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"Allie?" I sat down next to her and she looked at me swiftly before playing with her hands.
"Yeah?" She replied softly.
"This is weird isn't it?" My daughter nodded and then rested her head into my lap.
"It's not the same talking to you about stuff. Who tells their Dad things like that? Maybe, in the past when I didn't know any better. But I know better now."
"Things like what?"
"Boys. Boy drama." I rubbed her back and she then sat up.
"You could tell me."
"But why would I?"
"If anything, I'd be the best person to tell."
"Because you understand boys?"
"If that's how you want to put it my dear."
"Well it doesn't really have to do with me."
"So explain."
"Remember Cody?"
"He cheated on Joy?"
"Yeah, and then he started to text me the other day, basically harassing me and begging me to help him get back together with Joy."
"Really? That isn't cool."
"I know. And I've been feeling stressed out because I didn't want to tell her about it. I didn't want to upset her."
"I get it Allie, but you should tell her about this. Look at how it's got you acting. If it's that serious, maybe us adults should handle it. Because that harassment of you really think about it bug. The last thing I would want is anyone harassing you and your friends."
"Do I have to?"
"Yes. Text her right now." I watched as my daughter told her friend everything, how is parents would get involved, and how I was standing directly over her.
"She's coming home from dance dad. Maybe you should tell her parents about this."
"I'm going to call them."
My Bedroom (Allie's Perspective)
"Thanks for telling me." Joy said. She gave me a hug and smiled.
"How are you smiling?"
"Because I stopped caring about him a while back. Just gotta block and move on."
"Yeah..and I'm pretty sure his phone is taken."
"Might be just a bit more than that. Bro I think our parents hate each other." We both laughed and then turned on some Netflix.
"This is why I love Betty!"
"Nah, Veronica's more my style."
"You're just saying that because you guys look similar."
"You're always doing this!" I turned off Riverdale and went into my snack drawer.
"This is gonna be a fun sleepover already."
"Hush before someone comes!" I whispered playfully. I brought out some snacks and we just sat and talked.
"Hey, we're gonna order pizza."
"Alright, can you leave now please? You're very annoying and ugly. Refreshing faces only."
"You're so mean to him."
"Because I don't like him. Shoo."
"You're rude." He said before leaving my bedroom. I snickered and then burped, loudly.
"And you're the one telling me to not blow our cover. Lmao."
"Man, that wasn't intentional!"
"But it happened, did it not?!"
"It did..."
Just a lil mini date (Joshua's Perspective)
"I like our little after school things."
"Me too. Too bad we only got thirty minutes and then I'm off to dance." Allison sipped her bubble tea and let out one of those cute smiles.
"I'm going to need you to stop smiling like that."
"I can't help but smile. What can I do about it?!"
"Not smile."
"You're a piece of work. Ugh, this boba is so good."
"You get the same thing every time we come here."
"Because it's the best drink. Period."
"You're always saying that. But anyways, my family and I are going to dinner Saturday. Wanna come?"
"Dinner? What are you guys eating?"
"Cool. I'll ask my parents. But, I've been wanting to talk to you about something."
"Hit me."
"You know how I've told you about my flashbacks and so, and how I told you something happened to me?"
"Yeah, never questioned it. Why?"
"I'll tell you one day."
"Just like how we'll make out one day."
"You're funny. Remember our first 'kiss' last year?"
"That was so awkward. It wasn't even a real kiss. I feel like it doesn't count because all you did was press your lips against mines."
"There was no smooch as you said."
September 21st (Last Year)
"So we're gonna kiss now or-" Allie pressed her lips against mine and it felt really weird. It wasn't a true kiss or anything but I'd still call it that. Our lips did touch! It was weird because I felt really tingly and all inside. I have never felt that way before.
"Well...that was weird."
"Yeah...but I kind of liked it."
"Me too.."
End Of Flashback
"Oh my god, let me start going to dance class."
"I'll walk you."
"How sweet." We walked down Amsterdam Avenue and just talked. Like regular people. That's what I love about Allison. She's famous, her family is richer than mines, and she doesn't rub it in your face at all. In fact, she's probably the most normal rich person I've ever met.
"Thanks for walking me. You didn't have too."
"Anything for you."
"Love you,"
"Love you too. Do good at dance."
"As always."
LAX International Airport (Mariska's Perspective)
"Mariska!" Allison just followed me and I made sure she got into the car.
"We're leaving in a bit." She watched as I signed autographs and we drove off.
"Why couldn't Amaya come on this trip with us?"
"Well, Daddy and I figured last minute that it'd be better for her to stay home. We also talked to her and she said she wasn't feeling too good."
"Oh yeah she's been sick." Allison looked out of the window and then smiled at me.
"Maybe it was for the best. Is she gonna go to the doctor?"
"Yeah Dad's taking her."
"That's good."
"Allie, I think that it just being you and I will be amazing for our relationship. Right? We can talk, have that mother daughter time together. Isn't that great?" She nodded and looked at her phone. She wasn't too impressed and I didn't know what to do. We rarely got to have those mother daughter moments anymore. Peter has been home lately since he's on break and they've had so many precious moments together. I just want that as well.
4 years ago
"Mama?" 8 year old Allie came towards me and sat next to me.
"Hey buttercup." I was on the computer getting some work done as I was just casually sipping some tea while doing so.
"Can I have some tea Mama?"
"Of course, have the rest of mine."
"Thanks." I smiled and watched as she drank the rest of my tea.
"I like it."
"It's camomile. But what are you doing up so early lovie?"
"I wanted to spend time with you. Before everyone else wakes up."
"That's so sweet. Come here." She sat in my lap and I gave her a kiss.
"Wanna tell me about your classes?"
"It was good. But I can't wait for fourth grade."
"Yeah, you're going to be amazing. We just didn't want to put you in school right away."
"Mama, I wanna tell you a secret."
"What is it?"
"Don't tell anyone, but Daddy has a clown nose. He owns one! I saw it."
"Yeah!" I tickled her and she giggled quietly, mindful of everyone else who was asleep.
Los Angeles, CA (Allie's Perspective)
"Morning babe." I sat at the table and scrolled through my phone.
"Yeah? Sorry."
"I really wanted to spend time with you this trip and you haven't really been talking. What's the matter?"
"Nothing Mama."
"Okay, so why aren't you talking to me the way you used to?" I shrugged.
"Are you becoming a teenager?"
"I just turned 12, how could I be turning a teenager." I replied.
"Okay, the sassy approach." My Mom kept studying me and playing with my hair, probably wondering about how she would talk to me.
"So what do you wanna talk about?"
"Whatever. Doesn't really matter to me."
"I heard about that show stranger things."
"You're late..."
"Allison, I don't know what to do anymore."
"What do you mean?"
"You seem very bored with me." I shrugged and Mom looked at me.
"Alright, you can go if you want. I can't impress you."

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