The End Of Terror

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I had just gotten back from my sleepover and it looks like I missed a lot. I could tell because everyone was acting just a little bit different today.
"What's wrong?"
"Don't worry about it."
"Why does something always happen when I'm away?" I sipped my water and my Mother was cleaning.
"Are you okay Mama?"
"I'm just fine honey."
"Okay..." I took some more water and watched as Mama made a phone call. I realized that August wasn't here.
"Mama?" She put up her finger and kept talking.
"I just wanna know what's going on!" I rolled my eyes and went into the boys room.
"Hey Andy!"
"Hi Allie. I've been waiting for you to come home. Maybe I'll find out something!
"Because it's been so boring around here because of August."
"What about August." Andrew didn't say anything and put his toy down.
"Andy, what is it?"
"August said some bad things to Mama. And they took him to see someone about it. He's with Dad right now."
"He's going to therapy." I whispered.
"Yeah, that's what it was called. Will he be okay?"
"He will. I'm going to go talk to Mama okay. I'll be right back." He nodded and I got up. I went back to the kitchen and stared Mama down.
"Yes Allison?"
"You know why I'm looking at you like this. Stop hiding it from me!" She let out a sigh and told me to come into her room. She closed the door and told me to sit down on her bed.
"Why did August have to go to therapy?" She drank some water and started to rub my shoulder.
"We've been holding it off for months. We thought that maybe August was going through some type of a faze and that's why we tried to stay away from that approach. But it's getting worse and worse by the day. He had to."
"But for what? That's what I'm more interested in knowing."
"He's hiding something, I don't know what it is and neither does your father know. He's not like you. Where you eventually let it out. August used to be very open but I guess middle school changed him."
Joy's House
"Joy I'm here, can you please hurry! I don't wanna be late to such an amazing event."
"I'm coming! Just let me get some perfume on!"
"If I were you I'd just leave now."
"I should leave now." I joked.
"I'm coming!" She walked down the stairs with her hair curled and her lip gloss shining.
"Are you ready Miss?"
"Mhm. Let's go."
"Bye Mom!"
"Bye guys! Have a good time."
"We sure will! Have a great day." I said as we left. We walked down the steps and giggled.
"This is literally going to be so much fun! We get to see cute boys!" Joy broke up with Cody a while back and I was insanely proud of her for that. She didn't deserve a loser like him.
"Let's take it slow Joy. You can be a single Pringle for a while longer, can't you?"
"I guess."
"Maybe the best time to think about that would be 7th grade. I think right now you need the time to figure everything out."
"Makes sense." We crossed the street and we went into Starbucks for a drink.
"This is great. So basically, we're gonna go to their meet and greet and then do what?"
"Get food. Go to k-town and go home I guess." My phone rung.
"Yes Daddy?"
"You need to come home."
"What- Why?"
"I'll explain when you come home."
"But I paid for this whole meet and greet. Can't it wait?!"
"No, don't raise your voice at me young lady. Come home." I hung up on him angrily.
"What's wrong?"
"He said I have to come home."
"What? But you paid with your own money for this thing! And if you're not going what's the point of me going?"
"I guess we both have to go home." My dad called me back and I declined out of anger. I've waited months for this day and you're telling me to come home?! No way!
Home (Peter's Perspective)
"She's not answering me."
"I wouldn't want to answer you either. She's waited months for this day and you tell her to come home. Let her go Peter."
"So we're just going to ignore the fact that some August made serious allegations against her?"
"The fact that you believe August still is concerning me. He's mad because we've finally caught up to him. Let her go." I called back Allie and told her to proceed going to her meet and greet. Mariska did have a point. It wasn't fair that I'd hold her back from one of her lifelong dreams just because our eldest son is having issues.
"I'm still mad at you Dad!" She said before hanging up. I sighed and put my glasses back on.
"I'll talk to her when she comes home." Mariska said.
"You better start thinking about how to make her happy. Or explaining why you were about to make her come home."
"I think it's better you tell her that." She raised her eyebrows.
"I think the person who upset her should be the one to break it to her." She gave me a kiss and then left.
My Parents Room (Allie's Perspective)
"Why were you going to make me come home?"
"Because of August."
"I'm tired of this! I really am! Everything is August this and that. He's ruining my life with his craziness!"
"Allison, you need to be more understanding when it comes to your brother."
"No, don't tell me what to do! I don't have to be understanding. Not when he's accusing me of doing stuff that I never did to save his disgusting behind. He's playing you guys."
"Something is genuinely wrong with him Allie, just let us ask you some questions."
"Why should I really sit here and let you ask me questions about August to see if I did something to him Daddy? So you're telling me you believe him?"
"Were just trying to get all decided of the story."
"I said, Do you believe him?!"

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