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"Let me interview you Dad."
"What for?"
"It's for school, you gotta learn more about your parents. So tell me, when did you and Mom first make out with each other?"
"I'm just kidding sheesh! I mean, when did you guys first meet?"
"On the set of SVU."
"Thank you- can you atleast elaborate? I'm trying to stay on honor roll over here."
"Alright, Alright. Sit properly and I'll tell you. Why are you upside down?"
"Because why not? But I'll sit up now." I put my head on my dads chest and opened up my notebook.
"Ahh yes, I was playing Trevor Langan, a defense lawyer for some random suspect. This was in November of 2001. Your mother tried to crack some jokes but they weren't the best."
"You say that as if your dad jokes are amazing!"
"They are!" I shook my head and wrote down what he said precisely.
"What kind of jokes dad?"
"They're not appropriate jokes. Well not for your age Atleast."
"Oh okay. Thanks though dad."
"No problem ladybug. Anymore questions?"
"No, I can answer the rest on my own Mon Pére."
"Are you sure? I could help you if you want."
"It's okay. I can handle it Papa. Call me down when dinner is ready or something. I wanna finish this up tonight. Then I don't have to worry about homework from English for like a week or so." I went up the stairs and to my bedroom and sat in front of my computer.
"I don't wanna type but it's more efficient." I typed away at my keyboard as fast as possible and managed to finish in an hour and 30 mins. My hands hurt and I felt super tired.
"I made grilled cheese." My dad said with a smile.
"Just the way I like it?"
"With a little twist."
"I love surprises! Carry me down like I'm a princess or something. I feel too lazy to get up." He picked up and carried me downstairs. He was low key tickling my stomach the whole way down.
"You're tickling me." I said in between laughs.
"I thought I was a princess?"
"Of course, you're my princess."
"I'm not just you and mom's princess."
"What do you mean by that?"
"Nothing." I said while eating my grilled cheese.
"I hope you're not dating anyone. You're only 11."
"K. Nice grilled cheese by the way."
"That's all I get for my hard work. I added in sausage and turkey bacon and sautéed tomatoes with a special seasoning to get this mediocre response."
"Wow this is the best meal ever dad! I love it soo much!" I said while hugging my dad. He kissed me on my forehead.
"I'm loving the sarcasm."
"Heheh. I love you daddy!" I hugged him and tried to kiss him but he's too tall for me.
"Stop being tall." He bent down and let me kiss him.
"I miss my Allie kisses."
"Daddy!" After I heard the alarm go off and someone turn it off.
"Yes hunny." She said while Amaya and August came in with bags.
"Hi Daddy." Amaya said.
"Yes Allie?"
"Can I talk to you privately? I need to tell you something."
"Not now, but sure. Is something bothering you?"
"Not so much bothering me, I just think I should tell you about it now. It's better then keeping a long secret from you and having you get really mad with me in the future."
"Alright.. Peter how was she while I was gone?"
"She was great, such a little jokester she is."
"You didn't appreciate my grilled cheese."
"I did it's just, I dunno."
"Does anyone else want to try my grilled cheese that I worked so hard on to have it fit everyone's tastebuds?"
"I'll try daddy." Amaya said while taking a piece.
"It's good dad. It's just not epic."
"What did you want to talk to me about Allie?"
"Please don't get mad at me."
" I can't promise that I won't get mad at you, but I do promise to hear you out."
"Well that's fine enough I guess."
"Did you do something bad? Is that why you're looking all guilty and stuff right now?"
"Well, I'm not sure if you'd say it's a bad thing. Ugh Lemme get to the point." I took the deepest of breaths and said-
"I'm dating someone." Mom looked back at me blankly and smiled.
"That's what you wanted to tell me? I already knew."
"How though? Who told you?"
"Nobody did. It's all the texting on your phone and smiling and giggling all day. That usually means somethings up."
"Oh. Yeah. Haha silly me."
"I was kind of waiting for you to announce it to me. It's Josh isn't it?"
"Ahh yess it is him..He just understands me Mama. Like he knows about my secret and stuff and goes out of his way to make me feel as comfortable as possible. He tells me I'm beautiful everyday and that my scars are cute. He just makes me happy, though I know I'm technically still a baby this relationship thing isn't so bad." Mom smiled again and she looked like she wanted to cry.
"As long as you're happy, I'm happy. Just don't let it get to your head too much. Relationships don't always last forever. And I want you to remember that is something happens or things go south that you could always talk to me. K baby?"
"Yes Mama."
"I know you guys have kissed and stuff. Have you done anything more then that, I know you wouldn't do that but I'm just asking."
"Nothing more. I'm too young to lose my virginity if anything. I though you guys said that you'd like me to wait till marriage."
"We would. But we know that you're growing up and gonna wanna experiment. I don't want you active until you're much older Alright?"
"Mhmm." I showed mom my hand with the promise ring and nodded.
"Now what are we gonna do about your dad?"
"Let's just not tell him for now Mama,"
"Yeah, lets just keep this between us." I grinned and so did Mama.
"This isn't the first time you've done this to Daddy huh?"
"Of course it isn't."
"I learn new things about you. This is why I love our girl chat!" I did my little dance and mom joined in.

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