Figured It Out

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Riverside Drive (Manhattan, New York) (Friday, Sept. 19th) (Allie's Perspective)
"Allison?" Anne knocked on my bedroom door.
"You have to start getting ready. We're meeting your Mom at the charity event."
"I don't want to go! Please, Anne!! I can't go!" I cried.
"Why not? You've been looking forward to this for months, you told me how you loved that the proceeds were going towards sexual assault and domestic violence survivors." I can't go. Josh is going to be there and cameras are going to be there, and it won't be pretty.
"Is Joshua not coming anymore?"
"DON'T EVEN MENTION HIS NAME!" I yelled. I locked myself inside of my bathroom and didn't come out until Anne left.
Karina's Wish Charity Event (Park Ave.) (Mariska's Perspective)
"Mama!!" Amaya and Andrew raced over to me and showered me with love.
"I haven't seen you guys in two whole days! You guys good?"
"Yup! Maya and I got A+ on our Math test!"
"Woah, you two are some rockstars! Next time I need help with multiplication you're gonna help me out, hm?"
"Yup!" I gave them both a kiss and they caught me up on what I've missed.
"Anne! Where's Allie?" She was the most excited about tonight, as tonight's cause was near and dear to her heart.
"She was crying." Andrew stated.
"I don't know. Girl stuff, I think." Amaya didn't say a single word.
"Is it okay if I go get a drink?"
"Of course."
"Amaya, let me show you where we're sitting!"
"Cool." I took her over to the table and she set her purse down.
"Why didn't your sister come? I know that you know."
"It isn't my business to tell." She stated. This is certainly something. Amaya and Allie are extremely close. So getting one to tell on the other is never easy.
"How about I make this easy for the both of us? You don't have to tell me exactly what it is, I guess and you tell me if I'm close."
"Isn't that still telling you?"
"Don't get smart with me." She sighed.
"Mama, it isn't my business to tell. She's upset and wants to keep it to herself. Maybe she'll come later, I don't know." Amaya walked away and went to go talk to Harper and Gideon. Great, I have to figure this out on my own.
Riverside Drive
I got off of the elevator to see our maid cleaning under a vase.
"Oh Maria, thank goodness you're here! Have you seen Allie at all?"
"She's in her bedroom. I went to go clean her bathroom and she was sleeping."
"Thank you so much." It was pretty stressful finding a way to leave the party without people noticing, and when you're me it doesn't make things easier. I had Brooke get me an Uber so I could slip out.
"Allie?" I opened her bedroom door to see her at her window seat crying.
"Mom?? What are you doing here? You're supposed to be at the event, you're speaking. How did you even-" I softly touched her face and she stopped speaking.
"Don't worry about any of that, okay?"
"But I'm inconveniencing you." Her eyes watered.
"No, you're not. You are my daughter and you will never be an inconvenience to me, do you hear me?"
"Your well-being is my priority. Now, what's going on? Why don't you want to come to the party, Josh is there waiting for-" I failed to maintain eye contact when that four-letter name came out of her mouth and she knew.
"Allison Maya, did Josh do something??? Do I need to get crazy, because if I have to, I will. What did he do?" She was gripping my arm tightly and I was starting to get freaked out.
"No!! He didn't do anything." I don't want to say anything bad about my boyfriend because then my family will hate him, but Mom won't leave me alone.
"Then why did you pull a face when I called his name?"
"You shouldn't have wasted your time coming back here, you have a speech in an hour."
"So that's it? That's the end of our conversation?"
The Charity Event (Amaya's Perspective)
"And then he was like, yeah! I watch that too! We have so much in common! Isn't that so cool, Mymy?? Maybe we're like, destined to be together!" I kept eyeing Josh from across the room. He said some really mean things to Allie, and no one messes with my big sister.
"Yeah, I think you guys have great chemistry!"
"You do? You really really do?!" She asked. I could tell this meant a lot to her. I nodded.
"Yay! Maybe we could go to the winter dance together."
"Woah, let's slow down." I said.
"Yeah, September hasn't even finished." Summer said.
"Harper has always had an active imagination." Peyton noted.
"No, I have not! I know what! Let's move on!"
"Hey guys, I'm coming back. I'm gonna talk to my Mom for a min." They all fell for it. Mama's back at home convincing Allie to come. I walked up to Josh, who was busy drinking some punch.
"Hey." He said. I stared at him.
"What? Did I spill?"
"Why did you say that Allie has it good? She's been through a lot, that was fucked up of you to say. And then, you told her to listen to you for once. You were busy complaining to her about your move to LA while she was at one of the lowest points in her life and she listened and made you feel better. So who are you to tell her to listen? I know that she might need more comfort than others but that's what you signed up for and Allie's always there for you. So, you need to apologize to her. I'll tell her to apologize to you for running off, but you gotta say sorry too. You guys are cute together, and I don't like seeing Allie sad. Plus you're pretty nice for the most part." I wrapped up my rant and Josh was there looking back at me.
"Hello?? Are you going to say something?!"
"You're right."
"You're right. This is stupid, and what I said was messed up because she's been the best throughout everything. I'm gonna go look for her. I know she's here somewhere." Oh no, but Allie isn't here! If Josh looks and doesn't find her he'll probably never want to talk to her again! Oh no, oh no!

