Chapter one:

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It had been 1 week since the snowball. Eleven hadn't talked a word to Max. Mike and the party tried to convince Max to talk to her, of course Max didn't understand why she had to be the one making the first step. Everybody knew that Eleven couldn't stand Max, like at all.
Mike trying to make a new friendship happen: 'Just talk to her Max. She's shy.'
Max was fully aware that it had nothing to do with her being shy: 'Shy? She hates me. She won't even look at me.'
Lucas, as always, tries to calm things down: 'Come on Maxie, just walk up to her and talk.'

Max and Lucas had dated a few months ago, but they decided that they were better off being best friends : 'Don't call me Maxie, stalker. Not happening.'
Mike and Max had made peace since El came back: 'You are really stubborn.'
Max didn't feel like arguing with her only friends: 'Oh shut up. I'm going to the arcade.' Mike, the strategic one always came up with logic ideas, doesn't mean that they were good ideas: 'Take El with you.' The two girls had never spoken to each other so why start now?
'No thank you.'

Max furiously walks out and gets on her skateboard, ignored the boys protest and rode off.
While she was on her skate, she couldn't help but to think about their conversation. They are so annoying. They really think that I will waste my time babysitting someone who would rather kill me than talk to me.

Max arrives at the arcade a few minutes later. The arcade was her safe place. Nothing bad could happen there, at least that what she thought.
Max had been there for an hour now when she suddenly heard the door bell.
'Hey Max.' said Will with his soft, normal voice. Max turned around and recognized Will. But he wasn't alone. There was someone next to him.
Will, desperate for the two only girls in their party to become friends: 'El and I were wondering if you'd like to come with us to the mall?'
Max knew that he had something on his mind, that probably Mike had asked him to suggest that to Max, because well, Will would do anything for Mike: 'No thank you Will.'

All of the sudden Max could smell this familiar smell, the smell of hot wheels.
Max realized that it came from the parking : 'Shit.'
Billy, her abusive stepbrother had just arrived with his car, and he didn't seem very happy. Nothing new. Max can't remember the last time she saw Billy happy. Had she ever seen him happy?

The party had been the object of Billy's violence the day Eleven had closed the gate. Lucas and Dustin told Will what happened, because, well Will was kinda occupied being possessed by a monster from another dimension.

'Max, are you ok? You look like you just saw a ghost.' Max could sense the concern in his voice. She didn't dare to look him in the eyes though.
Max wasn't sure how to make Will feel less concerned or even scared: 'Not a ghost, a demon.' Eleven chuckles quietly, which surprised Max, but the redhead didn't have time for her brain to react when Billy bursted in: 'There you are Maxine! You should have been home one hour ago!' Max voice was shaking, she was terrified of Billy: 'I-I forgot. I-I'm sorry.' Billy, being an asshole as usual: 'Oh you're sorry? How cute. I don't give a shit about your apology. I was supposed to go on a date with a cutie, but instead I'm here with your ugly ass.'
Max took a step back, she didn't want to be too near, she feared he would slap her or something similar: 'You c-can go on y-your date, I h-have my skateboard.'

Will and Eleven were watching the whole argument and Eleven whispered to Will: 'Who is that?' Will explained whispering to the curious brunette: 'That's her stepbrother.' Eleven went silent and glared at Billy, even though she didn't like the red haired girl, protecting the party was in her genes. Max was a member of the party so it was a like a fit her to keep an eye on Billy.

Billy who hadn't calm down and ignored Eleven's glare while rolling his eyes: 'My father will kill me if I don't bring you home, SO MOVE YOUR ASS!'
'But-', Max didn't have the time to form a sentence when out of nowhere Billy roughly grabbed Max's arm and pushed her to the floor: 'Listen you piece of shit, I don't have time for this! Get in the car.'
Max was trying to hold her tears back: 'O-Ok.'
'NOW!', Billy holding his fist as a threat.

Max stood up quickly and went to the door and realized she had forgotten something: 'Wait I forgot my skate.'
Billy grabs the skate and smashed it against Max: 'You mean this skate?!'
Max fell the ground and started bleeding from her head, she didn't move. Billy who didn't think much of what he had just done this his stepsister.

A/N: this is my first fanfic <3 Hope you like it. Elmax is just my favorite ship (obviously, look at my name). So yeah, enjoy!! It will get better eventually. I've already written the next few chapters.

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