The Week Before

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"Alright so everyone has their costumes?"
"We're not doing kpop." The boys said seriously.
"Joshy is cuter as a zombie anyways." I said while wiping some cookie crumbs off his chin.
"The boys are type ruining the theme by being Zombies but eh." Leila said.
"Allie you have to go right? Your dad is kinda looking out the window again." Josh said worriedly.
"Let's walk up a little, I just want to give Josh a proper goodbye."
"Ohhhkayy gurl." We walked up towards the end of the sidewalk. When we got there we shared an extremely long hug and he gave me a kiss on the forehead.
"Allie. Your dad..."
"Oh alright. Lemme go." I started walking towards my father waiting for my impending death.
"What was that?" He asked as we walked back inside. I was starting to go upstairs when he stopped me.
"What was that?"
"It was nothing Dad."
"Come sit down on the couch, we need to talk." I took my bag off and see it down on the floor.
"Are you and Josh good friends?"
"I guess-"
"You guys are dating huh?"
"Yes." Dad looked at me and opened my arms.
"I had my suspicions. Why didn't you come and tell me?"
"I thought you'd get mad, only mommy and Amaya knew."
"Well I did say I didn't want you dating right now. But, you could've at least told me. I'm disappointed in you Allison."
"I know." I sunk my head and a tear dropped out.
"Go to your room and do your homework. I'll talk to you after dinner." I started to get up and go to my room. I just laid down on my bed, homework didn't need to be done right now. It was obvious to me that daddy wanted me to reflect.
"Come and eat."
"Allie don't punish yourself over this. We're going to talk after dinner. I'm not mad at you okay? Please come and eat."
"I'm not hungry!"
"You need to eat."
"No I don't want to Dad. You already hate me why am I now going to sit at the table with you to? Actually why even eat? There's no point!"
"Allie, it's not like that."
"You don't have to lie, I'm going to bed dad." I sniffled and got clothes to change into. He grabbed my hand and wouldn't let go.
"Let go of me!"
"Allie, whether you like it or not you're eating."
"LET GO!" I cried on my pillow.
"Please leave! Please."
"Dad told me how you were. Allie that wasn't right." I looked at mom and didn't reply.
"Allie? You're ignoring me too?" I shook my head and laid my head on her lap,
"I know it wasn't right okay. I'm just so moody! Sometimes I can't control it, should've been more mature."
"Sometimes you just need chocolate."
"But I haven't even started my period yet."
"I know, but sometimes it just makes us girls a lot happier even when we're not on it."
"I know the adult equivalent of that you guys have-"
"Allie!" My mom chuckled and handed me some m and m's.
"But you know you do that stuff after your date night."
"Not always."
"How do you know?"
"I just guess?" Her face became slightly red and so did mine.
"You're smarter than that."
"Mom, I have my Halloween costume all ready."
"It's a red top and a tennis skirt right?"
"Yeah basic ah."
"Nothing. On an unrelated note mommy go talk to August."
"I'm not gonna say why, he just needs to be
talked to."
"Um okay.. You two are weird."
"I blame hormones, I was never like this and August was a gentleman until he started to get all sweaty and gross." Mom rolled her eyes and gave me a kiss.
"I kinda don't want you guys to grow up, but I can't stop it." Mommy sighed and tickled me.
"It's always a tickle fest with you! Now, can you help me talk to Joshy?"
"About what?"
"About the winter dance! He was like he doesn't want to go at all. But I'm asking for him to be there for only an hour, then he could go home or whatever. He said dances are problematic." I laughed to myself.
"Well, I see you're trying to compromise, maybe shorten the time."
"To what?"
"Ask him. Your dad was the same way, never wanted to go anywhere but we compromised and look at where we are."
"True, Thank you." I gave her a hug.
"No problem, that's what I'm here for." I thought she was going to get up but she stayed.
"You know, it's about time you talk to Daddy." I let out a heavy sigh and nodded.
"Do I have to?"
"Yes, you have to. FaceTime him, I'll stay right here."
"Where are the other kids?"
"Outside with Anne, stop trying to distract me young lady." I rolled my eyes and called my dad.
"Hi ladybug, you're done being moody?" He chuckled and drank his coffee.
"Stop it Daddy! Mommy's here."
"Ew. Stop that, I know what you're doing."
"Allie wanted to talk to you about something. Right?"
"Yes..." I do. We have to talk to you about the other day."
"Fine. I'm sorry."
"Sorry for what?"
"For being rude to you. And not being honest with you."
"May I ask, without you getting crazy, what do you and Joshua do together."
"Be honest with him."
"I mean romantically."
"Oh, we don't do that. We just hug and stuff."
"Kiss, but only on my forehead. Nothing more. Sometimes that alone makes me shiver."
"So boundaries are set and stone?"
"Yes sir."
"I'll allow it, but the second I hear you doing anything else it's over. Understand?"
"Yes sir."
"We look like triplets!"
"Ehh, not until I get my hair straightened."
"True. Let's go downstairs and eat something, I'm starving."
"You didn't eat before practice?"
"No, I was going to but I didn't have time. Mr.Green just had to hold us up today."
"So what happened with you and your dad." Leila said while eating a microwave dinner.
"He was like, if you do more it won't be a relationship anymore. As if I felt comfortable doing other things."
"That seems fair. I didn't even tell my parents about me and Cody. They would probably get so pissed."
"Leila be careful with your food before you ruin the costume! We have to take pics to show to our bf's remember."
"Alright sheesh."

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