Me: Allie, call me asap!
My Bathroom (Allie's Perspective)
"Allison, what is the matter?" Mom asked sweetly.
"What did he do? Tell me, honey." My phone went off and I went to go look at it.

Amaya💜: Allie, call me asap!
Me: I can't call, Mom's here. What's up?
Amaya💜: I might of sort of said something to Josh and now he kind of sort of wants to talk to you and make up! But you're not here and I think I potentially ruined your relationship because if he doesn't find you you'll never hear what he has to say and he'll never hear what you have to say and then you'll be even sadder
Me: wait, slow down. What?

"What's up, Allie? Is he texting you?"
"No, just- I'm ready to go now."
"Allie, we're not going anywhere unless you talk to me. This sudden change of mind is concerning."
"I'll talk to you about it when we get back, I need to get ready."
I got out of the car and the cameras began flashing. All of the attention was on me. I don't know if I could do this. Especially with all of these cameras and people around. I mean for god's sake my Mom and Dad are here. My Aunts and Uncles are here.
"Come, we'll go in through the back." We snuck inside and I was amazed at how beautiful the event was. There was a wall full of positive messages, penned by the guests, the tables looked so elegant, and there were flowers everywhere.
"Are you sure that you're okay, sweetie?" I nodded.
"Remember what we talked about, how avoiding your problems isn't good."
"Yes, I do."
"Alright. Go on. I'll be checking in on you." I started to look around the venue.
"Finally, you're here! He's looking for you, we gotta find him!" Amaya and I started looking together, and you know two is better than one.
"Allie!" I turned around and he was standing there, in the flesh.
"I'll leave you guys alone." He walked up to me.
"I'm sorry. I should've never said that you had it good. Though you have great parents now, you have a past that'll haunt you for a lifetime, and that isn't good. And, you do listen to me. All the time. When I'm upset about chores, not being allowed to go outside, all of that. I shouldn't even complain to you about those things, it isn't fair to you." I thought about what he said.
"I accept, but Josh, you don't have to stop telling me these things because of what I've been through. You don't have to treat me differently. I just...I might need a bit more patience. That's all, and I have to communicate that to you because how are you supposed to know that I'm hurting if I just keep it all to myself. I'm sorry for cursing at you and making things difficult by not communicating to you what I needed. Are we better now?"
"Getting there." He said.
"Do you wanna walk around?"
"Sure, tell me what I've missed."
Home (11:30 PM) (The Upper West Side) (Mariska's Perspective)
"Night, honey. Love you."
"Love you, Mom and Dad. Night." Andrew hugged both of us before retreating to his bedroom.
"Night!" Amaya said with a tired smile.
"Night, princess." Allie then stopped by.
"Hey, come here." I said. She sat on our bed.
"Do you mind if Dad's here?" She shook her head.
"Okay, what happened today?" Peter rubbed her back and she proceeded to hug her legs.
"I didn't want to go to the event at first because I got into a fight with Josh, but everything's okay now."
"Why didn't you tell us?" Peter asked.
"I wanted to handle it myself. Besides, I've told you so much about my relationship with Josh, is it wrong of me to keep this private? Especially because I don't want you to think bad of him."
"No there isn't, we just wanted to know. Is everything alright now?" She nodded and smiled.
"I'm going to be thirteen in two days....and I think I'm capable of handling things without you guys intervening so much. I know you guys love me and want to protect me, but I wanna start figuring things out on my own if that's okay with you."
"Yes, of course, honey, you don't have to ask. Not at all."
"Thanks. I'm gonna get ready for bed now, night guys."
"Good night, Allie." That was one of the most bittersweet exchanges we've ever had. I love the fact that she's growing up and seeking independence, but at the same time, it hurts knowing that she'll need us less and less.
"She isn't 8 years old anymore."
"No, she isn't."

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