.

"What do you mean?" He questions again.

"I mean like do they feel safe, not from the Grimms but themselves." You walk towards a laptop that was next to Thancred and showed him a man with red hair.

"I've been researching this White fang who apparently are causing havoc during the years while I was away and this is their leader apparently Adam Taurus he's apparently a Faunus"

"But I don't get it?" Thancred said.

"The White Fang was initially a peaceful activist organization created to improve relations between Humans and Faunus and improve the civil rights of the latter.

However, in the face of continued discrimination, Sienna Khan succeeded Ghira Belladonna as the high leader and the White Fang began to adopt more and more radical methods. An extremist faction, led by Adam Taurus became a violent terrorist organization that has earned much notoriety around the world. Adam staged a coup and assassinated Sienna, taking control of the White Fang but after failing to destroy Haven he abandoned his troops, leaving the White Fang leaderless and divided into several smaller sects.

The organization's goals were formerly to instill fear of the Faunus into humans. Under Adam Taurus' leadership, their goal changed to the greater extreme of toppling human society and putting a Faunus-ruled dominion in its place with humanity enslaved. Enemies of the terrorist faction include the human governments, militaries, schools, Huntsmen, as well as the Schnee Dust Company, with whom they have been locked in a bloody war for years."

You said while Thancred was shocked by this information you dig up "Sir, how did you find all this?" He reads the information again.

"I got some leads, now tell me Thancred let me ask you again, do people of Remnant feel safe while Criminals like him are running around." You said while daggering him.

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