Chapter 9: Challenger PT 1

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Chapter 9: Challenger PT 1

Written by: VinylScratch7

The Sound of a crying man was heard in a apartment complex. the sound and the manager who's in charge of the building heard this cries and was getting annoyed by this, He got up from he's chair and walks towards the guest apartment room number.

He still hears the cries of the man, he knocks once "Hey keep it quiet in there john" the manager said.

The Manager knew him for awhile now, John was a Teacher at beacon academy for quiet sometime now and lately he was kind of off. The Cries keep going, the manager placed he's ears in the door and heard John said "I'm sorry"

The Manager sighs, he bangs two times in the door "John im serious stop crying your going to disturb the neighbors" He said little annoyed by this.

Then he heard john talk once more "I Have nothing to live for. I Cant go on" then the sound of a shot was heard getting the manager spook.

"JOHN!" The manager screams, he quickly pick up he's keys and rush towards the door and looking for the replica key for the room, after a minute finding the key, he quickly place the key in the door knob and twisting it and unlocking the door.

As he rush inside, he see's John dead corspe in the chair cold without movement with he's brain splatter all over and the gun that was used to do the work.

"Oh John..."


The Guards came few hours later and investigated the scene, they ask some question on whar happen here. the manager told them all he know on him, he hardly knows himself, John was a normal guy coming and going to work and coming back to he's apartement, paying he's rent on time and no complaints from him and this is the first time that he was like this.

After few more hours the guard left the crime scene leaving the room empty with still stain of blood in the carpet.

The sound of silence was heard and the room was dark. The wind was heard through the window and from a far you stood infront of the bulding in the roof staring at room.

"Thancred update" You said while jumping towards the roof and landing perfectly on top of the apartment complex while entering silently inside room.

"Well nothing new sir..Mister john was normal teacher from beacon and from what i found he doesnt have any bad history with anyone.

"Hm..." You look around the room investigating the crime scene.

"Oracle here..Bats i hack into the guard reports they found a scroll recording voice of the John last message, must be somekind of sucide notes" Oracle said getting you to analize the room.

"Can you play it through" You said crouching and looking at a foot print standing infront of the couch where John was.

The sound of playback was heard in you helmet "I have nothing else to live for. i cant go on" The sound of the gun shot went off.

"Hm.." You knew something was going on here, he couldnt took his life away if he didnt have a reason for it.

The sound of the door unlocking caught your attention giving you time to hide in the shadow and waited for the one who was going to enter the room.

The door opens wide revealing Ozpin and Glinda Goodwitch entering the room. "Ozpin this cant go on." Glinda said.

"Im well aware of that Professor, but what can i do to prevent this, if i answer to the guards he going after one my students next and i wont let that happen." Ozpin said with seroius tone getting Glinda to look down.

"Last time We answered we got it wrong and look what happen to professor John, this sick bastard think this is a game." Glinda said with venom in her tone.

This conversation was interesting, you look at your gauntle and press on of the button to start recording the conversation for later but then something interesting happen while you were about to press it.

"..." Ozpin sighs and look towards Glinda and then the corner of the room "You can come out now Mister Batman." This shocks you on how he knew were you are.

Glinda gets confuse until she see's you coming out the Shadow, quickly she was prepare to attack but Ozpin gave a deathstare to Her getting her to stand down.

"Ozpin.." You said and then looking towards glinda "You must be Glinda Goodwitch" You said.

"Ozpin who's this, ive heard through the new about a guy dress as a bat but...i thought he was a Joke from the holligans, making up story" Glinda said

"Yes but as you can see, seeming Mr Batman also is investigating this crime scene" Ozin looks at you "Hope you can help us Batman" he said smiling getting you to stare both of them.

"Whats going on?" You said getting Ozpin to give you a note.

You take the note and read what it was written "A man is condemned to death. He has to choose between three rooms. The first is full of raging fires, the second is full of assassins, and the third is full of lions that haven't eaten in three years. Which room is safest for him?" This intriges you you look up in confusing state and Glinda sighs

"Recenctly Mr Ozpin as been receiving threat about taking he's life and threating to kill the entire school." Goodwitch saod while sligthly pushing up her glasses upwards.

"Any idea who's it from?" You ask while scanning the card and placing your fingers in your bat helmet. "Oracle investigate this handwriting." You said getting Goodwitch to look at you.

"You have people working for you?" Glinda said.

You didnt answer as you look at Ozpin who was staring out the window "Hope you can help us Batman. I rather die then lose a Student of mind and anyone else of the matter." Ozpin said.

"Mr Ozpin you cant be serious letting this-" As she looks at ozpin and looks back where were you stood, she was suprise to see that you disapeared without making a sound "How in the.."

Ozpin laughs "I Think i need to get use to that."

From the top of the building you were replaying over and over the recording of John sucide tape and thinking about multiple things.

"Sir are you sure this might not been an actual Sucide..the Guards and the manager said in the reports if there was even someone inside the room, there no finger prints or Any for entrie in the building." Thancred said.

"Thancred let me tell you something, on why i think this was a murder....John was found deceased with his scroll recording in his hand and the gun in the other.....right" You said turning off the playback.

"Yes correct. what of it sir?" Thancred said.

"The recorder need to be rewind it to be able to play it back he's let me answer this How would he rewind the tape if he took his own life?" You said looking down the roof and feeling that physcopatic killer in remnant is not done playing.

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