You Say What?!

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A/N: In honor of Allie's 13th birthday coming up, I decided to write two throwback chapters! Enjoy!

Manhattan, New York (5 years ago)
(Mariska's Perspective)
"Hahaha!" Allie laughed as Peter made an array of silly faces. She hasn't been talking much these days, so to see her giggle her heart out makes me smile. We learned the other day about Allie's abuse and we haven't taken it lightly. It's horrible to know that your daughter's been molested.

Celia Lopez: I've found the files, it says that Allie's brother, Felix is alive. Not dead as she claims.

The glass of coffee fell out of my hands.
"Mama had an accident." Andrew said while running for paper towels.
"Mariska, are you okay?! Andrew, be careful, get down, please. I know you want help but there's glass everywhere, buddy."
"I-I'm fine." I said as Allie popped up. She ran up and hugged me as if she knew that something was up.
"Thank you bug, you're so kind." I gave my 8-year-old a kiss before asking the kids to go color.
"What happened? You just don't go around dropping glasses like nothing." I put my hand over my heart.
"The um, Allie's social worker texted."
"And what? Did something happen?"
"Her brother's alive, Peter." And there went the roll of paper towels in his hand; straight into the puddle of coffee.
Two Days Later (Mama's Trailer) (Allie's Perspective)
"Are you hungry?" I nodded.
"Alright then, let's go grab lunch. Aunt Brooke told me about this place that she likes to go to with Grier and Rowan. It's Italian and they have the best margarita pizza!" I jumped up. I love margarita pizza!
"Grab Melodie quickly and we'll go." I grabbed my doll and we headed outside.
"Are you feeling better today? Closer to talking?" Mama asked. I made the so-so sign and she nodded.
"Whenever you're ready, honey." She said as she started the car. As Mama drove I looked outside. I like my new life, I love my Mama and Dad, I love my brothers and sister, but why can't I be happy? Why can't I talk?
"We're here, princess!" The lump in my throat got even harder.
"Table for two please!" We got seated at a table right away and got our menus.
"This Caprese salad looks good for an appetizer, huh?" I didn't respond. I haven't talked in a while and my parents have gotten used to it, sometimes when I don't respond they think I didn't hear.
"What do you think, ladybug?" I nodded. Mama ordered for us and when they took our menus away she smiled.
"How have you been feeling my sweetest? A bit better? Dad and I want to talk to you about something, so I wanna know how you're doing first before we tell you." She took out the notepad and paper and handed them to me.

"Write how you feel."


"Why do you feel bad?" I started to cry.
"Oh, Allie."
"I'm a sad girl. I'll never be happy. You don't deserve to have a sad daughter. You deserve a happy one. You can take me back to foster care." I said.
"No, I-I will never do that. Dad and I are here for you. We are so lucky to have you, just as you are! We wouldn't have you any other way!"
"But I'm a sad girl. I don't talk."
"Honey, you're not a sad girl, you're a vibrant, lively, hilarious little lady, but you happen to be sad right now, and that is okay. There is nothing wrong with being sad and wanting to cry, but when we don't find a way to resolve those feelings, they start to eat away at you."
"Like right now." She nodded.
"What Felix did is always gonna make me sad, but talking about it helps." I said. That's what I got from therapy.
"That's right....and you know, you can talk to me about it whenever you feel ready. Take your time, okay?"
"Yes, Mom."
"I love you, okay?"
"I love you too." I gave her a big cuddle and she smiled.
"C-Can we talk about it, at home?? When I'm ready."
"Of course."
April 6th (Peter's Perspective)
"Okay guys, huddle up." My four kids approached and I wrapped my arms around them.
"I'm going to be going away for a while."
"Where are you going?" August asked.
"It's a surprise, but I'll be gone for a couple of days and I want you guys to be on your best behavior for your Mother, Anne, Gloria, and your teachers. Understand?" The kids nodded.
"I love you guys, hugs and kisses." The littles showered me with love and the older kids kept it simple.
"Alright, I gotta go." Mariska put down her glass of lemon water and kissed me.
"Stay safe. Call me when you get there. Don't do anything crazy."
"Don't worry M, it's alright."
"I'm serious Peter. Please. Please don't do what I know you want to do, it won't end well, and we have 4 children at stake."
"I'm not going to do anything. I just have some business to handle. Remember to talk to Allie."
"I will."Mariska hugged me and bade me a farewell. I couldn't help but notice Allie clutching to Mariska as I left.
9:30 PM
I've been driving for two hours now. I can't believe that I'm doing this right now. It honestly just started as a thought. Ever since Mariska and I got our hands on the file, I've been wanting to see it for myself.

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