Alternative Timeline (Short Story)

Start from the beginning

"Goodbye, son. Don't give them too many problems." Howard adds.

"I won't."

And on that note, the two of them leave. The group watches their car pull out of the driveway and roll off into the distance. Peggy lets out a sigh and grabs Tony's suitcase. "Shall we head inside? We can find a snack."

"I'm not hungry." Tony says as he follows them into the small house.

"Are you sure? We have blueberries." Steve says as they enter the kitchen. Tony, not wanting to seem too interested, shrugs his shoulders and sits at the table.

"I guess I'll have a few. I'll make sure they taste good." He says, making Steve chuckle.

As Steve closes the refrigerator door, a cry fills the air. Tony perks up, leaning in his chair to look down the hallway.

"Steve, would you get the baby? I'm going to unpack Tony's bag for him." Peggy calls down the hallway.

He sighs and sets the blueberries in front of Tony. "One minute, you're the world's greatest super hero. The next, you're changing a baby's diaper." He teases as he walks down the hallway.

Letting his curiosity get the better of him, Tony pushes his chair away from the table and follows Steve to the nursery. He grabs the bars of the crib, rising to his tippy toes to peek inside.

A red faced baby is screaming its head off, making Tony cover his ears in frustration. Steve picks it up, gently holding it in his arms. Almost immediately, the crying subdues and it's quiet again.

"I didn't know you were also babysitting a baby this weekend." Tony scowls. Steve laughs kneeling down beside him.

"We're not babysitting her. This is our baby." He says, showing her off to him. Tony furrows his eyebrows, studying the blue eyed baby. "Tony, this is Rebecca."

"Hi, Rebecca." He says, reaching out to her.

She grabs his finger, holding it tightly. "We also call her Becky. If you want to call her that."

Tony giggles as she takes his finger and tries to place it into her mouth. "She's trying to eat me."

Steve chuckles, watching the scene. "Must be hungry. Wanna help me feed her?"

Tony's brown eyes light up. "Can I really?"

"Of course. Let's head back to the kitchen." Steve says, rising to his feet. Becky babbles in his arms as Tony eagerly follows behind them. He watches with awe as Steve mixes a bottle together.

"What is that? It looks terrible." Tony says as he points to the can of formula.

"Well, it's filled with stuff to help Becky grow big and strong like you. They mix it into milk to make it easy for her to eat since she doesn't have very many teeth." He explains as he pops the top onto the bottle.

"I'm sorry that you have to drink that." Tony says as they enter the living room. Steve has him sit down on a chair and he props a pillow under his arm.

"Be careful, she likes to wiggle. You think you can handle it?" Steve asks as he begins to transfer Becky into Tony's arms.

"I can handle it." Tony nods, excited that he gets to have such a big job. She wiggles and settles in his arms.

Steve coaxes her into taking the bottle then has Tony hold it. He lets go, watching Tony with her. Eagerly, she begins to drink. "Wow, I'm so proud of you. You're a natural at this, Tony." Steve smiles.

"She's drinking it so fast." He laughs.

"She's never this good for me. Maybe we should hire you to feed her all the time." Steve teases as he runs his hand over her dark hair.

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