I Feel-

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Allison's Room
"Sugarplum?" I sat on her bed and she was sleeping peacefully.
"Huh?!" She stretched and closed her eyes.
"I wanna talk to you, babe."
"Mhm." She sat up and I put my arms around her.
"Allison, what's been going on with you lately?" She cried softly, my guess was that because she was tired, she was even more emotional.
"I don't know." She admitted.
"I feel angry and confused."
"Why?" She looked down shyly and I tilted my head.
"What? You can tell me."
"No thanks. I'd rather not."
"Usually, you'd tell me everything."
"How can I tell you how I feel if I don't even know how I feel myself?!" She sat up and then I understood. It's just hormones.
"Allie, it's okay. Everyone has terrible mood swings every once in a while. It's a part of growing up. Remember the other day we talked about that?" She nodded and fixed her pants.
"I have to tell Dad sorry. I didn't mean it."
"Yes, you should. I'll talk to him about how long you should be grounded. Bug, you need to talk to me when these changes happen. I am your best friend. You don't need to hide it from me. Okay?"
"Yes, Mama. Sorry, Mama." She gave me a hug and I hugged her back.
"We need to work on you controlling these emotions when you do suddenly feel angry. I'll take the time out of my day to hear you out?"
"Go apologize to Peter."
The Office (Peter's Perspective)
"Daddy?" Allison walked in and I turned around.
"Allison," She sat down quietly and I paid attention to her.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry that I treated you so rudely when you were just trying to help me." She bowed her head and cried.
"I accept your apology and the fact that you're crying shows that it's sincere."
"I didn't want to be rude to you."
"So why did you? You can tell me."
"Mama said it's most likely mood swings. Because I wasn't really upset about anything."
"You know, Id assumed the same thing ladybug. You're becoming a lady, it's normal. But, you have to learn to, how do I phrase this? To not let it completely take control of you, babe. You can't let that happen. Understand?"
"Yes, I'm sorry." I gave my 12-year-old a hug. I loved the fact that she was being sincere to me, I appreciated that very much.
"Now, about you being grounded. I'm going to all to M about it and I'll see what punishment is correct. Deal?"
"Yes, Dad."
"Alright, go and eat something." When she left the room I put my hand to my forehead and sighed. My daughter was really in the midst of a young lady and a little girl. I was feeling the same rush of emotions I felt when I heard about Josh and Allie. The feeling that Daddy's little girl was no longer. But now it was, for how long?
"Daddy!" Amaya busted in and I let out a smile.
"How was your day with Mama?"
"It was amazing! We went for lunch and I made you a bouquet." She handed it to me and I watched it carefully.
"It's gorgeous. Thanks, babe." She sat on my lap and stared at me.
"When will Allie be normal again?"
"What do you mean?"
"When will she stop being mad at everyone for no reason?"
"Very soon. I promise babe."
Spring Break In Utah (Allie's Perspective)
"Allie, why are you being so quiet?"
"I can't ski."
"Why?" I didn't answer and she closed the door behind us and looked at me.
"Tell me, sweetheart."
"I'm having those cramps again."
"Allie, did you start?"
"No, it happens every month still Mom. I feel dizzy and I want to rest."
"Alright go lie down. Let me talk to Dad about who's staying at home with you."
"Babe, Allison is having cramps again," Mom whispered.
"She needs to see a doctor. She still hasn't gotten it yet?"
"Gotten what?" Andrew asked. Then my parents saw me and stopped speaking.
"Andrew go find your hat and put it on."
"We'll take her when we get home I'm setting an appointment right now."
"Allison, you can go back to bed."
"I just wanted some-" Suddenly things got super fuzzy and weird.
"Stay with me love."
The Blackout
"We don't have much time." I was cutting bread and looking around.
"The Aragon's are coming and we need to vanish before their appearance. They don't like us and I'm not engaging in any wars."
"We need to hurry. Children, make your way to the wagon we need to depart." I had to listen so I tried to run. Something awfully hard to do in a dress.
"Hurry we need to go."

"You blacked out again."
"Remember you were asking Daddy and I for something?"
"Oh! I just wanted some water!" They handed me a bottle and I closed my eyes.
"I feel sleepy."
"She needs to see a doctor."
"Don't like those. I need to see a bed." Mom laughed.
"I'm just glad you're okay. Drink more water babe."
"I thought you were gonna die," Andrew said with tears.
"Well, I didn't. It's okay." I smiled at my brother and Dad carried me back to bed.
"Dad?" I said tiredly.
"How long was I gone?"
"A few minutes. A doctor is coming in a bit to check on you."
"Please no."
"Allie, it's gonna happen."
Utah (Peter's Perspective)
"Her blood pressure seems alright. She perfectly healthy from what I'm seeing, just a little bit underweight for her age but she'll grow into it. Has she started her monthly yet?"
"No. Not yet." She said with a red face.
"I'd give you an estimate on exactly when that'd happen but I don't know your growth patterns so it'd be hard to guess."
"It's okay." Allison smiled as the doctor finished up and we led her out.
"Proud of you buddy."
"Thanks, dad."
"Give me a hug."
"What's for dinner? I haven't eaten today."
"That's right! I'm so sorry." We went to the kitchen where M and I started cooking.
"Allie! Don't faint ever again! That was so scary!" Amaya gave her a hug and she laughed.
"I'll try not to bud." Allie went back to bed and I was left to ponder.
"Daddy? Why did she faint?"
"Her blood pressure got too low."
"So don't let it get low again. She's my only sister. If I lose her I have these two. I need someone else to talk to other than them Dad." I chuckled and assured Amaya we wouldn't let that happen.
"So Daddy, while I'm here I was wondering if I could do something."
"What is it, sweetheart?"
"When we get back to New York, is it okay if we have our little outing?"
"Well, I can't promise one right away but I can try."
"Okay, because we need to like talk about some things."
"You can tell me now if you want?"
"No thank you, it's not really private right now. Considering we're on a family vacation and stuff."
"I can respect that. Are you feeling okay?"
"Yeah, I feel a lot better after that whole fainting stint. I need that gain some weight that's what."
"Not too much though so don't get carried away."
"I won't." She chuckled and looked down at the ground.
"Dad, thanks for caring."
"You don't have to thank me."
"Yeah, I do. You didn't have to adopt me. An old kid like me. Thanks, Dad." This. This is what makes me happy and proud to be a parent.
"Come here." She gave me a hug and cheesed so hard.
"I'm going to go text Joshua and tell him that he doesn't need to worry anymore. He's so sweet Daddy he bought me a teddy." I rolled my eyes as she walked away. Kids.

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