Chapter 27: Christened on Tuesday PT II

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Chapter 27: Christened on Tuesday PT II

Written by: VinylScratch7

There you were with your team and with professor port, touch landing on west mistral swamp to investigate with the mysterious murderers and to end the slaughter that was going on around the swamp.

You were looking out the window of the bullhead and scanning the area, the place was dead and not too far it looked like there was a village nearby, you were thinking of checking it out to see if you could get any clues on the monster that you were about to face.

Blake was next to you while Ruby, Yang and Weiss were discussing the mission that they were about to take on.

"So?" Blake asks, looking at you.

"Well there is a village near hear next to the swamp, looks abandon but maybe we can find some clue about whats going on in this swamp." You said while giving her some pellets, confused she took it and look at you.

"What's this?" She asked.

"If we split up and you confront that thing, don't fight it alone." You instructed her, getting her to nod and putting the pellets in her pocket.

Ruby, Yang and Weiss regroup with you with a smile and you show them an identical smile at them.

"Man, I'm so Pump!" Yang said

"Oh man this is our first mission as a team, oh boy oh boy. I can't believe Ozpin entrusted us with this task." Ruby exclaim while jumping around excited.

"Ruby calm down" Weiss said, she turns to you after words. "Listen Professor port told us to be careful, theres a very dangerous grimm out here killing inocent and is our job to stop it" Weiss said.

"Yeah! And this will be the first time we going to see Y/N in action" Yang said looking directly at you.

"Hey yeah, she right. After enrolling into beacon, we never seen you fight or with your weapon?" Ruby questions

"..." Weiss stood quiet looking at you.

"I dont have a weapon, im used to training alone and with my fist" You said with a calm tone.

"Oh!" Yang's eyes shot up with joy and quickly went closer to you "You ever want to train sometime! I would love to have a sparring partner" Yang said, getting you to chuckle.

"Sure whenever i got time, the company still needs me to run it so i don't know if i will ever got time" You said

"Ill wait!" Yang said.

The doors of the bullhead were heard opening, getting everyone to turn and saw outside of the vehicle, Professor port was the first to leave while following Behind Ruby, Yang and Weiss. You were about to follow behind but you were stop by Blake.

"Dont go doing this all by yourself" She said giving you a serious look "Your not Batman on this, Your Y/N team member of RWBY" she said.

You were silent for a moment and sighed and nodded at her response and continue to exit the vehicle.

As soon as you touch the floor of the swamp, the first thing you notice was the silence that was filled in the area.

"Okay students listen up, as your first mission as a team, your assisting me on investigating a mysterious grimm that was spotted around this area, now if you see it. Dont act on your own and back away from it and think of a way to defeat it." Professor port said.

'I Should mention the village i saw close by' You raised your hand, getting Professor port to notice you have a question.

"Yes Y/N?" Port said.

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